Ben Carson

HUD Secretary Ben Carson Calls Poverty A "State of Mind"

One of many stunning comments from the neurosurgeon turned public servant. Famed neurosurgeon and now Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Dr. Ben Carson had some less than well thought out statements on the issue of poverty, in a radio interview.

Ben Carson Still Wants to Endorse Donald Trump Amid Violence in Rallies

Amid Ted Cruz's call for GOP unity, and the strong forces from the Republican side ramping up their efforts to stop Donald Trump, the party's polarizing figure and frontrunner is getting a boost from an unlikely source and former rival. Ben Carson, who just recently opted to drop out of the race after a dismal showing in the polls, will be endorsing Trump.

Latest Poll Shows Donald Trump Still Leads GOP Race in Michigan But Lags Behind Hillary Clinton & Bernie Sanders

Trump and Clinton are still leading by a good margin over their respective opponents, but both Clinton and Sanders have the upper hand in the general election contest, according to the NBC/WSJ/Marist poll. Clinton outpaces Trump 52 percent to 36 percent, while Sanders has it at 56 percent against Trump's 34 percent.

Ben Carson Stops Presidential Campaign; Reveals the Type of Candidate He'll Endorse

The road to the White House just came to a halt for Ben Carson on Friday, March 4, 2016. The retired neurosurgeon acknowledged that while there are many people who love and admire him, this same lot may not be in support of his bid for the presidency.

GOP Debate Highlights: Trump's Hand Size, Changing Immigration Stance Gets Clarification

The Republican presidential candidates gathered on Thursday night for their first debate since "Super Tuesday."

Watch: Ted Cruz Reacts to Campaign's 'Dirty Tricks' Allegations

Ted Cruz and Chris Wallace argued over the former's "drity tricks" campaign allegations.

Republican Debate Highlights: Donald Trump Triumphs in Twitter, Google Activity

The latest Republican presidential debate had many people engaged on social media, and it appears front-runner Donald Trump dominated discussion.

GOP Debate 2016: Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio Identify Latinos Are Not Single-Issue Voters

The final Republican presidential debate before "Super Tuesday" wrapped up on Thursday night, and issues affecting the Latino electorate were addressed from the start.

'Facebook Primary' Shows Ben Carson Most Popular Candidate Attracting More 'Likes' Than Trump, Clinton and Sanders

Ben Carson can only hope Facebook "likes" were officially counted as Republican Party primary votes.

This Is What Will Happen if Presidential Candidates Star in a Telenovela [Video]

Ever wonder what would happen if Presidential Candidates star in a telenovela? Watch Eva Longoria act out some lines in a soap opera.

South Carolina Republican Town Hall: Cruz Looks to GOP Voters, Rubio Appeals to General Electorate

While Ted Cruz spent most of his time entertaining questions about Donald Trump, Marco Rubio focused on social issues like racism, education reform, and gender equality in the military.

2016 Presidential Election Interest High Among South Carolina Millennials

South Carolina millennials are have shown interest in the ongoing presidential campaign, based on polling data released days before the Republican primary.

US Presidential Elections 2016: Who Has the Best Chance of Making it to the White House?

The 2016 presidential elections in the United States will be not be held until Nov. 8 but the political scene in the country has been pretty interesting. There are two Democrats and nine Republicans who are still in the running for the 58th quadrennial U.S. presidential elections.

2016 Presidential Poll News: Donald Retains Lead in New Hampshire, Marco Rubio Surging

Republican front-runner Donald Trump holds a 10 point lead over his 2016 GOP presidential rivals in New Hampshire, but Florida Senator Marco Rubio appears to be picking up steam.

Donald Trump Goes on a Twitter Tirade, Accuses Ted Cruz of Stealing Iowa Votes

Donald Trump went on a Twitter Tirade and accused his rival Ted Cruz of stealing votes during the Iowa caucuses.

2016 Hopeful Ben Carson Accuses Ted Cruz Of Employing 'Dirty Tricks' To Win Iowa Caucus

Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson has accused Ted Cruz of resorting to "dirty tricks" to win the Iowa Caucuses Monday night.

2016 Presidential Polls: Donald Trump Storms to 14 Point Lead Over Ted Cruz in Fox News Poll

Donald Trump has raced out to a commanding 14-point lead over Texas Senator Ted Cruz in their largely back-and-forth battle for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination.

GOP Polls 2016: Trump Hits 48 Percent in Florida Poll

GOP front-runner Donald Trump has surged ahead in the Florida polls, according to a January report from Florida Atlantic University.

The Latest 2016 Republican Presidential Polls Show Ted Cruz Still Leading Donald Trump, Marco Rubio in Iowa

Texas Senator Ted Cruz continues to cling to a slight lead over overall Republican frontrunner Donald Trump in the critical, early voting state of Iowa.

Ben Carson to Fifth Graders: 'Who Is the Worst Student in Class?'

Ben Carson's attempt to relate with fifth grade students backfired when he asked "who's the worst student in class."

‘The Daily Show’ Returns, Mocks Candidates' New Year's Resolutions [Watch]

Trevor Noah is finally back after his holiday hiatus and "The Daily Show" took it's usual jabs at Republican Presidential candidates for their many gaffes and developments in their campaigns. Watch the segment here.