
Midterm Election 2014: Texas Voter ID Law Reinstated by Appeals Court Despite Discriminatory Effect on Latino, Black Voters

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit reversed a district court judge's ruling and reinstated the strict voter identification law in Texas days before early voting begins.

Family of Republican Jeb Bush Will Effect His Decision to Run for President in 2016

While campaigning for his son George P. Bush to win the election for Texas Land Commissioner, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush discussed his family's opinion on him running for president in 2016.

Armando Bonilla, the First Hispanic Nominated to US Court of Federal Claims, Hopes a Trend Follows

Armando Bonilla, who has a chance to become the first Hispanic judge on the U.S. Court of Federal Claims, hopes his nomination will start a trend for future generations.

Michelle Obama 'Turnip for What' Video: First Lady Makes Health-Focused Video Based on DJ Snake, Lil John Song

First Lady Michelle Obama created an original and hilarious video response to advocate for healthy eating campaigning

Border Patrol Agents' Dogs May Get Advanced 'Futuristic' Collars to Help Better Secure US Border

According to sources, the Border Patrol might eventually use dog collars to better protect the United States border, but how realistic is this?

Democrat Challenger Marilinda Garcia Dismisses Comments That 'Drag Queens Are More Attractive' Than Republican New Hampshire Rep. Ann Kuster

U.S. Rep. Ann McLane Kuster and challenger New Hampshire state representative Marilinda Garcia have responded to a controversial comments by New Hampshire state representative Steve Vaillancourt that Kuster will lose the race because she is less attrative than a "drag queen."

Immigration Reform News 2014: Dozens Freed and Dozens Deported From New Mexico Immigration Detention Center

Sixty-eight immigrant detainees held at the Artesia Family Residential Center in New Mexico have been released, and more than a dozen were deported last week.

John Kerry Says Shootings, Hostage Situations in Eastern Ukraine 'Has to Stop,' in Speech Tackling Conflict With Russia

On Tuesday, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry spoke to reporters about the Russia-Ukraine conflict during a speech in Paris, France.

Obama Executive Actions on Immigration: 'Raw Politics' Behind Immigration Reform Delay, Boehner Says

When President Barack Obama announced a delay on his immigration executive action, he said politics was not behind the decision, but Speaker of the House John Boehner, R-Ohio, disagreed.

Texas Abortion Law Blocked by US Supreme Court

In another surprise intervention, the U.S. Supreme Court suspended on Tuesday a federal appeals court ruling that allowed Texas to enforce a law that required abortion clinics to upgrade their facilities to hospital level, according to the Associated Press.

Patrick Cannon Sentencing: Former Charlotte, North Carolina Mayor Sentenced to 44 Months for Public Corruption

The former mayor of Charlotte, the largest city in North Carolina, was sentenced to nearly four years in prison on public corruption charges on Tuesday.

Senate Election 2014: Kentucky Democrat Candidate Alison Lundergan Grimes Criticized for 'Illegal' Immigrant Statement

Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and Kentucky Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes had their first debate ahead of midterm Election Day, but it's the Democratic Senate candidate that's receiving criticism for her latest immigration campaign advertisement.

Are Republican Party Budget Cuts the Reason the CDC, NIH Don't Have an Ebola Vaccine Yet? [Video]

Could Republicans be to blame for the threat of Ebola in the United States? An ad titled "Republican Cuts Kill," released Sunday implies so.

Immigration News Today: Number of Unaccompanied, Undocumented Immigrants Apprehended by Border Patrol Up 77 Percent from 2013

U.S. Customs and Border Protection updated the number of undocumented immigrant children encountered on the southwest U.S. border.

Potential 2016 Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton: Russia President Vladimir Putin Is a Coldhearted Bully 'Trying to Rewrite Ukraine'

In a speech at a benefit dinner in Las Vegas on Monday, potential 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton emphasized the threat of Russian President Vladimir Putin and the importance of European countries becoming energy independent.

Arizona Sen. Ricardo Lara's Immigration Political Cartoon Offends Group Who Says 'White Senator Wouldn't Even Dare' Such Action [Video]

We the People Rising, a group based in California, is demanding that Arizona Sen. Ricardo Lara remove a cartoon from his office that implies that current immigration law is racist.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren Says President Obama 'Protected Wall Street Not Families'

Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren unleased harsh criticism against President Barack Obama for allegedly protecting Wall Street after the 2008 economic meltdown.

Seattle to Celebrate Indigenous People's Day on Columbus Day

Seattle will recognize Indigenous People's Day on Columbus Day on Monday by signing it into law. Minneapolis recognized it earlier this year, and efforts are afoot to change the name of the national holiday because it has painful associations for indigenous peoples.

Courts Protect Voters From Photo ID Restrictions for Now

Voters in Wisconsin and Texas for the moment are protected from voting ID laws that would have affecting their ability to vote in the November elections. But activists say the lack of concise instructions on voting rights is creating a roller coaster of expensive lawsuits fighting legal changes and voter harassment.

Georgia Election 2014 Update: Senate Candidates Michelle Nunn, David Perdue Tied Among Millennial Likely Voters

Senate Candidates Michelle Nunn, David Perdue Tied Among Millennial Likely Voters One U. S. Senate seat from Georgia is open, and the race is too narrow to call, especially among the millennial voting group.
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