US News

Undocumented Young Latinos Disenfranchised But Politically Active

A large number of young Latinos remain undocumented and excluded from voting, but are still politically active.

Report: NSA Is Building Comprehensive Facial Recognition Database

A new report reveals that the NSA is building a comprehensive facial recognition database of images posted on the Internet.

EPA Announces Sweeping Initiative to Cut Carbon Pollution by 30 Percent, Close Hundreds of Coal Power Plants

On Monday, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed a plan that seeks to cut carbon dioxide emissions from power plants by almost 30 percent by 2030.

Immigration and Deportation News: Joe Arpaio's Latino Racial Profiling Case Complicated by Officer's Suicide

The things found in Ramon Charley Armendariz's home may complicate issues further. Sheriff Joe Arpaio is already under close watch by a federal monitor in a profiling case, but things might get more complicated.

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney Resigns: Have Latinos Shaped White House Communications?

President Barack Obama will have a third press secretary during this two-term office, after the resignation of Jay Carney, and his successor will continue the tradition of non-Hispanic press secretaries.

King Juan Carlos of Spain Abdicates; Crown Prince Felipe to Take Over

King Juan Carlos has announced that he is abdicating his position as king of Spain in favor of his son, Prince Felipe.

Details About US Men Held in Honduras Prison Revealed: Aqua Quest International Crew Reportedly 'Broke No Laws'

More details have been revealed about the six U.S. men who have been held in a Honduras prison since May 5 while working for Aqua Quest International.

Obama Administration Afghanistan POW Media Coup: Republicans Criticize the Release of American Sgt. Bergdahl

Many GOP members argue they should have been informed sooner so as to ascertain the need to liberate 5 Taliban prisoners in exchange of one prisoner.

UK Threatens to Leave EU: Controversy Over Presidency of European Commission

There could be complications with the future of the European Union because of the nomination of Jean-Claude Juncker as president.

'The Pirate Bay' Co-Founder Peter Sunde Arrested: Swedish Authorities Crack Down on File Sharing Site

All four founders were charged for copyright violations. Peter Sunde, co-founder of the popular torrent site Pirate Bay, has been arrested in Sweden. According to RT.

Six Mount Rainier Climbers Suspected Dead: Disaster at Washington National Park

The climbers failed to report back on Friday, and officials were notified. Six climbers went missing last week at Mount Ranier in Washington. On Wednesday, six climbers reported their location as on Mount Rainier.

Private Jet Crashes in Massachusetts, Suffered Malfunction Shortly After Takeoff

The plane crashed shortly after takeoff from a small regional field. On board was the new owner of the Philadelphia Inquirer.

Venezuela News, Facts & Protests: President Nicolas Maduro Opposes US Sanctions, Gets Support From Russia

Venezuela continues to oppose any potentials sanctions by the United States. Instead, President Nicolas Maduro has chastised the U.S. government for threatening the use of sanction, however, the Obama administration has asked Congress to stall them in favor of negotiations.

Europeans Aren't The Only Ones Who Want The Right to Be Forgotten, Google

Europe says Google needs to let people be forgotten, but it's not just Europe that thinks that way.

Indonesian Volcano Erupts, Grounds Flights in Australia: Ash Shot 10,000 Feet Into Sky

The huge clouds ash have disrupted flights in Australia, particularly in the northern part of the country.

America’s Only POW in Afghanistan Released in Prisoner Exchange with Taliban: US Prepared to Remove Combat Troops

Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl was released by the Taliban on Saturday to U.S. Special Forces after five years in captivity.

Obama Library Donation by Illinois Shelved by State Legislature: $100 Million Tax Dollar Gift Postponed

The state legislature will take up the bill when it reconvenes, but it may be too late for the library bid, which is due in June.

Obama Delivers Address Supporting EPA's Upcoming Regulation Proposal: Reduces Carbon Emissions at Power Plants

The Environmental Protection Agency will announce Monday its proposed regulations to reduce carbon emissions at power plants, which the president insisted during his weekly radio address Saturday would improve public health.

Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel Criticizes China’s Aggression, Increases Military Presence to Support Allies

As China's bellicose nature continues to infuriate its Asian neighbors, the United States has become more forceful in its criticism of Chinese aggression. China maintains its claims over the sea and air surrounding it, however, past the understood limits of its domain.

6 US Citizens Held in Honduras Prison on Weapons Charges, Reportedly Fed Minimal Food

Six Americans have been held in a Honduran jail for more than three weeks after authorities charged them with illegal weapons possession.
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