Articles by Staff Reporter

Staff Reporter

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Immediately Connect with a Potential Partner before Valentine’s Day through These Dating Sites

Find Your Valentine's Date With These Latino Dating Sites

Find out here how you can quickly find a date for Valentine’s Day this 2020. (Photo : Stocksnap) As Valentine's Day is fast approaching, more single individuals are hoping to find a date.
How to Avoid Becoming Personally Liable for Business Debt

How to Avoid Becoming Personally Liable for Business Debt

About 30% of businesses fail due to a lack of funding. If your business needs an injection of cash, you may be considering different lending options. You need to be careful in how you navigate these financial waters. While you want to secure funding for your business, you don't want to be personally liable for business debt. Use this guide to help you understand how to avoid personal liability. Choose the Right Business Structure
Son With Mental Illness Stabbed to Death His Own Father, Here's the Judge's Decision

These Celebrity Lawyers Are the Power Behind Famous Court Cases

It could be argued that celebrities, with their status, fame, and big bank accounts, need attorneys more than anyone. When someone comes after a star, they hold nothing back. Take the recent case with Beyoncé, for example. The estate of deceased YouTube star Messy Mya attempted to sue Beyoncé for using 10-second clips from some of her videos. How much did Messy Mya's team want for those 10 seconds?
Follow These 12 Design Principles to Create Strong Logos

Follow These 12 Design Principles to Create Strong Logos

A logo is the most important part of marketing and promotion. It's the visual representation of your entire company. It's how people relate to your business or organization.

Best Watches Under 200 Dollars

Are you looking for a birthday present for your friend or just want to buy something for yourself? You have come to the right place. We know an item that will be perfect as both a gift and a little treat for yourself - a hand watch.
How To Build Good Client Relationships

How To Build Good Client Relationships

When you're in business, the relationship you have with clients is of utmost importance. This doesn't just happen, it's something that takes time and hard work. In this article, we give you tips for building and maintaining good client relationships.

Looking at the Underestimated Benefits of Modern Tech

There is a common narrative as pushed by the media that technology serves to alienate and disconnect. Part of this is due to lazy journalism, and part is due to the cold and callous nature that we've always applied to the nebulous form of the machine.
4 Consequences of Carrying Credit Card Debt

4 Consequences of Carrying Credit Card Debt

Debt is everywhere. People are now having to deal with huge amounts of debt from the moment they graduate from a university, or even before.

5 Must-Visit Places in Central & South America

Consider when you set out on any adventure hiring a trusted guide and to making sure that you have all of your bases covered. Do your research and understand the location you will be traveling to before you get on the plane.
A Black and Two Latino employees are suing their former company KidsPeace for Racial Discrimination

Things to Know If You’re a Canadian Expat in Latin America

Living in Latin America can be an experience filled with new adventures and deep culture. It's a chance in a lifetime to learn Spanish or Portuguese, experience a new culture, and get international work and living experience that will stay with you your whole life.
What are some Best Healthy Diet Tips for Frequent Travelers?

What are some Best Healthy Diet Tips for Frequent Travelers?

Most travelers find it hard to stick to a healthy diet while on the move. But, if you frequently travel for work reasons or other essential commitments, there are many healthy diet ideas for travelers to try out.
Why Getting Enough Sleep Each Night is Key to Your Overall Health

Why Getting Enough Sleep Each Night is Key to Your Overall Health

Sleep is one of the basic functions that we all do as human beings. The question must be raised, are you getting enough of it?

Employment Agency near Me

An employment agency near me can help me find my dream job. Here are some things we should all know about these agencies.

Diets That Can Jumpstart Your Weightloss

The decision to lose weight is a very important one because it means you want to start taking more control over your health. With the many fad diets that everyone seems to be on these days, it can feel overwhelming to know which one to even bother with. When deciding, keep in mind that diets should not be considered a quick way to lose weight; instead, think of them as lifestyle changes, and something you will want to stick with. The reason why there are many different diets is that everyone is different, and everyone has different needs when it comes to what they eat and the goals they want to accomplish.
Ideas for Community Events That Residents Will Really Enjoy

Ideas for Community Events That Residents Will Really Enjoy

Community events are effective solutions for businesses, individuals, and charitable organizations to come together for a common cause. When well-organized, these events provide a means for members of the community get involved, develop their skills, volunteer for a good cause, and get acquainted with other locals. With a large enough target audience and effective marketing, community events can draw in the attention of locals, and tourists near and far. This, in turn, helps to stimulate the local economy.
What Businesses Can Do to Show Support in Hispanic Communities

