While it's easier than to get caught up in the current contentious debate over immigration, a visualization of the past 200 years of immigration to the U.S., parsed by the countries that are the largest source of immigrants, provides a bit of perspective.
Donald Trump may campaign on strict anti-immigration laws, but he may not be the reason for a double-digit jump in U.S. citiizenship applicants. The Department of Homeland Security recently proposed fee increases that would make applying for naturalization upwards of $640.
Former Mexican President Vicente Fox suggested that if Donald Trump were elected President of the United States, the world would become inflamed with a renewed sense of anti-Americanism.
Researchers insist there is roughly a 10 percent chance Hawaii could suffer a mega-tsunami over the next half-century that impacts as many as 300,000 people and causes up to $40 billion in damage.
Arizona taxpayers are on the hook for hundreds of million of dollars resulting from an ongoing ACLU lawsuit accusing Joe Arpaio of illegally detaining Latinos. Last Friday, an Arizona judge found Arpaio countined to systematically target the Hispanic community against his wishes.
The states of North Carolina and Texas are already aligning to defy President Obama's anticipated directive requiring educators to allow students to use bathrooms according to their gender identity as opposed to their birth certificates.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has endorsed the advancement of a new plan that could cut the treatment time for some super-bug tuberculosis patients more than in half.
The new dance-off trend made viral after officers in New Zealand posted clips from their friendly competition online has now hit the shores of Miami, with a video clip of at least 12 officer's impromptu dance off recently hitting the Miami Beach department's Twitter page.
ICE officials are preparing for what may be the largest immigration sweep under President Obama. The report of month-long raids come a week after U.S. Customs and Border Protection data revealed nearly 60,000 children crossed the U.S. Mexico border between October 2015 and March 2016.
A pair of immigrant rights groups has filed a formal complaint with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) charging that as many as 60 detainees at the Hudson County Correctional Facility have been denied proper medical care.
The national effort to engage Americans, particularly the Latino community, about the Affordable Care Act (ACA) continued at Enroll America’s third State of Enrollment conference in Washington, D.C., where Rep. Joaquin Castro, D-Texas, exclusively told Latin Post about the health reform law’s benefits for the people.
"Stand Up To Hate" campaign members recently revealed they have aided some 12,781 people with their citizenship applications during the month of March.
A new Public Policy Polling national survey finds Hillary Clinton leading Donald Trump by four points with roughly six-months remaining before their widely expected general election showdown.
A new National Association of Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO) Educational Fund report finds that nearly one million Latino voters could find it more difficult to vote in the critical 2016 election based on new restrictive voting changes.
Millennials find themselves at a cultural crossroads, the intersection between identifying with their roots while increasingly acculturating to the U.S. mainstream.