Latin America

Why Mexico Leads Latin America in Technology

Facts you need to know about why Mexico is the leading country in terms of technology and technological investment in Latin America.
Bahamas Boat

Cheap Caribbean Vacations That Feel Like a Splurge

A list of inexpensive Carribean vacations that you can enjoy without having to spend much. Either you are looking for a relaxing beach holiday or an adventurous holiday, there is a perfect island for you from the Caribbean.
El Salvador Soldiers

Mexican and Other Latin American Militaries Become Tools for Abusive Governments

Armed forces are once again throwing their weight around following numerous street protests and demonstrations demanding actions against rising crime and corruption from their respective governments.
Abortion Rights Activist

Feminism Surges Across Latin America, From Chile to Mexico

Women are protesting across Latin America in a call to force gender politics into the arena following increasing cases of femicide and highly restrictive abortion laws.
5 Things You Must Not Do When Backpacking in South America

5 Things You Must Not Do When Backpacking in South America

Before you plan to go backpacking in the Latin American continent, take note of these five things you must not do.
Onda Mundial

Onda Mundial Uplifts Latin American Culture

Onda Mundial uplifts Latin American culture by trying to gather local and national Latin American artists every month.
Latin America

Good News! Study Suggests That Latinos Live Longer

U.S. Latinos and people in Latin America have longer life expectancy compared to white Americans according to a new published study.
Carlos Slim

10 Richest People in Latin America

The ten richest and most influential Latin Americans. In the previous articles of Latin Post, we have published reports about the Richest Celebrities, Richest Latina Hollywood Stars, Richest Immigrants, and many more.

Mexico is the New Haven of Netflix in Latin America

Netflix will establish its Latin American base in Mexico and pledged to invest $200 million in Mexican productions.
Many Latin Americans Believe that Government-funded Pensions are Not Enough

60.5% of Latinos Believe Their Government-Funded Retirement Income Is Not Enough

Find out here about the statistics of Latin American people and their ideas about their retirement. (Photo : Stocksnap) Latin Americans are expected to have relevant gaps in their retirement income when they reach 60.
The 2020 Dengue Outbreak in Latin America

Mosquito-Borne Dengue Outbreak in Latin America Still a Problem for 2020

Find out here about the condition of the dengue outbreak in Latin America. (Photo : Reuters) An article from Wion stated that Latin America is reported to have been hit with a severe dengue outbreak.
Zona Maco 2020: Correcting Their 2019 Mistakes on Women Representation in Arts

Zona Maco 2020: To Focus More on Women in Arts

Find out here how Zona Maco will correct its mistakes in Zona Maco 2019 involving women in arts. (Photo : Stocksnap) According to an article from Belatina, the largest contemporary art exhibit in Latin America known as Zona Maco is being held two times a year in Mexico City.
Columbia Court In the Process of Reviewing the Fate of the Abortion Laws in the Country

Colombia’s Abortion Ruling Can Impact Latin America's Abortion Rights

Find out here about the abortion laws in Colombia and a possible ruling of a total abortion ban in the country.
The Current Debt Standing of Liberty Latin America and its Effect to Current Stakeholders and Potential Investors

Liberty Latin America’s Balance Sheet and Its Influence on Investors’ Decisions

Find out here what the balance sheet of Liberty Latin America is revealing. (Photo : Stocksnap) According to a well-known fund manager named Li Lu, the largest risk of investment is not the volatility of its market prices but the suffering after the permanence of a loss of capital.
Displaced women

City of Women: A City Built by Displaced Women

Displaced Colombian women find peace and security in the "City of Women" and League of Displaced Women
Latin America Predictions on Economy and Other Aspects for 2020

Latin America 2020: A Quick Look at Economic Forecasts

Find out here the predictions about Latin America’s economy and more. (Photo : Stocksnap) 2019 ended in turmoil for Latin America. This is one of the signs that suggest the region is still going to see similar results in the future months.
New Virus Unearthed in Brazilian Lake

Yaravirus: New Virus Discovered in Brazil Named After Mermaid Myth

Find out here about the newly discovered virus in Brazil. (Photo : Stocksnap) Another unknown virus was discovered in a lake located in Brazil. The scientists who discovered the virus named it after a mythical creature who were thought to have lured soldiers into drowning in water.
Latinos Have Longer Life Expectancy Than Non-Hispanic Whites

Latinos Have Longer Life Expectancy Than Non-Hispanics

A new study says Latin Americans have a lower rate of premature death compared to their non-Hispanic white counterparts in the U.S. regardless of being a resident of the country or not.

Coronavirus Is Hurting Latin America's Economy

Enocomies in Latin American countries are affected with the effects of coronavirus. (Photo : Pexels) The coronavirus that started in a city in China did not only affect the health aspect of its citizens, but has also affected China-linked economies most especially countries in Latin America.
Glass Frog

Rare Bolivian "Glass" Frogs Rediscovered After 18 Years

The once considered extinct "glass" frog has been spotted in Bolivia after nearly two decades by a group of conservationists.
Here are the Most Corrupt Countries In Latin America

Top 9 Most Corrupt Countries In Latin America

The report emphasized the countries' ranking is affected by the challenges such as political leaders acting in their own self-interest at the expense of the citizens they serve and political party financing which compromises electoral integrity.