US Records 1 Million New COVID-19 Cases in a Week, Deaths Rising

The United States logged more than one million new cases of COVID-19 last week, according to a report.
US, Mexico to Extend COVID-19 Travel Restriction: Immigrants Faced With Difficulty

US, Mexico, Canada Extend COVID-19 Travel Restrictions; Immigrants Face Difficulties

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the United States, Mexico, and Canada will continue to temporarily restrict all non-essential travel across their borders until Nov. 21.

US COVID-19 Cases Top 9 Million With Days Before Election

The United States has surpassed the nine million record of COVID-19 cases on Thursday. The United States has surpassed the nine million record of COVID-19 cases on Thursday.

US-China Tech Tensions Won't Be Resolved Even If Biden Wins Presidential Seat

The dispute over technology between the U.S. and China will not go away even if Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden wins the elections in November, according to an analyst.

Will the Worsening COVID-19 Feud Between US and China Lead to Another 'Cold War?'

Experts believe the frosty relationship between both countries is a 'dangerous dynamic.' They believe it could spur a new Cold War between the two giants.

US Continues to Add Cameras at the US-Mexico Border Despite Decline in Crossings, Why?

The US administration has been discretely installing additional military surveillance cameras at the US-Mexico border as its response to the COVID-19 pandemic even though fewer people appear to be crossing illegally.

The US Pressures Mexico to Reopen Plants Amidst Worker Walkouts

The United States pressed on Tuesday, Mexico to revive the border assembly plants as more workers demonstrated protests and walkouts at the facilities due to fears over the COVID-19 pandemic.
People wear masks as they head to work during morning rush hour, amid the outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19), in the central business district in Beijing, China

China’s Lies About COVID-19 Has Put the World in Danger, Says US Intelligence Agent

As the COVID-19 cases have soared in recent days, three US intelligence officials said China misinformed the world by intentionally underreporting the number of its affected patients and fatalities.

Anthony Fauci Receives Security Detail Following Threats

The White House coronavirus expert recently beefed up his security detail following numerous online threats and personal encounters.
A patient suffering from coronavirus in France

US COVID-19 Death Toll Hits 5,800, Surpassing 9/11 Terror Attack Deaths

The US coronavirus death toll hit a new high on Thursday, surpassing the death toll from the 9/11 terror attacks.

Latin American Immigrants Looking to Seek Asylum in US May Go for Mexico Instead

President Donald Trump's administration is persistent in enacting its federal immigration laws.

Report: Isareli Goverment Moves To Decriminalized Marijuana Use

Israel cabinet makes move to decriminalize recreational marijuana use.Israel joins some of the Europe states and European countries for the similar approach.

Report: Pediatricians Warn About The Dangers Of Using Marijuana

Pediatricians warn about the dangers of kids using marijuana. America Academy of Paediatrics has issued a guideline for the use of marijuana

Report: North Korea's Front Companies Invested In China, Reported By UN

Confidential report U.N report details North Korea's front companies in China. The report is expected to be made public next week.

Mexico Warns Trump On Unilateral Tax For Border Wall Funding

The Mexican government has warned the US government for unilateral taxes. They will not tolerate imposing taxes for border wall funding

Report: The Details Of North Korean Missile, Revealed By Pentagon.

Last week North Korea has tested the ballistic missile. Pentagon reveals on weekend launch of North Korea missile

Iran Vows To Use 'Roaring Missiles' If Threatened, Defies New Sanctions

Iran has recently tested a ballistic missile. The new report has suggested that Iran would use its missiles if its security is under threat

OnePlus 3T Release, Specs: OnePlus 3T To Feature Snapdragon 821 SoC; Set to Launch in India on Dec. 2

The Chinese company confirmed the launch of the new OnePlus 3T, but also announced that the company will continue to sell OnePlus 3. Considering the fact that OnePlus 3 is just five month old in the market but already received an upgrade in the form of OnePlus 3T, it would be interesting to see how the company is going to manage the sale of both variants in India.

Gun Mortality May be Down by 90% - Here's How

Those in favor of stronger gun control laws may have a reason to celebrate as there are 3 state laws that could reduce gun deaths. Around 90 percent of gun-related deaths could be minimized if universal background checks on firearm and ammunition purchases and firearm identification would be widely implemented in the United States as federal laws.

First Ever Uterus Transplant in the US Fails; Will America's First Penis Transplantation Suffer the Same Fate?

The woman who had the first uterus transplant in the United States had the organ removed despite it just being introduced earlier this week. She had to have it removed due to complications, Cleveland Clinic recently announced.

Obesity in America Caused by Frozen Pizza, Breakfast Cereals; 5 Ways to Clean Up the American Diet

Obesity is a growing epidemic in the United States that affects people of all ages. A new study shows that more than half of the American diet comes from 'ultra-processed foods' in frozen pizza and breakfast cereals to name a few.