US News

Sanctuary Cities Stand Their Ground Against Trump’s Immigration Threat

The fight to preserve local authority over sancturary cities continues. Small border cities straddling the United States-Mexico frontier have entered into a legal fight with state and federal officials over the enforcement of immigration laws at the national level.

Supermodel Miranda Kerr Turns Over $8M Worth Of Jewelry To Department Of Justice

A true angel. An angel indeed. Super model Miranda Kerr was turned over jewelry worth $8. 1 million to the U. S. Department of Justice. Apparently Vicoria´s Angel got the whole diamond stash from a generous ex-boyfriend, Malaysian businessman Low Taek Jho, in 2014.

Time Magazine Tells Trump to Dump Fake Covers

A seemingly authentic Time cover with the president's image hangs in five of his golf resorts. A Washington Post report came out earlier this week alleging that framed portraits of President Donald Trump featured on the cover of Time magazine were hanging on full display at five of his golf resorts.

Monsanto Herbicide Causes Cancer, California EPA Says

Monsanto wages legal fight against California's carcinogenic designation of its product. The Monsanto Company is taking up legal action against California's Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Video Shows Teen Falling From Six Flags Ride

She was taken to the Albany Medical Center immediatly by helicopter. The 14 year-old girl who fell 25 feet from a gondola ride at Six Flags amusement park in upstate New York this Saturday is injured but in stable condition, the Warren County Sheriff´s Office said.

Senate Healthcare Bill Would Leave 22 Million More People Uninsured by 2026

The proposal also cuts billions of funds from Medicaid. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates that, under the Senate's proposed healthcare bill known as the Better Care Reconciliation Act, 22 million fewer Americans will be covered by the year 2026.

Couple Brutally Beats Mother And Daugther Over Cold Fast Food Order (VIDEO)

Police continue their search for Baxley, Georgia restaurant assault suspects. A disturbing surveillance video shows the moment where a couple brutally beat a mother and her daughter outside their family-owned restuarant in Baxley, Georgia beacuse they were not satisfied.

Heartbreaking Video Shows Divided Families Hug for 3 Minutes At The Border

The "Hug Not Walls" event brought more than 300 families together. More than 300 divided families from Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua and El Paso, Texas met at the dried-up riverbed of the Rio Grande, the body of water separating the United States and Mexico, for approximately three minutes.

Is the New VA Law Enough to Fix Problems Facing Latino Veterans?

The VA scandal is but one problem plaguing Latino veterans in the country. During a White House ceremony on Friday, President Donald Trump signed legislation that simplifies the process of firing employees from the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Former Lover Of El Chapo and Mexican Congresswoman Caught at U.S.- Mexico Border

Like a scene out of "Crazy in Love" or "Narcos". A former Meixcan state legislator financially and romantically linked to Mexican drug lord Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán was arrested Wednesday after trying to enter the United States.

Was President Trump Wrong To Call Mexico "Second Deadliest Country" Behind Syria?

He's not right, but he's not entirely wrong either. President Donald Trump believes that we must build his proposed border wall because drug fueled violence makes Mexico the "second deadliest country" in the world behind Syria, per a Thursday night tweet.

Senate’s Current Trumpcare Bill Dead on Arrival

4 Senators vow to vote against the proposed bill as it stands. In what is shaping up to be a significant blow to the White House, President Donald Trump faces another political hurdle in his zeal to repeal and replace Obamacare.

Tejano Man Goes To Court To Change His Name To Trump

This guy is a real character. An Odessa, Texas man has won a court case legally allowing him to take on President Donald Trump's name. Ernesto Trump, born Ernesto Acosta, filed a court petition last week to formally change his name.

Texas “Killer Nurse” Could Have Killed As Many As 60 Children

"I believe Genene Jones is an evil woman." Nico LaHood, the Bexar County District Attorney said.

New Healthcare Bill Aims To Reduce Medicaid And Defund Planned Parenthood

GOP Senators plan to do away with key aspects of Obamacare. The fiercely-guarded healthcare bill proposed by Republican Senators was finally revealed on Thursday.

'I Don't Want You To Get Shooted!' 4-Year-Old Begs Her Mom On Philando Castile New Video

Disturbing new footage from the back of the police car has been released. A new footage this time from the back of the police car, has been released and shows the four-year-old daughter of Philando Castille's fiancé, hugging her mother and begging her to stay calm after the shooting.

Tropical Storm Cindy: Heavy Rain And Potentially Life Threatening Flash Floods

“This is going to be a very serious event,” New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu warned. Tropical storm Cindy continues to move through the Gulf of Mexico, hovering south of Louisiana and bringing potentially flooding rain late this week.

When It Gets So Hot That Planes Can't Even Fly

Get ready for a lot more airport headaches. Extremely high temperatures on the ground in Phoenix have lead to mass cancellations of flights out of Sky Harbor International Airport and trends like this might continue with soaring heat in the American Southwest.

Otto Warmbier, U.S. Student Held In North Korea, Has Died After Returning Home

The student returned to the U.S. with extensive brain damage. Otto Warmbier, the 22-year-old college student that was released from North Korea last week, has died after returning home in a coma, family said this afternoon in a statement.

Verdict in the Philando Castile Case Spawns Protests

A jury found Officer Jeronimo Yanez not guilty on all counts in the death of Castile. The acquittal of the Minnesota police officer who shot and killed Philando Castile in a July 2016 traffic stop outside of St.
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