
Rubio's 1st TV Ad Focuses on Cuban-American Dad

Republican presidential hopeful Marco Rubio on Tuesday released his first television spot, which the Florida senator's campaign said would focus on the life events of his Cuban-American father and air in key early-voting states.

Syrian Refugee News: Migrants Protest at Greece-Macedonia Border, Demand Passage to Western Europe

Several migrants blocked traffic at the Greece-Macedonia border on Monday, demanding passage to Western Europe.

Immigration News: Texas Requests Delay in Supreme Court's DAPA, DACA Expansion Case

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has requested a delay in the Supreme Court’s review of President Barack Obama’s 2014 immigration executive action.

Report: Border Patrol Checkpoints 'Trap' Undocumented Immigrants in Rio Grande Valley

The more than 70 checkpoints the U.S. Border Patrol maintains between 25 and 75 miles north of the border between the United States and Mexico effectively limit the movements of thousands of undocumented immigrants in the Rio Grande Valley to a small area of southern Texas.

Immigration Reform Latest News: Immigrant Activists Hold Rallies in 20 Cities Supporting Obama's Executive Orders

Immigration activists are holding demonstrations across the country in wake of the one year anniversary of President Barack Obama's executive action on immigration reform, which aims to protect millions of undocumented immigrants from deportation.

Obama Immigration Action Plan: Justice Department Petitions Supeme Court to Review DAPA, DACA Expansion Lawsuit

The U.S. Department of Justice has officially petitioned the U.S. Supreme Court to review President Barack Obama's 2014 immigration executive actions.

Mexico Immigration Decline: Undocumented Mexican Immigrants Migrating Back to Mexico

The rate of undocumented immigrant Mexicans entering the U.S. has been decline for the last eight years.

Obama Immigration Executive Order: One Year Later: DAPA, DACA Expansion Delay Affects 5 Million Immigrants

It has been one year since President Barack Obama announced the Deferred Action for Parental Accountability (DAPA) and expansion of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

Cruz, Rubio Shift Battle to National Security Policy

After their disagreement over immigration, presidential hopefuls Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz this week turned to matters of national security, but continued their headline-grabbing infighting.

Immigration Reform News: Labor Union, Pro-Immigration Group Team Up in Ad Campaign Targeting Republicans on Immigration

One of the largest labor unions in the country has partnered with a pro-immigration group in a new ad campaign that slams Republican presidential candidates who continue to promote anti-immigrant rhetoric.

NBC News President Calls Immigrants 'Illegals' During Hispanic Caucus Meeting

Latino lawmakers, who were upset over NBC’s choice to have polarizing presidential candidate Donald Trump recently host “Saturday Night Live,” have come away from a meeting with top executives from MSNBC and NBC News executives even more offended.

Republican Polls 2016: Donald Trump, Ben Carson Continue to Lead GOP Field in Bloomberg Poll

Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson and real estate tycoon Donald Trump remain the two front-runners for the Republican Party's 2016 presidential nomination and continue to lead "establishment candidates" like former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, a new national poll revealed.

Immigration Reform 2015: Senate May Vote on Controversial Ted Cruz Immigration Bill

The Senate may soon vote on a controversial immigration bill that aims to implement new mandatory prison sentences on immigrants who illegally enter the country after being deported.

Immigration News: Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio Fight Over Immigration, Worry GOP Strategists

The immigration debate within the crowded field of 2016 GOP White House hopefuls has turned to Cuban-American Sens. Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, who have been battling over just how different their views on the issue really are.

Since 9/11, Zero Resettled Refugees Arrested on Domestic Terror Charges, Says Rep. Xavier Becerra

Of the hundreds of thousands of refugees resettled in the U.S., since Sept. 11, 2001, not one has been arrested for domestic terrorism, said Rep. Xavier Becerra.

TURNOUT: No President Will Win White House Without Latino Vote, Says Mi Familia Vota Executive Director Ben Monterroso

Mi Familia Vota Executive Director Ben Monterroso told Latin Post that the Latino electorate is key for a presidential candidate to win the White House.

Syrian Refugees in America: Texas, Florida, Ohio, Louisiana Governors Refuse Refugees

Despite President Barack Obama telling U.S. states to accept refugees fleeing from the Islamic State militant groups, more U.S. governors are refusing to welcome them.

Immigration News 2015: House Speaker Paul Ryan Prefers Legal Status Path, Opposes Trump Mass Deportation Plan

House Speaker Paul Ryan is not a believer of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's mass deportation plan.

Ted Cruz for President Gets Steve King's Endorsement

Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz received the endorsement of Rep. Steve King, a staunch opponent of President Barack Obama’s immigration executive actions.

DACA Immigration Program: DACA Recipients' Wages Increase, Continue Education

President Barack Obama's Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program has helped increase the pay wages for immigrants. Based on a nationwide survey of DACA recipients, from beneficiaries utilizing the 2012 guidelines, their average hourly wage increased by 45 percent. A majority of DACA recipients, with 69 percent, have also said they obtained a job with better pay.

Immigration Reform 2015: GOP Presidential Candidate Ted Cruz Promotes New Plan to Limit Legal Immigration

2016 Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz has adopted a new hardline approach to immigration that includes putting a halt on even legal immigration in the U.S.