Michael Brown shooting

Michael Brown's Parents File Wrongful Death Lawsuit Against Darren Wilson, City of Ferguson and Police Chief

The family of Michael Brown, the unarmed teenager who was fatally shot by a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri last August, has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the city of Ferguson, former police chief Thomas Jackson and former officer Darren Wilson.

Ferguson Residents to Elect 4 New City Council Members Who Will Oversee Hiring of New Police Chief

City residents in Ferguson, Missouri will head to the polls on Tuesday for the first election since 18-year-old Michael Brown was killed in a police shooting that sparked a string of local protests and national outrage.

President Obama Talks Ferguson, Believes Racist Practices Used By Police Department Not Isolated

President Barack Obama admits he suspects many of the racist practices a Department of Justice investigation found the Ferguson, Mo. police department to be guilty of are not just isolated incidents.

Michael Brown Shooting Update: Former Ferguson Cop Darren Wilson to Be Cleared on Federal Charges

Sources say that federal civil-rights charges will not be filed against former Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of Michael Brown, an unarmed African American teenager who died in Ferguson, Missouri last August.

Michael Brown Shooting Case: Ferguson Police Chief Becomes Target For Black Panther Murder Plot

Darren Wilson continues hiding after trials are over. According to reports by the Daily Caller, Brandon Orlando Baldwin and Olajuwon Ali Davis--two men affiliated with the New Black Panther Party--allegedly premeditated the murders of Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson and St.

Daily Show’s Jon Stewart Accuses Fox News of Ferguson Racial Hypocrisy

In August, “Daily Show” host Jon Stewart criticized Fox News personalities for complaining about how events surrounding the Michael Brown case were being labeled as a racial matter. “Race is there and it is a constant. You’re tired of hearing about it. Imagine how f—ing exhausting it is living it,” said Stewart.

Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson Reportedly Negoiating Plans to Resign Over Death of Michael Brown

Darren Wilson, the police officer responsible for fatally shooting teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri over the summer, is reportedly negotiating the terms of his resignation in wake of the upcoming grand jury decision that will decide whether or not to indict him.

Michael Brown Shooting: Parents of Late Teen Testify to United Nations Comittee Against Torture Regarding Situation in Ferguson, Missouri

Lesley McSpadden and Michael Brown Sr., the parents of teen Michael Brown Jr., testified before the United Nations Committee Against Torture on Nov. 11 to shine light on the climate of Ferguson, Missouri in the wake of their son's death.

Ferguson, Missouri Tensions 2014: Police Admit No-Fly Zone Aimed to Keep Media Out

he U.S. government granted a police request to limit more than 37 square miles of airspace for 12 days in August for safety in Ferguson

Michael Brown Ferguson Video: Witness Says That Brown Had 'Hands in the Air'

A new video capturing the moments after Michael Brown was shot and killed by a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri has surfaced, adding further evidence that Brown was trying to surrender in the last moments of his life.

Michael Brown Shooting: Ferguson Police Chief Says Force ‘Can Be Better' Ahead of Investigation

U.S. Department of Justice to launch a civil rights investigation The day after the U. S. Department of Justice said it's planning a civil rights investigation of the Ferguson, Missouri, police department, the police chief said, "We've done an excellent job, [but] we can be better and we're willing to be.

Twitter Suspends Anonymous Account After It Names 'Random Citizen' As Michael Brown's Shooter

It seems Internet vigilantism didn't die after Reddit's Boston bombing-obsessed users pointed its fingers at an innocent student who was later discovered dead. This time it's the hacktivist group Anonymous publically pointing the finger at a person who may or may not have been the police officer who fatally shot Michael Brown in Ferguson Missouri.

#IfIWereGunnedDown and ‪#‎JusticeForMikeBrown Trend on Twitter as Ferguson Residents React to Michael Brown's Death

Michael Brown, an unarmed teen shot down by police in Ferguson, Missouri on Saturday, Aug. 9, appears to be explicit proof of the relentless and continual assault on men of color by police officers.

Michael Brown Protests Continue After Two Days of Riots

Protesters in Missouri gathered Tuesday to protest the death of 18-year-old Michael Brown, a black teenager who was shot to death by a police officer.
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