Telegram combines features of both Telegram suddenly skyrocketed to the top free app in over 46 countries last weekend after WhatsApp went offline for about four hours.
Most of us have sent some interesting photos via Snapchat thanks to its unique ability to make our photos disappear in an instant - but just how safe is the app?
In recent months, young social media service, Snapchat, has been at the center of security scandals. Jaime Sanchez, a Spanish cyber security consultant for Telefónica, has just uncovered a new cyber security problem with Snapchat - one that can crash your iPhone.
After about 4.6 million Snapchatters' usernames and phone numbers were exposed by a hack of a security vulnerability that the young social media company was repeated warned about, Snapchat has issued an apology and an update to its app.
Facebook may want social media-domination, but they need to keep teens interested and engaged to do so. When the world's largest social network noticed that teens' usage is on the decline, and the increasingly popular messaging service, Snapchat, is on the rise, they had to act snappy and make an enticing offer.