The white Correspondent dinner is tomorrow and everyone is ready is ready to hear who gets roasted. In the past few years Donald Trump has been part of the conversation as were Ted Cruz and Carly Fiorina. With such a heated election season the candidates are likely to be mocked while Obama is likely to have some jokes up his sleeves. Here are five of the greatest moments at the White House Correspondent dinners.
In the technologically escalating battle between drug smugglers and law enforcement, U.S. agents are looking to Israel's "underground Iron Dome" for a new tool to gain the upper hand.
The U.S. Senate has confirmed Roberta S. Jacobson as U.S. Ambassador to Mexico. The U. S. Senate has confirmed Roberta S. Jacobson as U. S. Ambassador to Mexico.
California-based Space Exploration Technologies Corp. (SpaceX) is planning on landing one of its unmanned capsules on the surface of Mars within two years.
The beginning of May marks the start of National Small Business Week this year, and just in time comes the 2016 list of the best and worst places in America for Latino entrepreneurs to start up their enterprises. Where should you start building your dream?
A new Hispanic Heritage Foundation and My College Options survey finds that high school students consider education and the economy to be the two most important issues leading into the 2016 presidential election.
Los Angeles County Sheriff Jim McDonnell he has no plans to discipline a top aide now under fire for forwarding emails perpetuating derogatory stereotypes about Latinos, Muslims, blacks and females.
The U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (USHCC), the largest Hispanic business organization in the country, has officially endorsed Hillary Clinton for the Democratic Party's nomination and Ohio Gov. John Kasich for the GOP's ticket.
New Yorkers born between 1985 and 1996 make up about one-fifth of the city's population, yet they settle for low-wage jobs that don't utilize their skillset. The 9.3 percent unemployment rate for Latinos is higher than any other ethnicity, save African-Americans.
NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has discovered a dark moon orbiting the planet Makemake. NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has discovered a dark moon orbiting the dwarf planet Makemake.
Scientists have discovered a secretive group of sharks that survive deep under water and use a form of glowing to make themselves more visible to one another.
U.S. Rep. Luis Gutierrez, D-Ill., sent President Barack Obama a letter on Monday urging for temporary deportation protection of Ecuadorians in the wake of a massive earthquake that rocked the South American country earlier this month.
The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) marked the occasion of World Intellectual Property Day to remind the public that intellectual property theft impacts the American economy as a whole.
Parents of immigrant children suspected of illegally entering the U.S. unaccompanied may soon be required to submit fingerprints in order to recalim their child.
Latinos were split on whether Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders is more favorable. Most, however, turned a blind eye to Republican candidates Donald Trump and Ted Cruz outright, both who have made anti-immigration legislation a top priority.