
Ted Cruz Has No Health Insurance 'Because of Obamacare'

Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz cited President Barack Obama's signature healthcare law as the reason he no longer has healthcare insurance.

2016 Presidential Candidate Marco Rubio Says Donald Trump Is Not 'Ready' for Presidency

Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio took a jab at GOP front-runner Donald Trump at a campaign stop in New Hampshire, saying the real estate tycoon is not "ready" to become the leader of the free world.

Texas Women Pawning Wedding Rings, Personal Items to Fund Abortion Care Needs?

Due to the strict abortion policies in Texas, more than half of the clinics in the state were forced to close.

Who Is 'La Barbie?' Life Story of Eccentric Mexican Drug Lord Poised for Hollywood Movie

Edgar Valdez Villarreal, 42, was extradited to the United States in 2015 and pleaded guilty to charges of drug trafficking and money laundering in Atlanta

Republican Candidate Ted Cruz Is the Least Favorite of Senate Republicans?

As the 2016 Elections is fast approaching, presidential candidates are caught in the middle of different opinions as to their eligibility and their effect on the political arena if they will be seated in the White House as the U.S. President.

Latino Consultant Joins Hillary Clinton Strategy Team to Reach Out to Hispanics

A new presidential campaign consultant and marketing research expert has joined Hillary Clinton’s team to boost her reputation and position among Hispanics.

GOP Candidates in Favor of Waterboarding Except Ted Cruz

Ted Cruz is the only GOP candidate that is against waterboarding. "If we capture any of them alive, they are getting a one-way ticket to Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, and we are going to find out everything they know.

David Cameron Defends Sovereignty of Falkland Islands

Prime Minister David Cameron on his first meeting with Argentine President Mauricio Macri discussed the current sovereignty of the Falkland Islands.

2016 Presidential Election Spending: Rubio, Bush Outspend Trump, Cruz, Clinton, Sanders Combined

Presidential campaigns and Super PACs are making the 2016 election season one of the most expensive contests of all time.

Progress, Setbacks for Obama's Latino Judicial Nominees

There appears to be progress and setbacks with President Barack Obama's Latino judicial nominees.

Flint Water Crisis: Obama Addresses Crisis During Michigan Visit

President Barack Obama touched down in Michigan on Wednesday where he delivered a speech addressing the man-made water crisis in Flint that has exposed the entire community to toxic levels of lead.

How Supreme Court Hearing Obama’s Immigration Case May Affect the 2016 Presidential Election

With the future of 4.3 undocumented immigrants resting in the Supreme Court's decision, the consequenses of that verdict will have detrimental effects on one political party's message.

GOP Polls 2016: Trump Hits 48 Percent in Florida Poll

GOP front-runner Donald Trump has surged ahead in the Florida polls, according to a January report from Florida Atlantic University.

Attorney General Loretta Lynch Defends Obama's Gun Control Executive Actions

Attorney General Loretta Lynch fiercely defended the legality of President Barack Obama's recent executive actions on gun control, arguing that his proposal wasn't "chipping away at the Second Amendment."

'Pawn Stars' Rick Harrison Endorses Marco Rubio in New Campaign Ad

The presidential campaign for Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., released a new advertisement on Thursday featuring a glowing endorsement from "Pawn Stars" star Rick Harrison.

Senate Democrats Block GOP Effort to Tighten Syrian Refugee Screening Process

A Republican-backed proposal to tighten screening procedures on refugees fleeing war from Syria and Iraq was blocked by Democrats in the Senate on Wednesday.

Treasury Secretary Urges Congress to Rescue Puerto Rico From Debt Crisis

U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew paid a visit to Puerto Rico, where he held a press conference urging Congress to take action to help alleviate the island's massive debt and humanitarian crisis.

Iowa Governor Urges People to Not Vote for Ted Cruz

Republican Governor Terry Branstad has urged his fellow Iowans to not vote for GOP presidential candidate Ted Cruz. Branstad has not endorsed any other Republican candidates but opposed Cruz less than two weeks before the caucuses in the state.

Chilean Administrator Attacks Venezuelan President for Abusing Women

JorgeTarud calls Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro "a piece of s--t." "You're a piece of s--t, a fascist who abuses women, I dare you to come to Chile.

Another Latino-Owned Business Vandalized in Pittsburgh

The person wrote, “Go back to Mexico.” A Latino-owned business was recently vandalized on Broadway Avenue in Pittsburgh. The owners, however, remain unfazed by the incident.
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