Edward Snowden

Edward Snowden, NSA Whistleblower, Granted Citizenship by Russia's Vladimir Putin

Edward Snowden, the former NSA contractor who spoke against U.S. surveillance programs, has been given citizenship by Russia's President Vladimir Putin.
Edward Snowden: NSA Whistleblower Warns About Apple’s Image Scanning Tech, Says It Could Be Used to Spy on Owners

Edward Snowden: NSA Whistleblower Warns About Apple’s Image Scanning Tech, Says It Could Be Used to Spy on Owners

Former computer intelligence consultant Edward Snowden has issued a warning about Apple's plan to launch an image scanning tech.

Microsoft allows Brazil to inspect its 'Source Code'

The software giant opened a center in Brazil on Wednesday. The experts from Latin America and Carribean will be able to inspect its programming code.

Snowden Leak Reveals US, UK Spied on Israeli Military

Classified documents leaked by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden reveal that a joint U.S. and U.K. intelligence program has been spying on electronic feeds within Israel's military since 1998.

Marco Rubio Attacks Fellow GOP Presidential Candidate Ted Cruz on Immigration Policy, Accuses Rival of Political Pandering

Marco Rubio hits GOP Presidential rival Ted Cruz over his immigration policy and accuses him of changing stance as election nears.

NSA Bulk Phone Records Collection 'Likely Violates the Constitution': Judge

A federal judge has ruled that the National Security Agency's controversial phone metadata collection is likely unconstitutional and has ordered an immediate stop to the program. Though the decision comes as the NSA's program, in its current form, is set to expire in weeks, the ruling sets an important precedent for privacy rights.

Edward Snowden Willing to Serve Prison Time Under Plea Deal

Edward Snowden has not been offered a plea deal by U.S. authorities, even though then-Attorney General Eric Holder said earlier this year that the National Security Agency (NSA) leaker had "spurred a necessary debate" and that a deal was in the realm of the possible.

NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden Joins Twitter, Users Quickly Follow Him

Snowden joins Twitter Tuesday morning National Security Agency (NSA) whistleblower Edward Snowden joined Twitter Tuesday morning. Immediately thousands of people started following him.

Obama Administration Looks Into Bypassing Smartphone Encryption

The Obama administration has been looking into methods to bypass encrypted communications in order to defeat an approach recommended by NSA leaker Edward Snowden and others to protect the privacy of smartphone messages.

'Bourne 5' 2016 Movie Cast & Plot: Vincent Cassel To Take on Jason Bourne in 'Post-Snowden' World

French actor Vincent Cassel signs on to be the main villain against Jason Bourne (Matt Damon) in the fifth "Bourne" movie.

NSA Comes to Colombia: Bogotá Running Own Bulk Collection Program, Report Says

Colombia is using its spy agencies to collect vast amounts of data on its own citizens without warrants, the Associated Press said based on a report by the London-based advocacy group Privacy International.

‘Homeland’ Season 5 Spoilers: ISIS, Edward Snowden, Putin Take Center Stage

"Homeland" will be taking on real world topics in season 5. See the details here. Although "Homeland" has mostly featured fictitious story lines, the premium cable network Showtime series will now start taking on real-life events that take place on the global stage.

'Citizenfour' Filmmaker Laura Poitras Files Suit Against the U.S. Over Years of Alleged Interrogations and Searches

Academy Award and Pulitzer Prize-winning filmmaker Laura Poitras filed a lawsuit on Monday against the U.S. government for allegedly subjecting her to years of targeted harassment and searches by U.S. security agents.

Jeb Bush Rules Out ''Leniency' for NSA Leaker Edward Snowden

Jeb Bush may be among the strongest Republican contenders in the 2016 White House race but is unlikely to win support from Edward Snowden after he ruled out any "leniency" for the National Security Agency (NSA) leaker.

Oliver Stone Film ‘Snowden’ First Trailer Released [Watch]

Oliver Stone has released a trailer for his upcoming film about NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden. See the trailer here.

Britain pulls M16 Spies Out of 'Hostile' Countries as Russia, China Crack Snowden Files

According to the Sunday Times, Britain has been compelled to pull out agents from live operations in some countries after Russia and China cracked top-secret information contained in files leaked by former U.S. National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden, the 31-year old fled to seek protection from Vladimir Putin.

Poll: Majority of Americans Back NSA's Bulk Data Collection

Most Americans support the federal government's bulk collection of telephone metadata first revealed by NSA leaker Edward Snowden, and they want Congress to reauthorize the program, CNN reported based on a poll it conducted along with the Opinion Research Corporation.

USA Patriot Act Expires: What Happened, Why It Matters, & What's Next

Thanks in large part to Sen. Rand Paul, at midnight on Sunday, the U.S. Senate let the Patriot Act expire, removing key controversial surveillance authorities from the National Security Agency. So what does that mean, and what's next?

NSA Survellaince: House Votes to End NSA Phone-Metadata Bulk Collection

The U.S. House of Representatives delivered a clear message on Wednesday when it voted overwhelmingly to end the federal government's phone-metadata collection program revealed by NSA leaker Edward Snowden.

NSA Surveillance News: Second Circuit Court Rules NSA Metadata Collection Illegal

The federal government's telephone metadata collection program revealed by NSA leaker Edward Snowden is illegal, a federal appeals court ruled on Thursday.

Unbelievably Sophisticated Spyware Infected Computers Worldwide for a Decade -- Report

If you didn't know just how advanced the National Security Agency's digital spying programs were, you will (probably) after reading this.