President Nicolás Maduro's stepson and wife's nephew are facing charges in New York, but if a group of Venezuelan opposition figures has their way, the embattled president himself may soon have to stand trial for "crimes against humanity."
Patch Update v3 wil address gameplay issues and visuals. NBA 2K16 developer 2K Sports released a patch on Friday that will improve gameplay and visuals in the game.
The two young stars are currently promoting their first duet. Shawn Mendes released a behind-the-scenes video on Thursday, revealing the making of his upcoming duet with Fifth Harmony's Camila Cabello.
A reputed mobster allegedly involved in the 1978 Lufthansa heist portrayed in the Mafia biopic "Goodfellas" was cleared all charges related to the crime Thursday.
One Direction have announced they will be going on hiatus for two years. One Direction have announced they will be going on hiatus for two years. The English-Irish pop boy band's own Liam Payne dropped the bombshell news during an interview on BBC Radio 1's "Live Lounge," according to Mirror Online.
The singer hopes to release her second album next year. Singer and actress Maite Perroni, who currently stars in the hit telenovela "Antes muerta que Lichita," recently revealed details about her upcoming album, including that she's dedicating a song to her boyfriend Koko Stambuk.
"Power" is returning to Starz for its third season sometime in the summer of 2016. "Power" is returning to Starz for its third season sometime in the summer of 2016, along with show star La La Anthony.
Xur will keep selling exotic weapons and upgrades until Sunday morning. Xur is back and selling exotic items for Destiny players. However, given that it's Friday the 13th, Xur is awfully unlucky, and he will not be selling any exotic weapons.
Underage marriage is now banned in Guatemala. Underage marriage is now banned in Guatemala. As reported by Reuters, the new law, which was approved in Congress by a vote of 87-15, raises the age a Guatemalan girl can marry from 14 to 18.
A visibly shaken and perturbed Caitlyn Jenner had to pulled away from a crowd of protesters in Chicago on Thursday, after the hecklers berated her as an "insult to trans people."