US News

Trump Says Cartels Will Be Designated as Terrorist Organizations, but Mexico Says "No"

Trump says Mexican Cartels are to be designated as terrorists, but President Obrador says "No" to this intervention.
FBI said that some Smart TVs sold in the Black Friday Deals can be hacked.

FBI Warns Black Friday Smart TV Buyers on the Dangers of Hacking

FBI warns that there are some glitches in Smart TV. (Photo : Reuters) The Black Friday Deals of different gadgets and devices from different online retail shops began last Nov.

'Bomb Cyclone' Winter Storm Hits U.S. Before Thanksgiving

As two storms hit West Coast this week, forecasters warn Thanksgiving travelers to buckle up as affected areas experience hurricane-force winds, blizzard conditions, heavy snowfall, and "bomb cyclone".

Alumni Commemorates 50th Year of Chicano Student Walkouts in Texas

Scholars, activists, students and alumni remembered the massive Chicano student walkouts that transpired 50 years ago.
Mexico's President Lopez Obrador announced the $43-billion infrastructure plan to confront recession.

Mexican Government to Enter in a Public-Private Partnership to Confront Recession

Mexico's President Lopez Obrador announced the $43-billion infrastructure plan to confront recession.
Joe Biden’s Latina Assistant Resigns Due to Frustration

Joe Biden's Latina Assistant Resigns Due To Frustration

Vanessa Cárdenas, Joe Biden senior campaign staffer who was in charge of outreach to Latino, African-American and women's groups resigned last week. This departure is one of Bidens' long list of troubles with the Latino and Hispanic communities.
Heavy storms may affect the travelers during Thanksgiving day.

Rain and Snow Across U.S. Might Affect Thanksgiving Travel

Heavy storms all across the U.S. may affect travelers on Thanksgiving Day. (Photo : Pexels) Thanksgiving is an American national holiday that is celebrated in the United States.
American family celebrating their own way of Thanksgiving

Meat-Free Celebration During Thanksgiving, Is It Possible?

What food will Americans serve during Thanksgiving? Is it meat or vegetable? (Photo : Pexels) Thanksgiving is one of the most anticipated American holidays of the year.
Latino American consumers

Latino-American Consumers Look for Innovation and Affordability

Latino American consumers want to buy products that are innovative but affordable. They also go for environmentally friendly purchases.
Business Shadows

Education Does Not Guarantee Latinas Equal Pay

Regardless of their educational attainment, Latinas are deprived from receiving equal pay compared to their non-Hispanic, white male counterparts.
Group of Hispanic professors asked for equal pay and opportunities at the University of Texas.

Hispanic Professors are Demanding Equal Pay and Opportunities at University of Texas

Hispanic professors at University of Texas are demanding equal pay and equal opportunities (Photo : Pexels) A disgruntled group of Hispanic professors from the University of Texas are demanding equal pay and equal leadership opportunities behind the inequalities they experienced when compared to the American professors.
Grammy nominations revealed

Grammy Nominations 2020: Who Are the Favorites to Win It All

Grammy nominations 2020 have been revealed, and while some artists are expected to win, most fans are disappointed with some big-time snubs.
Delayed flight passengers

Here's How You Can Make Money from Delayed Flights

Passengers of flights which are delayed or cancelled can avail of some benefits and perks from the airlines they bought tickets from.
Donald Trump health care agenda

Trump Health Care Agenda Might Not Work. Here’s Why

The Trump health care agenda has been revealed but a lot of critics say while its aim is noble, the new plan could backfire.
Democratic Debate: May the Best Candidate Win

Democratic Debate: May the Best Candidate Win

The US Democratic Debate was held in the US. The Democrats had contributed to the happening of the impeachment hearing towards the current President of the United States of America Donald Trump.
Immigrant health care

Immigrant Health Care Remains Uncertain for Undocumented Families

Immigrant health care remains uncertain for undocumented families. Some are even sacrificing receiving medicaid for fear of deportation.

Certified Refurbished Kindle Paperwhite E-reader Is on Sale Today at Amazon

Black Friday Deals on Amazon starting today. Order now and get a discount of up to 80%! If you are an e-book reader lover and want to spend your time reading while travelling, but have problems when it comes to the convenience of the gadget or device that you are using, then it is not a problem anymore.
Mexico President Andrés Manuel López Obrador

Mexico to Receive Billions in Aid From U.S. to Help Solve Immigration Issues

The United States government is planning to give Mexico billions of dollars to help thwart illegal immigration. Will the new Mexican President make the best of it?

Latina Arrested as New York's Crackdown on Subway Vendors Intensifies

A Latina vendor arrested and humiliated in New York sparked public outcry as police intensifies operations against subway crimes.
Research Team Releases to the Public the Negative Effects of Marijuana Legalization

Marijuana Legalization Poses Negative Effects, Study Shows

The legalization of marijuana could lead to drug addiction in young adults, but researchers still advocate for the legalization.
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