This week in social media, Facebook began testing Snapchat-style messaging in Facebook Messenger. Meanwhile Pinterest introduced a smart, unique visual search feature, Twitter introduced GIFs you can control, and Snapchat is planning on making even more money off of its Lenses feature.
Rihanna recently shelled out over $2,000 for some one-of-a-kind fetish gear. Rihanna recently shelled out over $2,000 for some one-of-a-kind fetish gear.
This week in social media, Facebook rolled out, experimented with, or otherwise promised a slew of changes to its platform, policies and mobile apps. Meanwhile, Twitter got hit on Wall Street again and Snapchat rolled out its first Halloween-themed sponsored "lenses." It's time for Social Media Sunday!
Jordan Davies shared a snapchat video of his girlfriend Megan McKenna performing a sex act on him. Jordan Davies took sharing of Snapchat videos into a whole new level after he captured his girlfriend performing a sex act on him.
This week in social media, Facebook unveiled its latest push into online video, seeking to rob top rival YouTube of views. Meanwhile, Twitter went through some major company changes under new CEO Jack Dorsey and a new study surprised no one by revealing that teens prefer Instagram, with Snapchat right behind, over other social networks.
This week in social media, another privacy hoax took over Facebook. Meanwhile, it looks like interim CEO and co-founder Jack Dorsey will be taking over Twitter and Snapchat's new feature is an ad that costs almost a million dollars for one day.
Tyga reportedly wants out of his relationship with Kylie now that he's seen how selfish and more concerned she is about her image than their relationship.
In a video posted on Wednesday to the "Keeping Up with the Kardashians" stars' Snapchat account, the rapper says he likes playing with "my fiancée and my little dog."
This week in social media, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced he's actually decided to create a "dislike" button, but it's not what you think. Meanwhile, Snapchat added a replay feature for snaps you might have missed (for a price) and in Facebook's new "Signal" feature, Twitter has something big to worry about from the top social media platform on the planet.
Following Kylie Jenner's 18th birthday, rapper Tyga has had no shame in flaunting their relationship to the public, and following some recent racy snapchats, neither has the Kardashian heiress.
This week in social media, two Facebook-owned messenger services hit major milestones. Meanwhile, Twitter is still on the hunt for a leader with a possible announcement soon, Snapchat (maybe?) hit a Facebook-style milestone in video, and Tumblr cleaned up its act -- on mobile.
This week in social media, Twitter finally got a boost from its partnership with Google. Meanwhile, leaked documents showed Snapchat lost a considerable sum of money in a short period of time last year. And Spotify, of all "social" platforms, angered users by asking for too much data.
This week in social media, former CEO of Twitter Dick Costolo will reportedly be stepping down from his position on Twitter's board of directors. Meanwhile, Snapchat is becoming the newest battlefront for political discussion by design, and Facebook was the true winner of the first GOP debate.
This week in social media, Twitter messed with everyone's homepage, Facebook relented on its fight against a sea of search warrants issued by a New York court, and Snapchat and Univision have partnered up.
Facebook's iOS app will get some photo-editing features similar to Snapchat. Now, users will be able to edit their photos with filters, add text and attach stickers all from the app when uploading a picture.
This week in social media, Twitter unveiled Project Lightning, its best hope to open up Twitter's biggest strength to multiple platforms, users, and non-users alike.
A right-leaning political group, the American Action Network (AAN), is using the popular social media app Snapchat to target young, hard to reach voters.
This week in social media, Facebook announced Facebook Lite for Android, Pinterest and Instagram find themselves competing in ecommerce and ads, and Snapchat hired the former head of The Onion.