The Flash season 3 spoilers

'The Flash' Season 3 'Supergirl' Crossover Plot Synopsis Revealed; 'Glee' Actor to Guest Star

"The Flash" Season 3 crossovers with "Supergirl". More details here. "The Flash" Season 3 episode 17 "duet" will have a cross-over with "Supergirl".

'The Flash' Spoilers: Grant Gustin aka Barry Allen Enters Speed Force to Save Wally From Savitar's Imprisonment

Barry Allen enters the Speed Force in an attempt to save Wally from Savitar's nefarious influence in the next episode titled as 'Into the Speed Force.'

'The Flash' Season 3 Episode 15 Spoilers: David Dastmalchian Casted As Futuristic Villain, 'The Flash' Deals With Time Traveler to Uncover Secret

The Flash comes across another villain having uncontrollable magic like powers, with a secret yet to discover.

'The Flash' Episode 13 Review: Harry Goes Missing; Barry Fakes Death To Save Team After Defeating Solovar

'The Flash' Episode 13 titled as 'Attack on Gorilla City' involved endless challenges for Barry & Co as they set foot to solve missing Harry's case. The team faces Grodd's wrath after they decide to vanquish Solovar as his future plan involved invading Earth-One.

“The Flash” Season 3: Major Villain Officially Returns; New Character to be Introduced

Gorilla Grodd officially returns in “The Flash” Season 3 the most dangerous villain of every season is a comeback in the show. Add to that, a new character from DC Comics will be introduced.

Gorilla Grodd Set To Return In ‘The Flash’ Season 3

Gorilla Grodd has been in every season of 'The Flash' so far and now he's back in the new season with a new ally.

'The Flash' Season 3 Spoilers: "Whisper To A Scream" Promo Will See Cisco's Battle With Gypsy & Harrison On Team Flash

The CW also revealed the synopsis for the next episode of "The Flash." H.R's (played by Tom Cavanagh) past will catch up with him, when Gypsy (guest star Jessica Camacho), a bounty hunter who has a power same as Cisco, vibe powers, arrives in Central City.

'Flash' Season 3 Episode 10 Updates: How Barry Changes The Future, Iris' Death

The Flash is indeed in for some twists as Barry is said to have the powers to change the future. Details about the death of Iris are also discussed.

'The Flash' Season 3 Episode 11 Spoilers: Cisco Ramon Will Meet Gypsy Who's Looking For Harrison Wells For Illegal Travelling; Rick Cosnett Confirms Return As Savitar [Report]

Gypsy will go up undoubtedly against the character of Carlos Valdez, Cisco Ramon. But the fans of "The Flash" are all cross fingers and things might get romantic between Vibe and Gypsy and be officially a thing. Moreover, Gypsy was not a popular DC heroine on the league but her touchdown on the series will certainly make sense and after all, her powers were seem to be a complement to Ramon's powers.

'The Flash' Season 3 Episode 10 Spoilers: Barry Will Mess Again with the Timeline Prevent Iris' Death; The Comeback of Zoom as the Black Flash

Barry Allen really cannot hide a secret from Iris as he tries not to mention what he saw in the futureespecially it is all about Iris. The future holds Iris is gonna murder by Savitar.
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