
US Debt Ceiling Latest News Update: US Treasury to Run Out of Money by Nov. 3

As Congress continues to deal with the U.S. debt ceiling, the Treasury Department says it will run out of money by Nov. 3.

Iran, Saudi Arabia in Face-to-Face Talk for the First Time About Syria Crisis

In light of the continuous Syrian civil war, it has been recently announced that Iran and arch-rival Saudi Arabia will be attending Friday's conference in Vienna for the first time in the hopes of finally closing the unfortunate chapter of Syria in its four years of civil war.

GOP Debate CNBC 2015 Recap: Marco Rubio Shines as Media, CNBC Heavily Criticized

Sen. Marco Rubio was front and center with nine Republican presidential candidates for the third GOP debate.

GOP Debate 2015 Recap: Jindal, Graham, Pataki, Santorum Talk Economy in Early Debate

The third Republican presidential debate focused on the country’s economy, and it comes as the House of Representatives passed H.R. 1314 -- the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015 -- but foreign policy also dominated the evening.

Jeb Bush on Immigration: Testy Exchange With DREAMer Student Over Immigration Reform

Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush nearly lost his cool when he was questioned by an undocumented immigrant student about his stance on immigration reform.

Latino Republicans Blast Donald Trump, Warn GOP Candidates to Not to Use Inflammatory Language Against Latinos

A coalition of Hispanic conservative groups and activists delivered a stern message to the Republican candidates running in the 2016 presidential race, warning them not to engage in inflammatory anti-immigration rhetoric or else they will risk losing their support in the general election.

Paul Ryan Speaker of the House Vote: House Republicans Nominate Ryan as New House Speaker

House Republicans nominated Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wisc. to be their nominee for the next Speaker of the House.

Latinas Require Bachelor's or Higher to Match Non-Hispanic White Men's Average Pay Wage

The National Women’s Law Center (NWLC) revealed Latinas currently earn an average $0.55 for every dollar a non-Hispanic male makes.

GOP Debate Preview: Focus on Front-Runners Ben Carson, Donald Trump

Wednesday night's Republican presidential debate, hosted by CNBC, is the first encounter during which Donald Trump is seeing his front-runner status seriously challenged.

Donald Trump on SNL: NBC Refuses to Concede to Latinos' Call to Dump Trump's SNL Hosting Gig

In spite of mounting backlash from Latino advocacy groups, NBC is not backing down from its decision to allow 2016 presidential Republican Donald Trump to host "Saturday Night Live" on Nov. 7.

Mike Tyson Endorses Donald Trump: 'Should be President of the United States'

Although Donald Trump might be slipping in the polls, there is at least one heavyweight champ standing in his corner: Mike Tyson.

Immigration Reform News Today: Conservative Leaders Challenge GOP Presidential Candidates to Support Reform

Ahead of the third Republican presidential debate, conservatives are challenging the GOP candidates to support immigration reform.

Hillary Clinton on Late Show with Stephen Colbert: Bailouts, Benghazi Jokes on Colbert Show

"Too big to fail" would not define her approach to a situation such as the 2007 financial crisis, Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton told Stephen Colbert in a "Late Show" interview on Tuesday night.

Donald Trump Poll Stats: 1 in 10 Hispanics View Trump Positively

Despite Donald Trump's claims that he will somehow win the Latino vote, his assertion is looking increasingly unlikely based on new polling data.

Ben Carson Polls Today: National Poll Declares Carson New GOP Front-Runner

After months of leading in the 2016 Republican presidential race, Donald Trump has fallen to second place, according to a new national poll.

Malia Obama Makes Time's 'Most Influential Teens' of 2015 List

It turns out that only one of the first daughters has made the cut in Time Magazine's 2015 "Most Influential Teens" list.

Donald Trump Motivating Latinos, Youth to Vote, Says Latino Congressman

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is motivating Latinos and the youth to vote, according to Rep. Luis Gutierrez.

Immigrant Households Have Billions in Spending Power, Says Denver-Area Report Ahead of GOP Debate in Colorado

Colorado, a swing state for the presidential election, has seen its immigrant population contribute billions of dollars in spending and tax power.

Obamacare Open Enrollment Facts: 7.5 Percent Premium Increase for Healthcare.gov 'Benchmark' Plans

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services revealed medical insurance premiums for 37 states without a state-based marketplace exchange will see an average 7.5 percent increase on basic plans.

Obama Issues Guidelines Reducing Standardized Tests in Schools

The Obama administration announced new guidelines that would limit the amount of standardized tests being administered to public school children.
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