
The Ultimate List of Life Hacks for Latinas: DIY Tips for Beauty, Health, Home and Living

Did you know that there are countless life hacks that Latinas should be aware of that will help them save time, energy and money? Check out the list of life hacks Latin Post has compiled for the purpose of ease and health benefits.

Spanish-Language Seminars Teach Latinas Financial Literacy and Entrepreneurship

Spanish-language Latina Hope classes are equipping Hispanic women in South Texas with the necessary tools required to launch their own craft businesses, also helping those with pre-existing craft businesses to function more professionally.

Latin Celebrities Social Media Wrap-Up: Angelique Boyer and Nature, Jennifer Lopez's New Man, Eiza Gonzalez & More

Celebrities did plenty of things this week. Here are the highlights. It was a slow week for some with anticipation of the three-day weekend, but there was plenty of action on social media.

Rosie Rivera Opens Up About 60-Pound Weight Gain, Says Jenni Rivera Motivated Her

Rosie Rivera remembers the advice Jenni Rivera gave her that changed her life. Getting into pre-baby shape is a daunting task for many women, and it wasn't any different for Jenni Rivera's sister, Rosie.

Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders: Latinas Lead in Creating Businesses that Feed the Needs of Their Community

Large California-based companies tend to originate as small-scale operations. These companies, driven by founders with outstanding ideas and access to capital, can grow in just a matter of a few short months when guided by individuals who have a strong vision. More and more apparent is the fact that many of these business leaders and entrepreneurs are not white, nor or they male; rather, they are Latina women who have learned how to thrive in a high risk-high reward startup environment.

Short-Term Loans and Long-term Benefits: Tandas are "No-Interest, Short-Term Loans" that Can Help Latina Entrepreneurs and Job-Creators

Tandas is a resource that many Latinas consider when dealing with financial difficulty or when someone close is struggling financially. Tandas are a no-interest, short-term loan that's arranged among friends, and can be managed in a number of ways.

Brothels, Parlors, the Street and the Internet: Soliciting Sex in the Nation's Underground Sex Capital, Atlanta [REPORT]

Evocative Latino brothels, erotic Asian massage parlors, and the merchandising of the female body online and offline are the foundation of the underground commercial sex industry in D.C. and Atlanta; stimulating the local economy. Pun intended.

Sex, Underground: The Underground Sex Economy and Latinas' Bodies in America's Sex Trafficking Capitals [REPORT]

Atlanta, Dallas, Denver, Kansas City, Miami, San Diego, Seattle, Washington, D.C were examined by researchers, in an attempt to discover the extent of the "underground sex economy," which includes not only prostitution, but also sex trafficking of adults and children and child pornography.

City of Los Angeles, California Loses It's First LAPD Latina Officer, Josephine Serrano Collier

For those who are unaware, Josephine Serrano Collier was the first Latina officer for the Los Angeles Police Department. She joined the force in 1946 despite her family's objections and her fiancé calling off their engagement.

Hispanics in Social Media: Latinas Use Social Networks for Friends, Exclusives, and News, Says U.S. Study

Social media has been used to connect with friends and other services, and one demographic utilizing that aspect is Hispanic women in the United States.

Diverse Latinas in the Industry: Multi-Talented Latinas Getting Hot in Hollywood

Today's celebrities are expected to be much more than one-trick ponies. In order to make it big and keep it that way, stars have to tackle Hollywood from all angles. The following Latina women have already figured that out and are trying their hands at multiple different types of media. With such diverse backgrounds and undeniable talent, Hollywood won't forget these ladies any time soon.

Swell the Ranks of Latina Officials: New Organization Wants to Encourage Latinas to Represent on the State and National Level

LatinasRepresent, a collaborative effort between Political Parity–whose goal is to boost the number of women in the upper levels of government–and the National Hispanic Leadership Agenda, hopes to embolden Latinas to serve as political representatives.

Latinas are Doing It for Themselves: Entrepreneurship is Consistently on the Rise --Health Care and Social Assistance are Top Industries for Latina-Owned Businesses

Latina-owned businesses happen to be the fastest-growing segment among women-owned enterprises. These businesses contribute about $56 billion to the American economy each year.

6 Best Telenovelas of All Time: Marimar, El Clon, and More

"Cambiame la novela pa que tu vea!" It's all in good fun...hopefully. Here are some of the most memorable telenovelas of our teenage years.

Latinas & Tech: What Steps Are Being Taken to Encourage Women to Study Computer Science?

While a female presence is predominant online, there is still a lot more work to do to encourage young women, including aspiring Latinas, to study in the field of computer science and later enter in the tech-related workforce.

Barriers, Misinformation and Latinas' Access to Sex and Reproductive Clinics [REPORT]

Misinformation, ignorance, difficulties gaining access, fear of maltreatment, and worries over violations of privacy are some of the obstacles that keep Latinos from visiting healthcare facilities and/or sex and reproductive health clinics.

'Nuestro Texas:' Latinas Fight for Their Reproductive Health Despite a 'Straight-up Legislative Assault'

Jessica González-Rojas, the executive director at the National Institute of Latina Institute of Reproductive Health, highlighted "Nuestro Texas, a human rights campaign calling for reproductive health access for all women, without distinction as to geographic location, ethnicity, race, economic class, or citizen status."

The Eva Longoria Foundation Commissions UCLA Study to Examine Contributing Factors to Latinas' Success

Eva Longoria, actress-turned-blossoming media mogul, philanthropist and producer, is using the Eva Longoria Foundation to empower Latinas, and to foster their growth as intelligent young women.

Rihanna AMA 2013 Doobie: Stylist Explains Hair Wrap

If there is ever a question as to why Rihanna does something, there's only one simple answer...Rihanna does what she wants. We were, however, still left wondering why the now certified iconic star would wear a "doobie" to one of the most important and televised nights of her career. Well, her hairstylist finally answers the question.

Edificio de Mujeres/The Women's Building: The First Woman-Owned and Operated Community Center

San Francisco Women's Centers (SFWC) have helped to guide the lives of girls and women in need of safe spaces that provide advocacy for social justice, gender equality and self-determination for decades. Edificio de Mujeres (The Women's Building) is one of those facilities, and annually assists 20,000 women with needs related to the arts, education, community involvement, and social services.

Young Hispanic Women Still Struggling to Get Ahead

Young Hispanic women have the highest rate of teen parenthood when compared to other major ethnic or racial groups in the country.