
Voice Behind Siri Revealed? What Do We Know About Apple's Siri En Español?

While it hasn't been confirmed by Apple, CNN reports that the original voice of Siri has been revealed. So, who is the woman behind the original Siri voice?

iPad Mini 2 Release Date Rumor and Specs: Customers Will Have to Wait Until December

Rumor has it that the iPad Mini 2 release will coincide with the festive Christmas holiday, according to Breathe Cast. Apple is said to release the second-generation iPad Mini in December, alongside iPad 5. No exact date is given for the release.

Juan Diego Calle: The Next Latin Steve Jobs?

Colombian entrepreneur and owner of .CO, an internet domain company, could be considered to be the next Latin Steve Jobs for he is a visionary in his own right, and he sees the bigger picture when investing in a product while paying it forward to the country in which he was raised.

PS4 GTA 5 Bundle: Release Date Still in Doubt, But Speculation Abounds

One thing both the PS4 and the Xbox One can agree on is that they both need to hop on the gravy train that is Grand Theft Auto 5. Though there has been no official word yet on its availability on next gen consoles, there has been plenty of speculation over GTA V.

iOS 7 Jailbreak iPhone 5: Can New Apple iPhone 5s, iPhone 5c Be Jailbroken?

Some rumors are floating around about jailbreak developers working on an iOS 7 jailbreak option Hackers always seem to find a way around everything in technology.

OS X Mavericks Release Date 2013: In Line With Macbook Pro 2013 Launch & Apple Staff Initiate Training?

Apple has come up with an all new operating system for Mac but the OS X Mavericks release date 2013 remains uncertain.

Blizzident Toothbrush: 3-D Teeth Cleaning and Flossing In Just Six Seconds?

Is two to three minutes too much time to spend brushing your teeth? Blizzident thinks so, and now the company says that it has created a special toothbrush that can clean your teeth in just six seconds.

iOS 7 Problems and Flaws: iMessage Down for Some Users, Update Coming in iOS 7.0.3

Some iOS 7 users have experienced problems with iMessage, but Apple has reassured their fans that the issue will be fixed in an update

Surface Pro Tablet Specs, Price & Update: Will Microsoft Introduce A 7-Inch Tablet?

It was just last week that Microsoft pulled the tarp off their new gadgets, but people were left wondering whether a 7-inch tablet would be in the works

NBA 2K14 Release Date & Review: 2K Sports Receives Positive Reviews from Critics and Gamers

NBA 2K14 might not have had the same hype as GTA 5, but the basketball fans that anticipated its release are just as excited

iPad 5 News Rumors, Specs, Release Date: Will It Be The Same As The iPad Mini 2?

With Apple unveiling the iPhone 5s recently, the next Apple gadget getting all the buzz when it comes to rumors is the iPad 5.

iOS 7 Jailbreak Download Ready for Release? Don't be Fooled, Critics Say

Just when you think you can break away from Apple's new iOS 7 and get some breathing room from its powerful yet enticing grip, it reels you right back in. Many users await the iOS 7 Jailbreak, but there's speculation that it may take longer to be released than it was initially expected.

GTA 5 Online Problems and Fix: Grand Theft Auto V Feature Launch Met With Issues

The Grand Theft Auto 5 online feature has already been launched yesterday, but not without any problems in gameplay.

Scientists Discover That Black Holes Have Hair? New Study Explained

Latest research made by a group of scientists discovered that black holes are not that as clean and simple as most think.

iOS 7 Update Release Date Rumors: iOS 7.1 May Be Released Next Week, New iPads To Be Unveiled Oct. 15?

Apple's new iOS 7 operating system has already been updated much sooner than the previous operating system was after its initial release, and now Apple may be taking this one step further

GTA Online Release Time & Launch: Server Problems Disrupt Online Gameplay, Rockstar Games Pleads for Patience

As Rockstar surpasses the 15 million mark in copies sold, people have started to wonder how the online gameplay could keep up with such a crowded group

PS4 vs Xbox One: Poll Shows Why Gamers Already Prefer Sony Next-Gen Game Console Over Microsoft

It is no surprise that Reuters/Ipsos poll has indicated that American consumers prefer the incoming Playstation 4 to its rival, Xbox One, just over a month before both systems are released

iPhone 5s vs iPhone 5 vs iPhone 5c and More: Watch a Speed Test Between Every iPhone Model [VIDEO]

Which iPhone is the fastest of all? It turns out that question isn't so simple. Which iPhone is the fastest of all? It turns out that question isn't so simple.

SpaceX Launches New Canadian Satellite

SpaceX has launched a more powerful and well equipped Falcon 9 rocket on Sunday so as to place a new Canadian satellite into space along with five other tinier payloads for research. It aims to carry more astronauts easily to the space station.

Real Lightsaber Invented; Star Wars Weapon now a Reality

It’s a Star Wars fan’s dream come true: the lightsaber is now real! Researchers from MIT and Harvard discover how to gather photons and atoms to create a new form of matter, according to CNET.
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