migrant children

Guatemala Authorities Raid Save the Children Charity's Offices After Reported Mistreatment of Migrant Children

Authorities in Guatemala raided the offices of the NGO known as Save the Children after a complaint that migrant children were being mistreated in Texas.
Hundreds of Migrant Children Separated by Donald Trump’s Family Separation Policy Reunited With Parents

Hundreds of Migrant Children Taken From Parents Under Donald Trump’s Family Separation Policy Reunited

The Biden administration has reunited nearly 700 children separated from their families at the U.S.-Mexico border because of former President Donald Trump's controversial family separation policy, officials said.
'Mother Caravan': New Caravan of Thousands of Migrants Continue to March Toward U.S.-Mexico Border, Texas Buckles Up

'Mother Caravan': New Caravan of Thousands of Migrants Continue to March Toward U.S.-Mexico Border, Texas Buckles Up

Texas is preparing to face the approaching "Mother Caravan" of migrants, which Mexico's National Guards were unable to stop on Saturday.
Over 1.7 Million Migrants Arrested at U.S.-Mexico Border in Fiscal Year 2021 | Ex-DHS, CBP Officials Slam Pres. Joe Biden

Over 1.7 Million Migrants Arrested at U.S.-Mexico Border in Fiscal Year 2021 | Ex-DHS, CBP Officials Slam Pres. Joe Biden

Over 1.7 million migrants have been apprehended along the southern border in the past 12 months, according to a new Department of Homeland Security (DHS) data.
Defense Secretary Mattis Confirms That Military Bases Will House Detained Migrants

Two Federal Whistleblowers Reveal HHS Instructions to Downplay Fort Bliss' Migrant Children COVID-19 Outbreak

After serving as volunteers at a facility in Fort Bliss, two federal whistleblowers filed a complaint and allegedly claimed that the Department of Health and Human Services instructed them to downplay the COVID-19 outbreak against unaccompanied migrant children housed at a facility in Fort Bliss, Texas.
Biden Administration Has Yet to Reunite Over 2,100 Migrant Children Separated at Border Under Trump

Biden Administration Has Yet to Reunite Over 2,100 Migrant Children Separated at Border Under Trump

Thousands of migrant children separated from their families during the Trump administration have yet to be rejoined by the Biden administration.
Biden Administration Owes More Than $200,000 to a Texas Hospital Treating Migrant Children

Biden Administration Owes More Than $200,000 to a Texas Hospital Treating Migrant Children

U.S. President Joe Biden's administration has yet to reimburse a Texas hospital more than $200,000 in healthcare costs for taking care of migrant children.
Biden Administration to Reunite 54 Migrant Children to Their Parents

Biden Administration to Reunite 54 Migrant Children to Their Parents, 391 More Still Waiting to Locate Parents

Lawyers has tracked the parents of at least 54 migrant children in the past month under the Biden administration.
5 Migrant Children, Including an Infant, Found Abandoned Near U.S.-Mexico Border

5 Migrant Children, Including an Infant, Found Abandoned in Extreme Heat Near U.S.-Mexico Border

Four migrant children and an 11-month-old infant have been abandoned near the U.S.-Mexico border amid the scorching temperatures over the weekend.
Biden Scraps Trump Plan To Collect Facial Scans, DNA From Immigrants

Joe Biden Scraps Trump Plan To Collect Facial Scans, DNA From Immigrants

The Biden administration canceled the collection of personally identifiable data, such as DNA and facial scans, from immigrants applying to enter the country.
Biden Admin to Reunite Whole Families Not Just Parents With Border Kids

Biden Admin to Reunite Whole Families Not Just Parents With Border Kids

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said the Biden administration is working to reunite entire migrant families separated at the border.
Kamala Harris Is Not at the Southern Border, but Migrant Kids to Get Her Children’s Book in Welcome Kits

Kamala Harris Is Not at the Southern Border, but Migrant Kids to Get Her Children’s Book in Welcome Kits

Vice President Kamala Harris has yet to visit the southern border, but a children's book she wrote is waiting for unaccompanied young migrants.

Ecuador Children Dropped by Smugglers in the US Mexico Border Reunite With Parents

The Ecuador children dropped at the U.S.-Mexico Border were finally reunited with their parents in New York City.

Ted Cruz Slams Secretary Mayorkas for His Trip to the Borders with Another Media Blackout

Senator Ted Cruz blasted the DHS Secretary for another trip to the borders announcing a media blackout.
Texas Gov. Says Migrant Children Are Being Sexually Assaulted At San Antonio Facility

Texas Gov. Says Migrant Children Are Being Sexually Assaulted At San Antonio Facility

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott is calling on the federal government to close a migrant children facility in San Antonio after receiving abuse complaints.
Sen. John Barrasso Says He Was Told to Delete Photos From Border Facilities

Sen. John Barrasso Says He Was Told to Delete Photos From Border Facilities

Senator John Barrasso said on Sunday that Republican senators were instructed by officials to delete the photos they took inside migrant facilities.
Number of Migrants Apprehended at U.S.-Mexico Border Reaches 15-Year High

Number of Migrants Apprehended at U.S.-Mexico Border Reaches 15-Year High

The U.S. law enforcement agents encountered more than 171,000 migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border in March, the highest number in 15 years.
Migrants Cross Into Texas From Mexico

Smugglers Drop Migrant Children From Atop 14-Foot U.S.-Mexico Border Barrier

The United States Border Patrol released a horrifying video of smugglers dropping a 5-year-old girl and a 3-year old girl at a 14 feet high border barrier, abandoning the migrant children in the New Mexico desert in the middle of the night.
Teen Migrant Facility in Texas Allows 'Sleeping Head to Foot' in One Room, Rep. Taylor Says

Teen Migrant Facility in Texas Allows 'Sleeping Head to Foot' in One Room, Rep. Taylor Says

Two GOP congressmen who toured teen migrant facilities in their respective towns in Texas were upset about what they saw during their visit.

Pres. Joe Biden Assigns VP Kamala Harris to Lead White House in Addressing Migrant Children Issues

Vice President Kamala Harris was assigned to lead the White House in addressing the migrant children issues in the U.S. Border.
Asylum Seekers Enter US As Biden Ends "Remain In Mexico" Policy

U.S. Border Patrol Alarms Officials After Unaccompanied Minors Population Jump

Based on the preliminary data of the U.S. Border Patrol, the detentions of migrant children have increased from 5,600 in January, to 9,300 in February, and with only three weeks in March, 11,000 unaccompanied minors were recorded.