
Donald Trump Muslim Ban Plan: Muslim Immigration Prohibition Denounced by GOP Candidates

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump has called for the temporary ban of Muslim immigration into the U.S.

Hillary Clinton on Immigration: No Obamacare Subsidies for Immigrants

Citing how the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is currently written, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said she doesn’t support immigrants obtaining the same subsidies as American-born enrollees.

Clinton Sorry for Using 'Illegal Immigrant' Term

Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton's use of the term "illegal alien" during a campaign stop in New Hampshire last month has drawn scrutiny from immigrant activists, who insist that no human being is "illegal" and prefer the term "undocumented" for the millions who live in the United States without the benefit of legal immigration status.

Millennials on Immigration: Government Should Not Deport All Immigrants From US

Millennials, the largest demographic in the country, overwhelmingly disapprove plans to deport all undocumented immigrants currently living in the U.S.

Sen. Menendez and Over 200 Congress Member Sign Amicus Brief in SCOTUS Case for Immigration Executive Actions

Sen. Robert Menendez of New Jersey, Rep. Zoe Lofgren of California and 216 other congressional members filed an amicus brief on Thursday in support of the Supreme Court granting review of the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals decision in the case for immigration executive action.

Immigration Reform News Today: 84 City, Council Officials Urge Supreme Court to Review DAPA Lawsuit

Dozens of city and county officials have joined the call for the U.S. Supreme Court to review the lawsuit blocking President Barack Obama's immigration executive actions.

San Bernardino Shooters News: GOP Sens. Ted Cruz, Jeff Sessions Demand to See Shooters Immigration Records

In the wake of the mass shooting in California on Dec. 2, Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz is calling for the Obama administration to release the immigration records of the San Bernardino shooters.

Lindsey Graham 2016 Presidential Campaign: Ted Cruz 'Loses Most Americans,' Donald Trump 'Destroys' GOP

Second-tier GOP White House hopeful Lindsey Graham has been known to have an adversarial relationship with his Senate colleague and presidential rival Ted Cruz, and the South Carolina lawmaker minced no words on Thursday when he warned that nominating Cruz would lead to an inevitable defeat in 2016.

Immigration Reform News: GOP Iowa State Senator Suggests Executing Some Undocumented Immigrant Felons

Iowa State Sen. Mark Chelgren is under fire from both Democrats and Republicans for suggesting that immigrants should be executed if they commit a felony and then re-enter the U.S. illegally.

Cuba Embargo News: As Travel Becomes Easier, Cuba Restricts Doctors' Travel

Cuban physicians will once again have to ask for government permits if they plan to travel abroad, and the island nation's communist government has also reinstated restrictions on doctors planning to work in the United States and other countries.

Chris Brown Forced to Cancel Australian Tour Due to Rihanna Assault

Chris Brown was forced to cancel his tour in Australia and New Zealand after he was denied a visa by immigration authorities.

Obama Immigration Executive Action Lawsuit: Supreme Court Denies Texas' 30-Day Extension

The U.S. Supreme Court granted opponents of President Barack Obama's immigration executive actions more time to prepare its case against DAPA and DACA’s expansion.

Visa Waiver Program: Obama Administration Strengthens VWP Policy Over Growing Terror Threats

Citing the Paris terror attacks and growing threats by foreign terrorists, the Obama administration announced it has strengthened its Visa Waiver Program.

Immigration News: Unaccompanied Immigrant Children Placed With Convicted Criminals, Says Whistleblower

Two Republican senators have questioned if the Obama administration placed unaccompanied immigrant children with convicted criminals.

TURNOUT: USHCC President & CEO Javier Palomarez Explains Cruz's Advantage Over Trump, Carson

U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Javier Palomarez speaks to Latin Post about the Latino vote and GOP presidential candidate Ted Cruz's latest surge in polls.

Immigration Reform News: Bipartisan Senate Bill ‘Explicitly’ Bans H-1B Visa Holders Replacing American Workers

U.S. senators introduced bipartisan to reform the country's visa programs, which may affect future U.S. immigration.

Immigration Reform News: Bernie Sanders’ Immigration Plan Gets Praise By Latino, Immigrant-Rights Groups

Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders’ extensive immigration proposals have been met with positive reaction from Latino and immigrant-rights groups.

Immigration News: IDs for Undocumented Immigrants Enable Safer Communities, Family Health Access: Report

For the undocumented immigrant community, lacking any form of identification can limit themselves and even their U.S.-born child.

Immigration Reform News 2015: Bernie Sanders' Executive Action Option Grants Deferred Action for 9 Million Immigrants

Ahead of Thanksgiving, Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders further revealed his immigration reform plan.

Obama Immigration Executive Order: DAPA, DACA Economic Benefits For Top 5 GOP Candidates' States

The Republican presidential candidates have opposed President Barack Obama’s 2014 immigration executive actions, but what are the financial gains if the deferred action programs were in effect?

Hillary Clinton Facebook Q&A: Clinton Admits 'Poor Choice of Words' After Saying 'Illegal' Immigrant at Campaign Stop

Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton responded to criticism of using the term “illegal” during a campaign stop.