Latin America

Transaction Failed: Some Latinos Could No Longer Send Remittances to Support Relatives Back Home

Some Latinos could no longer provide and send remittances to their relatives back home due to the negative effect of COVID-19.

Quarantines and Lockdowns in Latin America’s Largest Nations: How Are They Doing?

Here are Latin America's largest nations and how they implement various measures to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.

Stream Your Favorite Latin American Indie Movies on These Sites

This quarantine period, you can stream all the Latin American movies you've been meaning to watch but didn't have the time to do so because of your busy schedule.

Crowded Communities in Latin America Can Not Afford to "Stay-at-Home"

Families in Latin America are troubled during the pandemic even in the wake of preventive measures initiated by the government.

3 Latin American Countries Particularly Smashed by Oil Collapse Due to COVID-19 Crisis

Traders say, the costs of major Latin American crude grades plunged early this week after the crash in standard crude stocks, vexing a weak market that has already been weak, and has seen a small number of sales in April.

Criminal Groups and Drug Cartels Leverage Power and Public Opinion Amid COVID-19 Crisis

Various criminal groups across Latin American countries take advantage of the pandemic by acting as self-styled public defenders.

Mexican Hospitals Turn Patients Away as Infections Rise

Mexico has the highest ratio of COVID-19 positive cases and the number of deaths in Latin America. Some hospitals in the country are also turning away patients.

Latin America’s 'Creative' Migration Response

Latin America has a different and creative way in its Migrant response. Its lack of international leadership experience is, in a way, helpful.
FILE PHOTO: Two nurses wearing protective masks pose inside the new immediate response mobile hospital in Pachuca

Latin America Experiencing Numerous Challenges During the Pandemic

The first few weeks of the pandemic are enough to show if countries can cope with COVID-19. In Latin America, there seem to be more challenges than the capacity to deal with the coronavirus.
A member of the ‘Calle 18’ street gang covers his face while squatting next to a wall covered with graffiti in memory of their late members, at the prison in San Pedro Sula, Honduras, on May 28, 2013

Latin America, the Most Crime-Ridden Region in the World Is Suddenly Serene

Latin America, the most crime-ridden region in the world is now experiencing peace. According to reports, murder records have been reduced.
Outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), in Mexico City

Latin America’s Two Crises During the Pandemic

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Latin America’s lower-income countries are struggling to grapple with the situation. Pre-existing problems like the economy and poverty may erode any progressive response to the pandemic.
Latino Workers

COVID-19 Is Hitting Latino Workers the Hardest, Says Report

According to experts, COVID-19 will lead to more suffering among Latin workers because of inequality in the society molded by structural racism and low-income jobs without any chance of telework.

COVID-19 Could Increase Extreme Poverty in Latin America by 22 Million

The rate of population in an extreme famine condition in Latin America has been over given years binding rises on already extremely high bases from the year 2012 at the 8.2-percent minimum, has been passed over twice the digit.
Backpacker and Spanish language student Lola Daehler, from the U.S., talks with her friend after she decided to stay in Guatemala, where she feels safer to confront the outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19), in San Pedro La Laguna, Solola, Guatemala

Beyond Trump’s Wall: The American Backpackers Riding Out COVID-19 in Latin America

Some US backpackers are stuck in Latin America for the time being as they wait for the spreading of COVID-19 to be over.
FILE PHOTO: Cranes and containers are seen at the port of Rosario

Ports Take Preventive Measures to Secure Operation Amidst COVID-19 Outbreak

Latin America ports practice and implement actions to avoid local transmission and to continue the transportation of cargoes normally.

Intelligent Countries: Latin American Countries' Effective Preparation Against COVID-19

Effective preparations of some Latin countries before and during they were hit by COVID-19 (Photo : Wikimedia Commons) It is not commonly known that some of the Latin American countries prepared in advance for the possible effects and impacts of COVID-19 according to a recently published article out of Mexico.
FILE PHOTO: A federal health worker takes part in fumigation to prevent the proliferation of mosquitos that transmit the Dengue fever at the San Lorenzo National School, in a low-income neighbourhood of San Lorenzo

Latin America Faces Dengue Epidemic

Dengue has been Latin America’s greatest public health issue by far and they continue to face challenges to combat the epidemic.

Which Latin American Country Values Water the Most?

This country in Latin America values water as a consumption inside and outside their homes the most, statistics say.
Protests in Mexico

Worst Possible Outcomes of COVID-19 in Latin America, Could Affect the US

Latin America will be negatively affected by the COVID-19 in different ways. (Photo : Reuters) The coronavirus outbreak has greatly impacted economies in almost all parts of the world.
Movie Set

5 Latina-Directed Movies to Watch During Women’s History Month

Spending hours of binge watching these 5 latina-directed films is the best way to enjoy the international women's month.

Latin American Countries You Should Visit At Least Once

Flying somewhere? Try checking out these Latin American countries. (Photo : pixabay/jeshoots) Are you planning your next vacation but aren't sure where to go? Latin American countries are known for their rich history, vibrant culture, and mouth-watering food.