Lifetime has pulled the plug on its “BAPS” reality series after airing only 4 episodes on its network, Eurweb reports.“BAPS” season was originally intended to run for 6 episodes. However, due to low ratings and social media backlash regarding the show, Lifetime decided to cancel “BAPS” ahead of its season finale.
She also reveals what she looks for in a relationship. Jennifer Lopez may be known for her music and her romantic relationships, but the singer sets the record straight about the kind of person she is when it comes to love.
Convoy cleared customs without Red Cross, violating a deal At least 134 Russian vehicles have entered eastern Ukraine, claiming to be a convoy bringing aid to a war-torn part of the country.
Tyson Beckford did not hold back when asked about Justin Bieber. Though Justin Bieber was recently seen with Tyson Beckford's ex-girlfriend, the model doesn't think it's worth nothing.
Kardashian fans are slamming Kim Kardashian for a photo she posted on Instagram. Kardashian fans are slamming Kim Kardashian for a photo she posted on Instagram.
Militant group carries out shootings near mosque and at police station Hamas-run Al Aqsa TV announced on Friday that as many as 18 people were killed for allegedly passing information to Israel, according to CNN.
Delevingne posed nude for Tom Ford, just as Gigi Hadid recently did. Get ready to see Cara Delevingne everywhere. Delevingne has just landed on the cover of the September issue of Vogue, and her new Tom Ford ad was just released.
Mortal Kombat X makes several improvements "Mortal Kombat X" is going to be a slight improvement to "Mortal Kombat 9," but it's the new fighting styles or other changed features that really make the game look interesting.
Microsoft is planning a special press event to possibly show off the next Windows A new report from ZDNet is indicating that Microsoft is planning to show off Windows 9 at a special event Sept.
The New York Head and Neck Institute informed former Buffalo Bills great Jim Kelly that recent examinations revealed that there is no more remaining evidence for sinus cancer.
Supply chain has had a problem with the screen, could affect release Suppliers for Apple's iPhone 6 are rushing to make sure they have enough screens ready for the device, as a redesign has interrupted production, according to a Reuters report.
Stiviano also says that she never had sexual relations with Donald Sterling. V. Stiviano has filed new legal documents that reveal more about the nature of her relationship with Donald Sterling.
Find out what the best and worst moments were. Latin celebrities brought drama and glamour to the American Airlines arena for Premios Tu Mundo. The award show, which is in its third year, was mainly a celebration of telenovelas, which gave a different group of celebrities a chance to shine.
Former ‘Scandal’ star Columbus Short was arrested for failing to appear in court for his domestic violence case involving his estranged wife, Tanee McCall.