
Dr. Anthony Fauci Says Future COVID-19 Vaccine Will Not Give 100% Immunity

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the country's leading infectious disease expert with four decades of experience in different types of pandemics, said that the future COVID-19 vaccine will not give 100 percent immunity.
Dr. Anthony Fauci

Dr. Fauci Admits Not Confident in Having an Effective Vaccine in the Near Future

Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, admitted recently that he is not confident of having an effective vaccine in the near future.

How Much Does Moderna's COVID-19 Vaccine Costs? Here's What You Should Know

Moderna is the first pharmaceutical firm to conduct human clinical trials for its COVID-19 vaccine in the United States. The company just recently released the amount they charged for every dose of vaccine.
Dr. Anthony Fauci

On Coronavirus Surge: Fauci Claims US Did Not Totally Shut Down

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the country's leading infectious disease expert, said the United States did not totally shut down. He released the statement after the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases in the country increased rapidly.
Dr. Anthony Fauci

Fauci Admits There is No Guarantee of Having Safe and Effective COVID-19 Vaccine

As the U.S. government intends to manufacture candidate vaccines even before it's clear whether they will work or not, Dr. Anthony Fauci says there is no assurance for a safe and effective vaccine.

Second Wave "Not Inevitable" - Dr. Fauci

The leading infectious and disease expert in the United States said that the prediction by some health experts about the COVID-19 Second Wave is not 'inevitable' if measures are striclty followed.
Latin American scientists are now working to look for, and discover their own solution to get out of the COVID-19 crisis.

Latin American Scientists Collaborate to Develop COVID-19 Vaccine, Believing No One Else will Rescue Them

Latin American scientists have recently joined forces to develop a vaccine for COVID-19, believing no one else is going to solve this massive health problem.

Finding a Cure: The Vaccine Candidates Against COVID-19 And Their Current Status

Read on to find out about the latest updates on some of the vaccines under trial against COVID-19. Based on a previous article, there are still many illnesses in the world where their vaccines are not yet discovered.

Interferon: A Potential Treatment for COVID-19 From Cuba

Read on to find out about interferon alpha 2b, the drug that Cuba manufactures, and a potential COVID-19 cure.
Immunization is a worldwide success story of health and development that saves millions of lives each year

Immunization Agenda 2030: A Strategy to Leave No One Behind

It is the main objective of the IA2030 to ensure that all people in the world regardless of age will leave a healthy life by 2030.

Could This Anti-Parasitic Drug Kill COVID-19 in 48 Hours?

Researchers found out that an anti-parasitic drug that is available around the world can apparently kill COVID-19 within 48 hours.

Finger-Sized Microneedles: Potential Vaccine Against COVID-19

The first peer-reviewed vaccine that is found potentially capable of fighting COVID-19 is set to have its first phase for human trial in the next few months.
Hospital Beds

COVID-19 May Carry Lifetime Effects, Says Research

Researchers and infectious disease experts found that COVID-19 maybe a lifetime threat. (Photo : Reuters) Researchers say that COVID-19 may be a lifetime threat if there will be no vaccine or cure that will stop the spread of the virus according to a recently published article.
A Vaccine Against Coronavirus Is Being Tested On Humans For The First Time

Coronavirus Vaccine Is Now Being Tested On Americans

As pharmaceutical companies race to end the coronavirus pandemic, the first human trial of coronavirus vaccine has commenced in the US on Monday.
Medical Research

Australian Researchers Claim 2 HIV Drugs Kill Coronavirus

Australian scientists claim a combination of an HIV drug and an anti-malaria drug can "cure" patients infected with the coronavirus.
Philipp Hoffman, Curevac German Biopharmaceutical company

Coronavirus: The Race For A Cure

Research groups announced the start of human trials for a possible vaccine against the global health threat coronavirus.

Scientist To Develop Vaccine From Genetically Modified Malaria Parasite To Prevent Mosquitoes Bitting An Infected Person

On January 20, 2017, published in Science Immunology that further detailed understanding of the immune system of the mosquito that might help the scientist build a new design or build new ways to combat and defeat malaria.Kristin Michel, an insect immunologist from Kansas State University in Manhattan stated if they understand the process how the mosquito reduces that parasite then they hope to boost these mechanisms to further eliminate the parasites

SALUD: Is Vaccination the Answer to Fighting the Flu?

National Influenza Vaccination Week, observed December 6-12, 2015, is a week dedicated to highlighting the importance of vaccination coverage, and the high risk of serious flu complications faced by pregnant women, the elderly, young children and individuals with chronic health conditions.

HIV/AIDS Vaccine News Update: Could Llamas Help Humans Find a Vaccine?

Scientists believe the secret to the AIDS vaccine is in the llama Llamas apparently have a strong body inside and out. Antibodies in the immune system of llamas may be the key to figuring out a vaccine against human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and a cure for acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS).

Flu Season 2014-2015: Current Vaccine Shot Only 23 Percent Effective, CDC Warns

The performance of this year's flu vaccine is unusually poor, but doctors say you should get the shot anyway. A study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests that the vaccine is only 23 percent effective.

Whooping Cough: LA's Wealthiest Neighborhoods See Resurgence as Vaccination Rates Drop

L.A.'s wealthiest neighborhoods see resurgence of whooping cough as vaccination rates drop The wealthiest schools in Los Angeles are seeing one of the lowest rates of vaccination, equaling that of one of the weakest countries -- economically -- in the world, paired with a higher rate of diseases in students, according to the Hollywood Reporter.