On Monday, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed a plan that seeks to cut carbon dioxide emissions from power plants by almost 30 percent by 2030.
The things found in Ramon Charley Armendariz's home may complicate issues further. Sheriff Joe Arpaio is already under close watch by a federal monitor in a profiling case, but things might get more complicated.
President Barack Obama will have a third press secretary during this two-term office, after the resignation of Jay Carney, and his successor will continue the tradition of non-Hispanic press secretaries.
All four founders were charged for copyright violations. Peter Sunde, co-founder of the popular torrent site Pirate Bay, has been arrested in Sweden. According to RT.
The climbers failed to report back on Friday, and officials were notified. Six climbers went missing last week at Mount Ranier in Washington. On Wednesday, six climbers reported their location as on Mount Rainier.
Venezuela continues to oppose any potentials sanctions by the United States. Instead, President Nicolas Maduro has chastised the U.S. government for threatening the use of sanction, however, the Obama administration has asked Congress to stall them in favor of negotiations.
The Environmental Protection Agency will announce Monday its proposed regulations to reduce carbon emissions at power plants, which the president insisted during his weekly radio address Saturday would improve public health.
As China's bellicose nature continues to infuriate its Asian neighbors, the United States has become more forceful in its criticism of Chinese aggression. China maintains its claims over the sea and air surrounding it, however, past the understood limits of its domain.