
GOP Debate 2015 Review: Chris Christie, Bobby Jindal Dominate Undercard Debate, Attacks Clinton

The fourth Republican presidential debate focused on the economy and social services with four candidates who failed to reach the main debate criteria.

Did Ben Carson Refuse a DNA Test to Settle a 'Blackmail' Paternity Suit?

Did presidential candidate Ben Carson refuse a DNA test to settle a "blackmail" paternity suit?

Obama Immigration Action Lawsuit: DAPA, DACA Temporary Injunction Risks Billions in Potential Revenue

President Barack Obama’s November 2014 immigration executive actions are still in limbo following an appellate court’s ruling, and it may cost billions of dollars in potential revenue.

Luis Coronel, Chiquis Rivera and More Take Down Donald Trump in 'Bad Blood' Parody Video [Watch]

The regional Mexican music artists took part in a star-studded parody of Taylor Swift's hit song and video.

NSA Bulk Phone Records Collection 'Likely Violates the Constitution': Judge

A federal judge has ruled that the National Security Agency's controversial phone metadata collection is likely unconstitutional and has ordered an immediate stop to the program. Though the decision comes as the NSA's program, in its current form, is set to expire in weeks, the ruling sets an important precedent for privacy rights.

Donald Trump on Starbucks: GOP Presidential Candidates Suggests Boycott Over Controversial Holiday Cups

2016 Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump called for a boycott on Starbucks in light of the coffee company's decision to remove Christmas symbols from its holiday-themed cups, which some Christians find offensive.

2016 Presidential Race: Trump Slams Carson Over Stabbing Story, 'SNL' Criticism

Ben Carson's claims of having had a violent temper as a youth likely spell the beginning of the end of his presidential campaign, his Republican rival Donald Trump predicted on Sunday.

GOP Debate Milwaukee: Bush, Rubio Likely to Go After Each Other in Tonight's GOP Debate

Observers expect the relationship between Marco Rubio and his former mentor Jeb Bush to further disintegrate tonight, as the two Republican presidential candidates are likely to attack each other fiercely during their party's fourth presidential debate.

Obama, Netanyahu Hold White House Meeting to Reset Ties, Discuss Peace in Middle East

U.S. President Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met face-to-face on Monday for the first time in more than a year in effort to squash their longtime discord and discuss solutions to reach peace between Israel and Palestine.

Immigration News: DAPA, DACA Expansion Blocked by Fifth Circuit Appeals Court

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit ruled to uphold the decision to block President Barack Obama’s 2014 deferred action programs, affecting nearly 4.9 million eligible undocumented immigrants.

TURNOUT: Republicans 'Need to Be Constructive' on Immigration to Engage Latinos, Says Alfonso Aguilar

According to Alfonso Aguilar, quoting President Ronald Reagan, "Latinos are Republicans. They just don't know it."

Immigration News 2015: Texas 'Sanctuary Cities' Sheriffs Risk State Grant Funds, Says Texas Gov. Abbott

In response to the "sanctuary cities" debate and one Texas sheriff's challenge to not comply with federal law enforcement's request on detained immigrants, Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has warned the withdrawal of future state funds.

Democratic Presidential Candidates Bernie Sanders, Martin O'Malley Amplify Immigration Reform Platforms

Democratic presidential candidates Bernie Sanders and Martin O'Malley have further detailed their respective plans for immigration reform.

Ted Cruz Presidential Campaign: Texas Senator Views Marco Rubio as Key Rival for GOP Nomination

Republican presidential hopeful Ted Cruz is less worried about current front-runners Donald Trump and Ben Carson and instead already focusing on Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., apparently seeing him as his key obstacle to winning the party's 2016 White House nomination.

Marco Rubio Credit Card News: Amid Scrutiny, Rubio Releases Credit Card Statements

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, whose personal finance have increasingly drawn scrutiny from some of his GOP White House rivals, on Saturday released previously secret records that appear to show his use of a Florida Republican Party credit card for personal expenses.

National Latino Group Launches 'Unprecedented' Voter Education Push in Swing States

With Election Day 2016 now less than a year away, the call for Latinos to register to vote will enhance with a new education campaign, notably in key battleground states.

Republican 2016 Presidential Polls: Donald Trump, Ben Carson Still Leading GOP Race

Donald Trump and Ben Carson remain locked in a virtual tie atop the 2016 Republican presidential field, but Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz both show signs of picking up steam.

Ben Carson Wants Puerto Rico to Be a US State

On Sunday retired surgeon turned presidential hopeful, Ben Carson, expressed his desire to see Puerto Rico become the 51st state.

After Cringeworthy Joke Throwing on SNL, Donald Trump Uplifts Ego: 'It Was Very Well Received'

Donald Trump continues to be the confident man he is, as he gave high regard of himself for his appearance in "Saturday Night Life" despite critiques saying that his stint was "rarely funny."

APEC Summit 2015: Philippines Sheds $212 Million to Host Meet

The Philippines shed at least $212 million to host the 2015 APEC Summit as the government sees the convention as a huge investment for the country.
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