US News

3 Major US Companies Finalize Business Deals with Cuba as Obama's Visit Looms

Three major U.S. companies are finalizing business deals with Cuba as President Barack Obama’s visit to the country approaches. These are AT&T, Starwood and Marriott.

Donald Trump's Campaign Marred By Violent Incidents

The Trump campaign was marred by several violent incidents over the last week that have caused alarm and criticism from leaders and commentators, both from the Democratic Party and the GOP.

Activists Lead Charge for Hispanic Studies Courses

Activist and educators across the country are uniting in a push to make Hispanic studies courses a more regular part of the high school curriculum.

Super Tuesday March 15 Polls, Preview: What to Know About the 'Winner Take All' States

March 15 is another round of presidential primaries for the Democratic and Republican Parties, and it could determine each party's nominee and the fate of Marco Rubio's political career.

Immigration Groups Fight Paul Ryan's Plan to File Supreme Court Brief

A group of 50 pro-immigration groups are poised to pressure Republican legislators to reject majority house leader Paul Ryan's plan to file an amicus brief with the Supreme Court in opposition to President Obama's immigration orders.

2016 Presidential Polls: Republican Front-runner Donald Trump Expands Lead in Florida Against Marco Rubio

Donald Trump's presidential campaign could potentially hit new milestones on Tuesday as new polling data has shown the businessman threatening John Kasich and Marco Rubio's White House hopes.

Donald Trump Refuses Responsibility for Violence at Campaign Events

Donald Trump is disavowing any responsibility for the growing level of violence at his campaign events across the country, saying he is simply the messenger for the rising frustration among many Americans.

Many Latino Influencers Believe English-Language Media Fails to Consider Latinos' Perspective in Reports

Among Latino influencers, the most important issue politicians should address is immigration reform.

Zika Virus Destroying Families Across Latin America, Leading to More Moms and Young Children Being Abandoned

Doctors battling the Zika virus outbreak in Brazil fear the rising numbers of infants being born with microcephaly are resulting in more young mothers being abandoned by their partners.

ExoMars is Europe & Russia's Approach to Mars Surface Exploration for Signs of Life; Phase One Launches on Monday

The European-Russian ExoMars is destined for Mars this month in an expedition that could answer the age-old question of if there is life on other planets.

Trump May Not Top Romney's Dismal 27 Percent Latino Vote Support in 2016; Currently at 12 Percent - POLL

Despite his repeated boasts suggesting that he is expecting to net significant Latino support, a new Gallup Poll finds that Republican front-runner Donald Trump is looked upon unfavorably by more than three in every four Latino voters.

Finally, An Attempt to Help Deportation-Fearing Hispanics Trust Law Enforcement More

A Georgia police department has launched its first ever Hispanic citizen's police academy in hopes of fostering a better relationship between the community's rising immigrant population and area law enforcement.

2016 Presidential Polls Shows Donald Trump Leading Marco Rubio in Florida, Neck-and-Neck in Ohio with John Kasich in Ohio for Republican Primary Election

A new CNN Poll of Polls survey finds Republican front-runner Donald Trump on the verge of upsetting both Florida Senator Marco Rubio and Ohio Governor John Kasich in their home states.

Senator Menendez Supports Full Senate Vote for Obama's Ambassador to Mexico

The sole Democratic Latino senator has called on the Senate to schedule a vote to confirm or deny President Barack Obama's nominee to serve as U.S. ambassador to Mexico.

Latinos React to Death of Nancy Reagan

Perhaps recalling how her husband Ronald Reagan signed sweeping immigration into law that led to amnesty for nearly 3 million immigrants, Latinos everywhere are still mourning the recent death of former first lady Nancy Reagan.

Puerto Rico Faces Hundreds of Thousands of Zika Infections

The director of the Center for Disease Control, Dr. Tom Frieden, has warned that the U.S. territory of Puerto Rico could soon face Zika virus infections reaching into the hundreds of thousands.

Miamians Criticize Bernie Sanders Over Fidel Castro Comments

A trio of distinguished now Miami-based former office holders are calling on Vermont Senator and Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders to walk back his repeated praise for Cuban dictator Fidel Castro.

Texas Voter ID Law Heading Back to Court, May Affect 2016 Presidential Election

Latinos and African Americans in Texas may be hindered by the state's voter ID laws on Election Day, dependent on what the U.S. Fifth District Court decides when the hear the case this May.

Apple Warns FBI Encryption Battle Could Affect Latinos

Apple told Univision this week that the FBI's demand for weaker security on iPhones could give the government more power to track immigration.

Immigration News 2016: Trump, Rubio, Cruz Offer Their Solutions to Legal Immigration, H-1B Visa Usage

Immigration once again was a talking point at the final Republican presidential debate before the crucial Florida and Ohio presidential primaries.
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