
Immigration Laws and Legislation 2014: Four More States Join Texas-led Immigration Lawsuit

Four more states have joined a Texas-led coalition that seeks to sue the Obama administration an over executive action on immigration announced last month wherein the president's unilaterally moved to spare millions of people living illegally in the United States from deportation.

President Obama to Give $1 Billion to Preschools

President Barack Obama promoted a new $1 billion package of combined public and private funding for U.S. preschool programs during a White House summit.

Obama Job Approval Rating 2014: High Disapproval for Immigration Executive Action, Economy and Foreign Policy Management

President Barack Obama's job approval rating continued to decline, based on new polling data conducted after the midterm elections, and his handling on immigration has been viewed with unpopular opinion.

US Secretary of State John Kerry Criticized for Asking for 'Open-Ended Authorization' for Military to Fight ISIS Terrorist Group

On Tuesday, Secretary of State John Kerry appeared before a Senate committee to ask the U.S. legislature for greater powers in the fight against ISIS. These would give the U.S. military greater freedom in its current fight but also blur the extent of American involvement.

Obama Executive Actions on Immigration: President Explains Executive Actions, Legal Constraints in Nashville Town Hall

President Barack Obama addressed and answered questions on immigration Nashville, Tennessee, a location he viewed as "one of the fastest-growing immigrant populations in the country."

Central Park Five File Lawsuit Against New York Seeking $52 Million on Damages For Wrongful Imprisonment

The Central Park Five have filed a lawsuit seeking $52 million in damages against New York State in the court of claims for wrongful imprisonment. The five men received a $41 million settlement in a lawsuit for the some charge against New York City in September, without the city admitting culpability and law enforcement misconduct. Their claim was reactivated when the city settled.

Immigration Reform News 2014: Mayors From 25 Cities Discuss Implementing Obama's Immigration Relief

Mayors from 25 U.S. cities met in New York City for a summit to discuss groundwork to implement President Obama's executive action to provide immigration relief to millions of undocumented people nationwide. The group worked out coordinating and sharing expertise, and strategies to push for immigration reform.

Immigration Reform News 2014: Federal Judge In Obama's Reform Lawsuit Already Criticizes Policy

The federal judge selected to rule on a pending multi-state lawsuit over President Barack Obama's executive action on immigration reform has already been critical of the president's immigration policy.

US Senate Passes Bill Allowing Sanctioning of Venezuela Officials Believed to Have Violated Venezuelan Protesters' Rights

On Monday, the U.S. Senate passed a bill that directs President Barack Obama to levy sanctions against Venezuelan government officials who are found to have violated the rights of anti-government protesters.

U.S. Latino Unemployment Rate Drops in November: More Latinos Employed Than Latinas, 1.7 Million Hispanics Unemployed

While the overall U.S. unemployment rate was unchanged for November at 5.8 percent, the Latino unemployment rate, however, did drop across the nation during the same period.

Senate Torture Report Released: False Information Given Despite CIA Methods Including Forcing Liquefied Food Up a Detainee's Rectum

Senate Democrats release the summary report on interrogation techniques used by the CIA and their results.

Puerto Ricans in Florida 'the Key to Winning' Elections, But Voters Tend to Vote Less in Mainland Than When in Puerto Rico

Puerto Ricans are considered a sleeping giant of Florida voters with the power to make a big difference.

DOJ Racial Profiling Guidance 2014 Update: Revised Guidelines Have Immigrant, Minority, Religious Groups 'Dismayed' With Profiling Exemptions

The U.S. Department of Justice released new guidelines on profiling individuals, but immigrant, minority and religious rights groups remained concerned about exemptions for certain federal agencies.

Eric Garner Update: New York State Attorney General Requests "Special Prosecutor" In Cases Involving Unarmed Civilians

In the wake of the choking death of Eric Garner by a New York City police officer, state Attorney General Eric Schneiderman announced on Monday he'd asked Governor Cuomo to allow him to investigate, and if necessary, prosecute cases involving unarmed civilians killed by police officers.

2016 Presidential Election Candidates Odds: Hillary Clinton Dominates Polls vs. GOP's Ted Cruz, Chris Christie and Jeb Bush

Hillary Clinton's odds to win the 2016 presidential election continue to be positive against potential Republican Party candidates, especially against Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas.

Immigration News Today: Border Patrol, TSA Exempt from New Racial Profiling Policies by Justice Department

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder announced new guidance to ease racial profiling accusations, but immigrant rights groups have voiced concern about the new steps.

Louisiana Senate Runoff Election: Mary Landrieu Defeated, GOP Increases House, Senate Control for 114th Congress

The Republican Party gained a U.S. Senate seat for the 114th Congress as a result of Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu of Louisiana's loss to Republican candidate Bill Cassidy.

White House News: White House Declares Native America Youth In "National Crisis'

A White House report on Native American youth said they face education, socioeconomic, and health barriers that are "nothing short of a national crisis."

Robert Mugabe News and Quotes: Zimbabwe President Accuses His VP of Conspiring With U.S., Witches To Kill Him

Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe has just accused his Vice President Joice Mujuru of conspiring with the United States Embassy to have him murdered.

Immigration Reform 2014 News: Republicans Plan to Introduce Immigration Reform Bills in 2015

Republicans are planning legislation for 2015 on toughening the U.S.-Mexican border as a response to President Barack Obama's easing of immigration regulation by stopping the deportations of millions of undocumented residents.
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