Find out here how you can overcome overthinking over the COVID-19 Pandemic. (Photo : Wikimedia) According to a study, chronic TV watchers and news followers have an intense level of fear.
Find out here about the spread of the COVID-19 among the NBA players. (Photo : Wikimedia) The sports world got extremely shaken when Rudy Gobert, a Utah Jazz All-Star player, tested positive for the deadly novel coronavirus, says an article.
According to researchers, a study in Wuhan and Shenzhen has shown an increased chance of infection in patients with the blood type A as they appear to experience more severe symptoms.
Find out here about the US’s fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. (Photo : Wikimedia) The 50th state in the United States of America to contract a case of the deadly novel coronavirus is West Virginia, says an article.
Find out about the survival rate of the coronavirus on different types of surfaces. (Photo : Stocksnap) The deadly novel coronavirus is fast-spreading in the different parts of the world.
Find out why you should not worry so much about the coronavirus pandemic. (Photo : Wikimedia) Recently, the coronavirus outbreak had been declared by WHO as a pandemic.