
Ozzy Osbourne Travels to Cuba to Enrich Knowledge on 'Anything Past World War 2'

Accompanied by the History Channel team, Ozzy Osbourne and his son Jack travels to Cuba to learn more about World War 2.

Political Repression Increase in Cuba Criticized by Opposition Group

A known opposition group in Cuba, the Cuban Commission on Human Rights and National Reconciliation, recently released its latest report on the increased political repression happening in the communist government.

'Quinceañera': Business in Cuba Welcomes Back Old Latin Tradition

Quinceañera," an old Latin American tradition is back in business in Cuba."Quinceañera" is an age-old Latin American tradition that marks a young Latina's 15th birthday and is considered her rite of passage from a girl to womanhood. Naturally, a lot of families will want to give their daughters a wonderful experience. This Latin American established practice goes way back centuries ago. For now, some traces of the ancient celebrations remain including the traditional waltzes performed by Latin American girls.

US Commercial Flights to Cuba Happening Soon; Airlines Submit Applications to new Routes

U.S. commercial flights from Cuba will happen anytime soon as several airlines began submitting applications to new routes.Working quietly behind the scenes, U.S. airlines have already started preparations for commercial trips to the island nation as soon as the travel restriction that has been standing for half a century long in Cuba is lifted.

United States Resumes Flights to Cuba After 50 Years

The United States and Cuba have announced on Thursday a new bilateral arrangement allowing air services between the two countries to resume after 50 years.

Cuba-US Relations Update: Both Nations to Restore Direct Mail Service

The United States and Cuba have taken another huge step in the effort to mend broken ties by agreeing to re-establish direct postal service between the two countries for the first in five decades.

United States, Cuba Tackle Compensation in New Talks

A year after the beginning of the rapprochement between the United States and Cuba, with diplomatic relations between the two countries fully reestablished, Washington and Havana have begun to tackle the contentious issue of compensation for properties confiscated during the Caribbean nation's 1959 revolution.

MLB Embarks on Cuba Goodwill Tour

Baseball may be "America-s Game," but the bat-and-ball sport is similarly popular in many countries in the Caribbean, including, of course, Cuba.

Cuba Embargo News: As Travel Becomes Easier, Cuba Restricts Doctors' Travel

Cuban physicians will once again have to ask for government permits if they plan to travel abroad, and the island nation's communist government has also reinstated restrictions on doctors planning to work in the United States and other countries.

At Least 44,000 Cubans Entered US Through Texas and Southern Border This Year, Number on the Rise - Report

The number of Cubans attempting to come to the Unites States via Texas has increased this year, thanks in large part to the thaw in political tensions between the U.S. and Cuba.

Florida Bank First to Offer Cuba Debit Card

American travelers headed to Cuba will finally be able to turn to plastic to foot their hotel and restaurant bills, as MasterCard and Fort Lauderdale-based Stonegate Bank said on Thursday that their debit cards are now active for use on the Communist island.

Honduras Detains 5 Syrians Heading to US with Stolen Greek Passports

Honduras has detained five Syrians who were apparently on their way to the Unites States with stolen Greek passports, government officials announced on Wednesday.

Nicaragua Turns Away Hundreds of Cuban Migrants

As Europe debates migrant policies, the Latin American nation of Nicaragua has turned away hundreds of Cuban migrants.

EDM Floating Music Festival Ends With Woman Going Overboard Near Cuba

The U.S. Coast Guard is search the waters off Cuba for a woman who went overboard on a cruise ship carrying an electronic music festival.

Cuba Embargo: US, Cuba Deal on Regular Flights Near

Regularly scheduled flights between the United States and Cuba might begin in coming months, after government officials in Havana said that they and their counterparts from Washington are close to signing an agreement on the normalization of air travel between the two countries.

‘Madam Secretary’ Spoilers Season 2 Episode 7: Elizabeth Takes the Lead on Cuban Relations, Gets Sidelined by Senate [Watch]

Following the emotionally charged episode last week on "Madam Secretary," the show will be taking a small break from the ISIS and Russia storylines and focusing on renewed relations with Cuba. Watch the previews and get the details here.

Sprint Inks Deal With Cuba for International Wireless Roaming

Sprint announced this week that it has signed an agreement to introduce wireless roaming in Cuba. As the hermetic island nation continues to open itself to U.S. trade and commerce, Sprint's deal with Cuba's state-run telecommunications company marks a historic first, as well as a smart move by Sprint CEO Marcelo Claure.

Chris Christie News: New Jersey Governor Wants to Ban Flights to Cuba

Following the recent rapprochement between the United States and Cuba, U.S. air carriers are eager to resume commercial flights to the Caribbean destination. But Republican presidential hopeful and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie wants no such flights to depart from the Garden State.

Cuban Graffiti Artist El Sexto Released From Jail

After being in prison for 10 months, Cuban graffiti artist Danilo Maldonado has been released from jail.

Syria News Today [OCT. 2015] Cuba Denies Sending Troops to Syria

Responding to recent reports that the Cuban government had sent troops to Syria to support of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, the Cuban government has called the news and unfounded and irresponsible.

Buena Vista Social Club Become First Cuban Group to Play at White House in 50 Years

The Orquestra Buena Vista Social Club on Thursday delighted President Barack Obama and his guests at the White House, making the legendary band the first Cuban ensemble to perform at the executive mansion in more than five decades.