Articles by Bernadette R Giacomazzo

Bernadette R Giacomazzo

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Apple iPad Air Release, Specs, and News: New iPad Air Concepts Released; More iPad Air 2 Details Leaked?

The next generation of Apple iPads is set to be released in 2014 -- if you believe the buzz around the blogosphere -- and a few specs have been leaked to the press about it. And, if you believe what some of the concepts are suggesting, the iPad Air 2 will be the best iPad yet!

Like Beyonce, Lady Gaga Encourages Paparazzi and Magazines to Photoshop Pictures of Her

Lady Gaga has a very specific request for those who deign to photograph Her Royal Weirdness: use Photoshop on her photos!

Cameron Diaz Pubic Hair Tour: Gambit Actress Continues to Promote Pubic Hair; Says "It's There for a Reason" in New Interview [VIDEO]

While out promoting her new films -- "The Other Woman" & "Gambit" -- actress (and Latina) Cameron Diaz continued to promote her "Body Book," as well as her "pubic hair" tour, where she promotes the benefits of, uh, intimate fur!

Does a New NASA Photo Taken on Mars Confirm the Existence of UFOs?

With the vastness of the universe being what it is, it's rather hard to believe that Earth is the only planet in the entirety of the universe that holds sustainable life. Whether the "life" on other planets includes little green men is, of course, up for debate, and quite highly unlikely. But to deny that any other form of life exists on any other planet, throughout all the galaxies in the entire vast universe, requires a suspension of reality that not even the most skeptical of scientists can accept.

Baby Attempted Murder Charge: Arrest Casts Light on Corrupt Pakistani Police Force

Those who complain about the corruption of the American justice system (and make no mistake, it is corrupt) should be grateful they live in America, and not in Pakistan. A spotlight is being shined on Pakistan's corrupt justice system -- and police force -- in the most egregious way: a 9-month-old baby is currently on the lam after being charged with attempted murder.

Bacon Prices Go Up After Rare Chinese Diarrhea Virus Kills Thousands of Pigs

Hipsters & bacon lovers the world over are going to have to come up with a little more scratch if they want to fulfill their bacon jones: the price of the porcine treat just went up after a rare virus from China has killed thousands of pigs!

Watch Vikings T.V. Show Season 2 on History Channel: Who Was the Real King Horik, and Will He Betray Ragnar in the T.V. Series?

King Horik -- played by the terrific Irish-Canadian actor Donal Logue, best known for "Grounded for Life" -- has more than demonstrated that he is not about manipulation and treachery to get what he wants on "Vikings." As it stands right now, he's got Siggy (Jessalyn Gilsig) whoring herself out all over the place, and he remains a very tenuous frien-emy of Ragnar Lothbrook. The leaked promo for Episode 7 -- titled "Blood Eagle" -- suggests that Horik will help Jarl Borg (previously his enemy) escape the wrath of Ragnar Lothbrook!

Star Wars Episode 7 Movie Cast, Release, and News: What's Fact and What's Rumor as Film Shooting Begins

After months -- actually, years -- of speculation, rumors, and updates, the shooting of "Star Wars Episode 7" is finally upon us, and despite his promises that he will be more "forthcoming" with the news, director JJ Abrams is remaining frustratingly tight-lipped about the much-anticipated project, which is scheduled for release in December 2015.

Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer to Create Original TV Shows to Rival Microsoft and Netflix

With the success of such shows as "House of Cards" and "Orange is the New Black," original programming on Internet-based platforms is proving to be a growing -- and viable -- industry. Noticing this clear pattern, Yahoo! has announced that they plan to launch their own line of original programming to rival such platforms as Microsoft and Netflix. And their ambitions are a bit loftier, too: they even want to compete with cable juggernaut HBO!

New Study Shows Twitter and Facebook Use Can Be Damaging to Relationships

If you've got a "boo thing," the smartest thing you can do is keep him/her OFF social media: a new study confirms what most of us already know -- social media, especially Twitter, leads to cheating, breakups, and divorce!

Human Barbie Valeria Lukyanova Pics and Quotes: Ukranian Model Blames 'Race-mixing' for Plastic Surgery Rise

I'm not really sure how it's possible that anyone can take someone who calls herself the "Human Barbie" seriously -- especially given the amount of plastic surgery she's had done to look like a plastic toy doll -- but Ukranian "model" Valeria Lukyanova has made an epic(ally stupid) pronouncement about why this country -- and others -- are experiencing a rise in plastic surgery: because of inter-racial relationships.

Justin Bieber Hot Songs Update: Rob Lowe Disses Selena Gomez's Boyfriend, "His Audience Doesn't Care About His Music!"

