The Hispanic community blames mass shootings and healthcare fees as top stressors, survey reveals. The Hispanic community has identified its top stressors: mass shooting and healthcare fees.
Trump administration proposed additional fees for U.S. immigrants seeking asylum in the US. President Donald Trump and his administration had issued a proposal to increase the application fees charged for U.
Los Angeles Archbishop Jose Gomez, 67 years old and an immigrant from Mexico, is expected to be elected as the next president of the U.S. Catholic Bishops.
Melania Trump visits Boston Medical Center to highlight Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) program. Melania Trump's anti-addiction advocacies have been highlighted after her travel to Boston where the FLOTUS puts emphasis on the importance of treatment for babies who are suffering from Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS).
Preident Donald Trump attended the game between Alabama and Louisiana. The election in America is only less than a year from now. And with the results of the recent elections, wherine the Republicans have shown signs of slowing, it is vital for President Trump to court the American voters because his chance for reelection is becoming thinner.
Bernie Sanders hopes to get support from the Latino community. Bernie Sanders is aggressively pursuing Latino voters as his camp believes this could bring in the decisive votes needed ahead of the Democratic primaries.
Suspect of the hate crime attack in Milwaukee was charged with a first degre injury hate crime. Over the years, the numbers of hate crime in the United States has increased.
Vape-related deaths in some states in the U.S. have increased. Vape-related deaths are on the rise in some parts of the United States. On Thursday, several health officials reported that 2,051 confirmed and probable cases along with the 2 deaths from a mysterious respiratory illnesses related to vaping has been recorded.
Hispanic group leaders unite to prevent the DACA Policy from being abolished in March. The impending abolishment of DACA policy is becoming an issue that is causing immigrant groups in the US to speak up and unite.
Joe Biden leads the survey in the recent poll conducted among the Democratic Hispanic voters. Former Vice President Joe Biden wins the favor of the Hispanic voters for the 2020 elections.
The Mexican ambush that took the lives of nine women and 14 children in Northern Mexico has brought attention to the scattered Mormons family in America.
Latinos hope to make history in Mayoral Elections and for Virginia House seats. Former United States of America President Barack Obama endorsed two Virginia Latinos that could help their campaign and for the Democrats to take control of the commonwealth's House of Delegates.
Fashionable First Lady Melania Trump drew attention for her American troops-inspired trench coat. First Lady Melania Trump, 49, and Second Lady Karen Pence, 62, both traveled to South Carolina to learn about their preparedness in terms of military emergency and humanitarian efforts.
Due to misinformation and fake news, Twitter will ban all paid political ads globally. CFO Ned Segal stressed that this decision was made by principle and not by money.
The 1MDB scandal has been haunting the international economic community now for years with the name Jho Low at the forefront. The young Chinese Malaysian fugitive has always been painted as the ‘mastermind’ of the entire scandal and getting him back to Malaysia to ‘face justice’ has always been the Malaysian government’s number one agenda.