Read on to find out about the common misconceptions about Mexican cuisine. Mexican cuisine composes of diverse and multilayered flavors from its incredibly delicious and nutritious ingredients that are made from the local ingredients that were combined by the people in the country.
With the increasing number of Mexican-born immigrants in the country, we have grown to like Mexican cuisine. Here are some staple Mexican ingredients you need in your pantry amid the coronavirus pandemic.
Mexican ice hockey player Luisa Wilson is eyeing college hockey after she made history on January 15 after bagging a gold medal at the Winter Youth Olympics.
Mexican officials arrested suspects of the LeBaron massacre. (Photo : Pexels) Mexico's gunbattle is in the news again after the arrest of suspects in the massacre of members of the Mormon community.
Something magical happens when you bite into a taco. It's like your heart bursts open with all these happy emotions and every little worry you had, has flown the coop. Tacos are a man AND woman's best friend; there is no denying it. But it's not any ol' "made at home" taco. It has to be well cooked, very tasty, fullfilling and leaves an everlasting memory. It's that serious, folks.
Have fun with these common Mexican misconceptions! Despite the advances that we have enjoyed in the modern world thus far, the existence of stereotypes has never really left.
New hope arises for the immigration condition in the U.S. after a Mexican immigrant, who previously crossed the border in 1999, was identified by his family after 16 years.
Pope Francis is set for some musical experience when he visits Chiapas this coming February. Massive preparations have already gone underway as Mexico prepares for the eagerly-anticipated visit of Pope Francis this coming February.
A dramatic turn of events between a Mexican mother and her son was recently reported to have been resolved with the help of U.S. Border Patrol agents. The incident where the mother lost her son and was found in the arms of another, happened in light of the recent influx of immigrants trying to enter U.S. borders illegally.