What Businesses Can Do to Show Support in Hispanic Communities

According to the US Census, the Hispanic population will grow to 111 million by the year 2060 making them one of the fastest-growing minority groups in the country. With the Hispanic population more than doubling over the past decade, many businesses have started to realize the importance of connecting with these communities. Having a better understanding of their needs, concerns, and desires, businesses of all sizes and industries have found ways to expand their marketing demographics while doing more to support and strengthen the Hispanic and Latino communities.
How Brick and Mortar Business Owners Can Attract More Customers

How Brick and Mortar Business Owners Can Attract More Customers

If you're the owner of a brick and mortar store, you know how difficult it can be to keep people interested in your brand. Most business nowadays is conducted online, which is bringing more and more people away from local companies that offer goods and services. Below are six tips designed to help you attract more customers to your store. These suggestions will help because they are specific to smaller businesses built in towns and small cities, and they can help to get your business recognized in a sea of competition.
Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles Violation Policy

Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles Violation Policy

The Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV) has the authority to suspend or revoke a driver’s license or learner’s permit. It can also revoke or suspend a vehicle’s registration. A license or permit might be suspended or revoked due to violations involving a motor vehicle, and suspensions vary in length depending on the statutory requirements that govern that specific violation.
Average Length of a Medical Malpractice Claim

Average Length of a Medical Malpractice Claim

The Northside Hospital in Atlanta had 35,153 discharges in only one year. Other area hospitals had similar statistics. With so many people visiting doctors and hospitals, it should come as no surprise that the city has its fair share of medical malpractice claims. Medical malpractice occurs when a doctor or medical facility does not maintain a certain standard of care. If a doctor misdiagnosed you or botched a surgery, you could have a malpractice claim. But getting compensation for your suffering does not happen overnight. It takes time and a lawyer’s expertise. Before you take legal action, find out the average length of a medical malpractice case.
What Happens if I am Caught Selling Drugs in a Public Park or Public Housing?

What Happens if I am Caught Selling Drugs in a Public Park or Public Housing?

The penalties levied against those selling drugs are typically rather severe, they have the potential to be much harsher for those caught selling drugs in a public park or in public housing. Each state has its own set of laws and potential consequences for distributing drugs in certain areas. For instance, in California, penalties are stiffer for those caught selling drugs in public parks that are specifically designed for children and/or have children present. Furthermore, those caught and convicted of selling drugs in a public housing project may be subjected to mandatory prison terms. There is a lot of ambiguity attributed to drug laws concerning protected areas such as parks, school zones, and public housing. In general, if they are labeled as a “drug-free’ zone, penalties for selling drugs in or near these areas can be more severe. If you have been charged with distributing drugs in a public park or in public housing, it is imperative that you contact a reputable drug crime lawyer to ensure that you mount an adequate defense.
Common Recoverable Losses in Personal Injury Cases

Common Recoverable Losses in Personal Injury Cases

If you file a personal injury lawsuit, you could receive money for a variety of damages associated with your accident. By understanding the common types of recoverable losses in personal injury cases, you may better understand how much money you could get for your claim. All of the following are potential damages for your personal injury lawsuit:
How Do You Inspect a Roof for Damage?

How Do You Inspect a Roof for Damage?

Even after you hire a professional roofing inspector to assess your home, know there is damage that needs to be cleared and repaired, or prepare snacks for the crew who will be coming to your home next week, there are still things you need to take care of when your roof has been damaged. While the heavy-duty evaluations, inspections, and plans of correction should be left to the professionals, there are things you can and should do in order to make the process run as smoothly as possible.
Packing for Your First Wellness Retreat

Packing for Your First Wellness Retreat

Taking a vacation of any kind can prove beneficial to your health. It’s time spent away from your normal routines and surroundings allowing you to destress, explore, and build bonds with loved ones. Be that as it may, as more people want to learn how to lead healthier lives an increasing number of travelers have started going on wellness retreats. These retreats are essentially designed to help restore your mind, body, and spirit.
Creating a Comfortable Sleep Environment for Improved Rest

Creating a Comfortable Sleep Environment for Improved Rest

Sleep is essential to the mind and body. While you’re asleep, your body goes through a natural restorative process in which it replenishes vital organs and muscles, revitalizes the immune system, and balances hormones. It is recommended that the average person gets at least 7-9 hours of rest each night for optimal mind and body function.
Real Estate Expert: 5 Tips for Choosing the Right Real Estate Agent

Real Estate Expert: 5 Tips for Choosing the Right Real Estate Agent

Choosing which home to purchase is a heavy decision. You do not want to carry that weight alone in the sea of real estate options or else you may drown. You need a real estate expert to help you navigate the entire process. How do you choose the right agent?