
Ricky Martin Stands With Hillary Clinton's 'LGBT for Hillary' Campaign

In effort to rally LGBT voters, 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton officially launched "LGBT for Hillary" on Monday with Boricua singer Ricky Martin.

GOP Debate Las Vegas Preview: Latino Leaders Rally Against Hateful Campaign Rhetoric Ahead Debate

Ahead of Tuesday evening’s Republican presidential debate, Latino advocates and groups are further dissecting the GOP’s “extreme” and “hateful” rhetoric on the campaign trail.

Immigration News Today: Martin O'Malley Meets With Hunger Strikers, Immigrant Detainee Family

Democratic presidential candidate Martin O’Malley met with hunger strikers and immigrant detainees on Tuesday ahead of his immigration address at the National Immigrant Integration Conference.

Clinton Campaign Outreach Director Lorella Praeli Becomes Naturalized Citizen

Lorella Praeli, a staffer for Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign woman who was brought to the U.S. illegally as a child, is set to become a U.S. citizen.

Presidential Poll 2016: Democrats, Republicans Have Stark Differences About State of the Country

A new poll finds that Democrats and Republicans have vastly different opinions on fundamental questions about the state of our country and the best type of candidate that would be best to solve pressing issues in the nation.

Hillary Clinton Defends Immigrants Against GOP Rhetoric, Receives Rep. Luis Gutierrez's Endorsement

Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton received the endorsement of Rep. Luis Gutierrez and reiterated her immigration stance despite activists protesting her policies.

Presidential Poll 2016: Clinton Loses to Rubio, Defeats Trump in General Election

A new poll shows that independent and Hispanic voters would help Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton easily defeat GOP front-runner Donald Trump in a hypothetic general election match-off, but she could still lose against Marco Rubio.

Tech Titans' FWD.us Campaign Hammers Trump's Mass Deportation Plans with '11 Million Stories' Video

The biggest names in Silicon Valley, including Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Marissa Mayer and more, have spoken up against Trump's proposal for deporting millions of immigrants in a new FWD.us campaign called "11 Million Stories."

Marco Rubio Criticized for Blocking Confirmation Vote of US Ambassador to Mexico

Latino members of Congress have urged Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., to stop blocking the confirmation of the next U.S. ambassador to Mexico.

2016 Presidential Race: Ted Cruz Cites 'Flashdance' in Response to Donald Trump Criticism

Republican presidential candidates Donald Trump and Ted Cruz sparred with one another on social media Sunday, in a feud motivating by the Texas senator passing the businessman in latest Iowa polls.

Congressional Hispanic Caucus: GOP Senate Obstructing Latino Judicial Nominees' Confirmation

The Congressional Hispanic Caucus have called on Senate Republicans to expedite the confirmation votes for four Latino judicial nominees.

Republican Presidential Debate 2015 Info: Donald Trump vs. Ted Cruz in Fifth GOP Showdown

The fifth Republican presidential debate scheduled for December 15 in Las Vegas is shaping up as a mega-battle between suddenly growing enemies Donald Trump and Ted Cruz.

Marco Rubio on Obamacare: GOP Candidate, Family Receives ACA Benefits, Still Calls for Law's Repeal

Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio has long criticized the Affordable Care Act (ACA), but reports indicate his family has health insurance by the same law.

Presidential Polls 2016: Most Wealthy GOP Voters Support Marco Rubio

In addition to landing multiple endorsements from several billionaire donors, a new poll shows that Sen. Marco Rubio is the top GOP presidential candidate among wealthy voters.

Mike Seely Taps Into the Complex World of Deported Vets in 'Exiled' [EXCLUSIVE]

Mike Seely talks about his documentary "Exiled" and deported veterans. Imagine this scenario: You serve your adopted country, the United States of America, in the military.

Republican Presidential Polls 2016: Donald Trump Still Lapping Field, Numbers not Hurt by Muslims Ban Comments

Donald Trump continues to hold a commanding lead in his 2016 Republican run for the White House despite recently calling for a ban on all Muslims seeking to enter the U.S.

Rubio, Cruz Jockey to (One Day) Succeed GOP Front-Runner Trump

GOP rivals Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz still hope that the Trump's fall is just a question of time - and are now jockeying to be first in line to replace Trump as their party's front-runner.

Obama Signs New Sweeping Education Bill to Rewrite No Child Left Behind

After more than a decade of national debate and public backlash over the No Child Left Behind law, President Barack Obama signed a bill on Thursday that drastically scales back the federal government's role in the U.S. public school system.

Election 2016: Marco Rubio Lands Major Endorsement From Billionaire Donor

Billionaire hedge fund manager Ken Griffin announced that he is backing Marco Rubio's 2016 presidential campaign.

GOP Candidates 2016: Ben Carson Threatens GOP Amid Donald Trump Coup Talk

Ben Carson took a page from his GOP rival Donald Trump on Friday and threatened to mount an independent run for president after rumors emerged that Republican National Committee (RNC) heavyweights were prepping for a potential brokered convention amid establishment candidates' low poll numbers.
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