Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval isn't viewed favorably by many of his Republican counterparts, but his methods and legislative proposals have led to one of the highest governor ratings in the country.
Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio are both concentrating on their Nevada ground games in hopes of slowing down hard-charging Republican front-runner Donald Trump.
With a Latino turning 18 years old every 30 seconds, the Latino vote has become an influential electorate for political candidates, and Latino Decisions has been analyzing the constituency’s opinions even more as the 2016 presidential election nears.
Once upon a time there was Mexican-American man by the name of César Chávez, a farm worker who became a civil rights leader and founded the United Farm Workers Union...and there was an inspirational woman named Dolores Huerta, also Mexican-American, who helped him do it. Then, there was a Colombian-American man by the name of Harry Pachon, who drew national attention to Latino issues, such as bilingual education, political engagement and immigration. To follow, there were a number of men and women who helped to mobilize change and enable success for Latinos in America. The End?