It wasn't some empty talk after all when Bernie Sanders proclaimed his victory if there would be a strong voter turnout. The senator from Vermont came out as the runaway winner in Maine after the Democratic caucuses held on Sunday, March 6, registered an "extraordinary turnout."
For Donald Trump, if you can't beat them, join them -- at least in employing the means to counteract violent extremism. He insisted that there is a need to use torture when dealing with what he referred to as "savages."
The thaw in United States and Cuba relations is a major step for both countries, but the business landscape is still a work in progress. Both domestic and foreign entrepreneurs are still gauging the opportunities available to them in the country and trying to find their place in the evolving social and economic community.
United Airlines will once again have Oscar Munoz as its president and chief executive officer. Even while on recovery, Munoz is performing his duties as the company's CEO.
On Sunday, former U.S. President Jimmy Carter announced that he is ending his cancer treatment. Carter was diagnosed with skin cancer that spreads to his liver and brain.
Marco Rubio lost 10 of 11 Super Tuesday states this week, magnifying the importance of the upcoming Florida primary that may end his presidential aspirations.
Advocates for women's reproductive rights are applauding the Supreme Court decision to temporarily block a Louisiana law that would have closed all but one abortion clinic in the state.
Despite breaking almost every rule in the political playbook on how to run a successful presidential campaign, Donald Trump has maintained a strong lead in the Republican primary race and has a good shot at winning the GOP nomination.
House Democratic Caucus Chairman Xavier Becerra, D-Calif., and congressional leaders visited Flint, Michigan, on Friday, and met directly with families affected by the city's water crisis.
Caitlyn Jenner has chosen a side in the presidential race, voicing her support for Ted Cruz. She found that the politician was "a great constitutionalist, and a very articulate man."
His tenure at the White House is winding down, but it’s not keeping President Barack Obama from celebrating the milestones of his administration. The Affordable Care Act is one of Obama’s signature bills and he recently labelled it a success after the healthcare law marked a milestone with 20 million enrollees.
A new survey finds roughly 50 percent of all undocumented workers currently pay income taxes, with many of them paying out a higher tax percentage than billionaire Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump and many of the nation's other top earners.
The U.S. Latino unemployment rate dropped during February as labor force participation increased. The U. S. Latino unemployment rate dropped during February as labor force participation increased.
Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump offered a clarification on his “changing” view on immigrant guest workers, walking back on what some viewed as a flip-flop.
For years, Wendy's has turned a blind eye to the Coalition of Immokalee Workers' call to join The Fair Food Program. Now, the group is bolstering its campaign to put a mounting pressure on the fastfood chain giant.
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry’s cancelled visit to Cuba may also lead to the cancellation of President Barack Obama’s trip to the communist nation.