New York City Mayor's Bill de Blasio received 85 percent of the Latino vote in his election, but his stock among Latino voters is starting to plummet, according to new poll figures.
White House officials detailed the most significant changes to U.S. and Cuba foreign policy in more than 50 years. During a conference call, a senior administration official acknowledged President Barack Obama's commitment to change policies that was originally viewed as a failure at the expense of advancing interests.
A bill passed by Congress last week and pending signature by President Barack Obama would require states to report the deaths of people of all genders and races held in policy custody.
U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., has criticized the Obama administration's plans to renew diplomatic relations with Cuba, but his sentiments were not shared among millennials and scholars.
On Wednesday, the White House announced in a press release that President Barack Obama granted clemency, consisting of eight commutations and 12 pardons, to 20 prisoners,
The Republican Party's control of the upcoming 114th Congress continued to grow with confirmation results of the last congressional election race in Arizona.
The Governor of New York announced Wednesday during a year-end cabinet meeting the state will prohibit fracking for natural gas, citing unresolved health concerns and questionable economic benefits.
The head of a top federal immigration agency has urged undocumented immigrants to utilize the temporary legal status opportunities provided by President Barack Obama's executive actions.
The Supreme Court on Wednesday barred the state of Arizona from denying immigrants that were granted legal status in 2012 from getting their driver's licenses, according to Reuters.
The U.S. Senate confirmed Sarah Saldaña, U.S. attorney for the Northern District of Texas, as the next director the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency, whose appointment was met with praise from legal and immigration experts and advocates.
For the first time, young Arizona immigrants known as "dreamers" will be permitted to get driver's licenses now that the U.S. Supreme Court overruled Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer's executive order which blocked young immigrants with legal status from getting a license.
President Obama announced the U.S. will re-establish its diplomatic relations with Cuba, and open economic and travel ties between the two nations after a decades-long embargo.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced approximately 2.5 million health insurance plans were selected since the start of the second open enrollment period, while calls from Spanish-speaking prospective enrollees are up by nearly 30 percent.
The Obama Administration announced this week the opening of the nation's largest family immigration detention center in the rural Southern Texas town of Dilley. The center is being converted from former oil field workers camp and being prepared as authorities brace for another influx of mothers and children from across the U.S. border.
After months of indecision, the U.S. Senate has approved Dr. Vivek Murthy as surgeon general. Murthy proved a controversial pick because of his comments concerning the NRA and gun control reform.
Families of nine of the victims killed at the Sandy Hook Elementary School, and an injured teacher, filed a lawsuit in Connecticut state court on Monday against the manufacturer of the rifle used in the 2012 massacre, plus the distributor and the gun store where it was sold.
On Monday, speaking inside a New Jersey airplane hangar to 3,000 troops, President Barack Obama gave his assessment of the Islamic terrorists in Syria and Iraq, stating boldly that the U.S. is "hammering these terrorists."
The Department of Motor Vehicles in California is gearing up for an expected flood of new applicants next year once a law allowing undocumented immigrants to apply for driver's licenses goes into effect on Jan. 2.