As production for the third installment of the "Captain America" film begins in Atlanta, rumors regarding a surprise twist in the movie's plot have surfaced online.
From "The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies" to Disney's "Into the Woods" and "Unbroken", Latin Post takes a look at the hottest DVDs coming to shelves this week.
Director of "Doctor Strange" Scott Derrickson tweeted a picture that resembles British actor Benedict Cumberbatch with a mustache and the same hair as Marvel's Doctor Strange on Sunday night via Twitter.
Unlike the other trilogy ender "The Return of the King," this film does not feature a million epilogues that so clearly reveal a reluctance to leave the world and its characters. "The Battle of Five Armies" almost runs away rather quickly. And in many ways it is fitting. The trilogy as a whole has its moments that resemble the grandeur of the original film while never really reaching that level. That it ends on a nostalgic note seems to grasp for what could have been with these films. It was a fun ride, if somewhat of a disappointing one.
Five lucky readers will win! THIS CONTEST IS NOW CLOSED. THANK YOU FOR PARTICIPATING AND KEEP CHECKING BACK FOR MORE CHANCES TO WIN. (Photo : New Line Cinema/Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures) To celebrate the release of The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies in cinemas, Warner Bros.
"I Know What You Did Last Summer," is a "teen scream" that centers on a group of close friends who covered up a car accident in which they kill a stranger, causing them to be stalked and murdered by a clocked man named Ben Willis. Sony Pictures reported that Mike Flanagan and Jeff Howard will write the script for the "high priority" film that's set for theater release in 2016. Neal Moritz, who produced the original film, is also set produce the remake.
In December Warner Bros. will release "The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies." It is the final installment in "The Hobbit" series. Peter Jackson returns to the helm in what promises to be an action packed film. Latin takes a look at the trailer and things we know so far about the upcoming movie.