The contemporary reboot of 90s popular TV series, “Power Rangers,” took the world of superhero movies by storm. According to critics, the movie does absolute justice in rejuvenating the franchise.
The "Power Rangers" 2017 movie has an LGBT protagonist. LGBT rights activists and supporters have more reasons to support the "Power Rangers" 2017 movie.
A marathon for all 23 seasons of the "Power Rangers" TV series will start today. To prepare for the "Power Rangers" movie by Lionsgate, a marathon for all 23 seasons of the original TV series will start today, March 14.
Nearing the premiere of the upcoming Power Rangers movie, Lionsgate Pictures has released a new poster for the movie. As previous promotional items showed the rangers themselves and the Power Coins, this one turns the attention to the Battle Zords.
The star shared videos of herself training to star in her first major film role. Singer and actress Becky G has begun her training to play the yellow ranger in the upcoming "Power Rangers" movie reboot.
The young popstar has landed her biggest role to date. Becky G surprised fans on Friday by announcing that she will be playing the yellow power ranger in the upcoming "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers" movie, based on the popular 1990s kids show.