As its name suggests, the snowy owl typically resides in the Arctic. So you can imagine Americans' surprise to see the white creature spotted along the East Coast and in the south. Are the bird sightings a sign of a bigger problem?
Lionsgate is taking a familiar page out of its successful movie franchise book and has decided to split ‘Allegiant,’ the final book in the Divergent series into two separate films.
When we last mentioned the 2014 GLAAD awards, we discussed the strong Latino representation throughout various nominee categories. Now that the show is over, we’re proud to announce the Latino winners of the 25th Annual GLAAD awards that took home big wins and made us proud.
What do we know so far about the film? Who else is involved in the project? Eli Roth, the horror film director who also has a cult following, is about to make his next film with a popular Chilean actress, along with Keanu Reeves.
There is evidence to suggest that Jesus perhaps had a wife. Some people are skeptical. The "Gospel of Jesus' Wife" sounds like the sequel to Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code, but there is papyrus that suggests it is ancient and not a fake.
Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills star, Lisa Vanderpump and her husband Kevin Todd have landed themselves in quite a bit of hot water given the recent lawsuits that have been filed against them.
Instead of reading from his prepared homily, Pope Francis delivered an impromptu sermon to a packed St. Peter's Square for Palm Sunday Mass, which marked the beginning of Holy Week for the Roman Catholic Church.
At least one person has died and another is in critical condition after shootings were reported at two Jewish Community Centers in Overland Park, Kansas, according to several reports.
There are a group of people who are against vaccinating their children -- causing a resurgence in diseases that were once eradicated, such as measles -- because they heard from Jenny McCarthy that vaccines cause autism.
It is one week before Easter Sunday, and Catholics all over the world are celebrating Palm Sunday. So, what is Palm Sunday, and what does it signify in the Catholic Church?
Being beautiful, talented, and hard-working pays off: Latina bombshell Sofia Vergara has just plunked down more than $10 million for a brand new house in the heart of ritzy Beverly Hills!
How did Kate Mulgrew get tricked? Why do it? "To boldly go. . . " Star Trek and Orange is the New Black star Kate Mulgrew came out this week to disavow and distance herself from an upcoming documentary that argues the Earth is the center of the universe.
More violence between the neighboring countries occurs. Security forces in eastern Ukraine launched an operation Sunday to eliminate pro-Russian separatists from a police headquarters in Slaviansk.
Health insurers reporting first quarter earnings results this week. Although the next open enrollment period doesn't begin until November, the Obama administration and state insurance directors are now asking for next year's rates.
Saturday marked the U.S. Navy's christening of the $7 billion USS Zumalt Warship Destroyer in Bath, Maine. Though the ship is not entirely done, it appeared bold and majestic at its christening.
Just a few days after confirmation came from the "Star Wars" camp that Tatooine will be, once again, featured in Episode 7, additional reports have confirmed that J.J. Abrams and company have set up shop in Abu Dabi to begin filming!