Rob Lowe has been pissing off the status quo for more decades than Justin Bieber has been alive, so it makes perfect sense that he would come out swinging when it comes to the snot-nosed Beebs. Recently, he gave an interview where he shared Bieber's "deep, dark secret" -- that his fans don't care about his music!

Selena Gomez's Stalker Arrested for Breaking Into Her Calabasas Home for a Second Time

Less than a week after having a man arrested for breaking into her Calabasas home, Selena Gomez's stalker has been arrested -- again -- and this time for felony stalking!

New Miracle Drug Cure for Breast Cancer Being Developed by Pfizer

A new drug is giving hope to sufferers of breast cancer -- because early studies of the drug suggest that it slows the development of the cells that cause the deadly disease!

Rihanna Pregnancy and Relationship Rumors: Is the Diamonds Singer Pregnant by Drake or Chris Brown?

Just days after the rumor that Rihanna was dumped by sensitive thug Drake -- for a no-name booty model no less! -- comes the reports that the Bajan princess just might be with child! But who's the father -- Drake or Chris Brown?

Who Was Peaches Geldof? Daughter of Music Legend Bob Geldof Dead at 25

Well, today is definitely a depressing day in the celebrity world: Peaches Geldof, the daughter of musician Bob Geldof and the late model Paula Yates, was found dead in her home in England this afternoon. She was 25 years old.

Mickey Rooney Death: Award Winning Actor Dead at 93

He was one of the last stars of an old studio system -- a silver screen legend who was a legend before Hollywood knew he would be. He was the first-ever child star. His career took him from Vaudeville to the big screen, he experienced many career comebacks and setbacks...and his career spanned an unprecedented eight decades. And now, Mickey Rooney -- who died today at the age of 93 -- is gone.

Samsung Anti-Theft Software and Apps: Galaxy S5 Maker to Install 'Find My Mobile' and 'Reacivation Lock' In New Smartphone

If you're looking to get a brand-new Samsung phone -- especially if you're looking at the S5, which will be the new flagship phone set to drop in four days! -- you can be rest assured that a new anti-theft device will be able to help you preserve your data on your phone should you be unlucky enough to experience those who wish to get a five-finger discount on your hard-earned phone!

Nicki Minaj Relationship and Dating: Did the Young Money Rapper Marry Her Longtime Boyfriend Safaree Samuels?

Rumors are beginning to circulate that pop rapper Nicki Minaj secretly got married to her longtime boyfriend, Safaree Samuels!

Demi Lovato Nude and Topless Pictures: Photos "Leaked" of Wilmer Valderrama's Girlfriend, But Was it Just a Publicity Stunt?

This is actually pretty sad: Demi Lovato's most intimate nude photos have been leaked... and it's obvious to everyone in the blog-osphere that it's nothing but a publicity stunt!

Samsung Galaxy S5 Release Date, Price & Features: Android Phone Specs Leaked, Verizon Offers BOGO Pre-Order

With only a few days to go before the Samsung Galaxy S5 officially drops, Verizon has upped the ante (after stalling for the longest time) by offering their subscribers a "buy one, get one free" promotion. And, if that wasn't enough, some of the specs of the phone have reportedly been leaked.

Watch Vikings T.V. Show Season 2 on History Channel: Meet Porunn, Bjorn's Love Interest; How Common Were Slaves In Vikings Society?

It was only a matter of time before Bjorn Ironside -- played by Alexander Ludwig of "The Hunger Games" -- found himself a love interest on "Vikings." And this love interest is a slave girl, Porunn, played by French actress Gaia Weiss in her breakout role. But this begs the question: who was Porunn, and how common were slaves in Viking society?

Honey Maid 'Wholesome' Commercial 2014: Company Turns Hateful Feedback Into Love [WATCH]

Who would have thought that a graham cracker commercial would have been so controversial? Such is the case with the Honey Maid Graham's recent commercials, which have created a firestorm of backlash from the more conservative religious groups because its commercials promote a newfound level of tolerance!

David Letterman Retiring: Could Chelsea Handler Become The Next Late Night Star?

It pays to sleep with a network television president: Chelsea Handler's E! show will be ending in 9 months, and there's talks that she's up for another high-profile gig -- filling the slot left open by David Letterman when he retires from CBS's "The Late Show" in nine months!

Star Wars Episode 7 Movie Cast, Rumors, and News: Disney's Alan Horn says Film Is Already Shooting [WATCH]

Before we know it, 2015 will be here, and "Star Wars Episode 7" will be in theatres. And, if you believe Disney president Alan Horn, the much-anticipated film is already shooting!