President Barack Obama

Hobby Lobby Affordable Care Act Contraception Update: Retailer Could Suffer from Supreme Court Case on Obamacare's Contraception Mandate

As the U.S. Supreme Court debated Tuesday about whether for-profit companies could refuse the Affordable Care Act's mandate for contraception coverage to its employees citing religious beliefs, Hobby Lobby became part of a list of organizations to publicly take a religiously conservative stance on socioeconomic topics.

Latinos Deal With Tougher Consequences Facing Minimum Wage Debate

Connecticut lawmakers Wednesday evening approved legislation that raises the state's minimum wage level to $10.10 an hour by 2017, making it the state with the highest minimum wage in the nation.

President Barack Obama Meets Pope Francis For The First Time in Vatican City

U.S. President Barack Obama met with Pope Francis at Vatican City for the first time today on March 27th.

Obamacare Extension & #YourMomCares : The Obama Administration Extends the Affordable Care Act Deadline, Celeb Mom Chime in on ACA

The March 31 deadline for enrolling in health plans through the federal insurance marketplace is nigh, but don't fret...Obama and friends have decided to give extra time to American's who've already begun to apply for coverage on, but won't be finished by this upcoming Monday.

NSA Hacking, Snowden Leak and Wire Tap News: President Obama Calls for End to National Security Agency Phone Data Collection

The National Security Agency has come under fire for their mass collection of phone data -- of course using our "smartphones" to access the data, as well as social media and other spying methods -- and now, President Barack Obama is calling upon the NSA to end these practices once and for all, but to only make "metadata" available to the government when needed.

Inmate Sends Death Threat to President Obama, But Gets the White House's Address Wrong

It's not like the address changes from year to year when the lease is up...a convicted child molester is currently in a world of trouble in Pittsburgh because he sent a threat to President Barack Obama...and sent it to the wrong address.

U.S. Government's Office of Personnel Management Employees Still File Personal Records in Deep Underground Caverns

About 230 feet below the Pennsylvania surface is an underground limestone mine just north of Pittsburgh, which serves as the workplace to 600 government employees and a prime location to house 28,000 file cabinets of federal paper records.

Minimum Wage 2014: Debate Continues As Advocates Kick Off Bus Tour

Advocates for the side of raising the minimum wage in the recent national debate are taking their cause on the road Monday as Americans United for Change kick off its "Give America a Raise" bus tour.

What Is NSA Surveillance Doing to Facebook? Mark Zuckerberg Complains Via Status Update, Will Meet With President Barack Obama

More than a week after Facebook Chief Executive Officer Mark Zuckerberg phoned President Barack Obama to voice his frustrations regarding the recent surveillance scandal at the NSA, he was invited to the White House on Friday to discuss Americans' privacy concerns and NSA reform.

'Scandal' and 'House of Cards' Are More Exciting Than The White House, President Obama Says [WATCH]

Obama admits that the White House is not as eventful as it seems on "House of Cards" and "Scandal". He says that he has not yet watched "Scandal" but that "Michelle does", and that the big house is much more boring than that.

Institutional Racism Begins As Early As Preschool, Study Says

A report, released Friday by the Department of Education's civil rights arm, revealed that in U.S. public schools, black students - even as young as preschoolers - are more likely to get suspended than any other race.

March Madness 2014 Brackets & Scores: Obama Predicts Michigan State to Win the NCAA Tournament

The President's top four include Michigan State, Arizona, Florida and Louisville and is banking on Michigan State to bring home the trophy.

Obamacare Health Insurance Benefits, Facts, and Sign Up: As Enrollment Reaches 5 Million, Here's the Top 5 Benefits of the Affordable Care Act

The Washington Post is reporting that, as of today, over 5 million people have enrolled in Obamacare, and further estimations project that the number will rise to 6 million before March 31st, which is the last day to apply for affordable health care under the Obamacare act before getting a fine.

The Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics USA Women Hockey Team Aren't the Only Females on The Ice: Meet the Soccer Moms On the Chicks wIth Sticks League

In states like Minnesota where hockey rules the sporting world, moms are now dropping off their kids at sporting practices before heading to their own hockey team practice.

Immigration Reform News 2014: President Obama Announces Review of Mass Deportation Program

The White House announced Thursday that President Barack Obama plans to conduct a review of deportation practices for undocumented immigrants.

Latest NSA Revelation Pushes Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg's Buttons

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, along with most giants of the tech industry, has expressed his critical views on the U.S. National Security Agency's activities before, but it appears that the most recent NSA revelation published this week has pushed him over the edge. On Thursday, Zuckerberg called President Obama himself, after which he publically aired his grievances on (of course) Facebook.

West Virginia Community Reacts To Anti-Muslim Vandals

While the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon put many Muslim Americans unjustly in an unfavorable spotlight among Islamophobes and xenophobes, President Barrack Obama's presidency hasn't done much better to quell stereotypical beliefs and fears in some of America's rural communities.

House Rep. Luis Gutiérrez and National Council of La Raza's Janet Murguía Will be "Pressuring All Sides" About Immigration Reform & The Nation Shares its Divided Opinion Over Increased Deportation

Immigration reform hits close to home for most Hispanics, and overall is something that's carries more interest with that group than other demographics. 72 percent of Hispanics say it is extremely or very important that the president and Congress pass new immigration legislation, compared with 44 percent of whites and 49 percent of blacks.

Ukraine Riots and Protests News Update: Putin Says Russia Is "In Full Compliance with International Law" as Tensions Rise

With pro-Russian forces occupying the Crimean peninsula and the Russian navy blockading Ukrainian ships in the area, the Ukrainian crisis continues to escalate despite diplomatic conversations between the West and Russia. As diplomacy continues to drag, both sides have made moves that show their strength, but it may not work in the long run.

Keystone XL Pipeline Project Pros, Cons and Facts: Recent Poll Shows More Americans On Board

During the last few years, environmentalists, activists and some landowners have protested the Keystone XL pipeline extension from Alberta, Canada's oil sands to Port Arthur, Texas because of fear that it could it cause environmental degradation to the farmlands in the Midwest.

Facebook Announces Anti-Gun Initiative Against Illicit Firearms Sales

The social media company Facebook, which owns Instagram, announced that over the next few weeks it would implement a new set of restrictions on commercial activity use of the sites.