Dave Mirra, the 24-time X Games champion and former MTV host was found lifeless inside his truck on Feb. 4. The initial investigation suggests that the athlete committed suicide. He was 41.
With the New Hampshire presidential primary set for next Tuesday, Democratic presidential candidates Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton participated in their first one-on-one debate on Thursday night.
A new poll released on the same day President Barack Obama made an historic visit to a Maryland mosque on Wednesday reveals that nearly half of the U.S. population believes that "at least some" Muslims in the country have anti-American sentiments.
Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio continues to attract endorsements from current and previous congressional lawmakers, and his latest endorsement comes from a Pennsylvania senator who opposed Rubio's comprehensive immigration reform bill.
Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio seized the opportunity to bash President Barack Obama's speech condemning Islamophobia during his historic trip to an American mosque on Wednesday.
The singer, who goes by Residente, tweeted his support for the presidential candidate. The singer for Puerto Rican music duo Calle 13, who goes by the nickname Residente, took to social media on Feb.
The Colombian government is set to ask the United States for millions of dollars in additional aid as it nears a historic peace deal with the country's Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). Negotiations could end South America's longest-running guerrilla conflict.
For the first time during his tenure, President Barack Obama paid a visit to an American mosque on Wednesday where he delivered an impassioned speech condemning Islamophobia.
Police departments in the Bay Area are working hard to increase security for the upcoming Super Bowl 50 to be held at the Levi's Stadium in Santa Clara, California, per FOX News. Authorities are doing all they can to gain insight on any potential threats during the week leading to the big event on Feb. 7.
Scientists are saying that the rise in temperature caused by El Niño speeds up the life cycle of the Aedes aegypti mosquito, which carries the Zika virus and other diseases like dengue. Current areas with Zika virus outbreaks are experiencing hot temperatures and drought.
Latin American health officials agreed to have an emergency meeting against the Zika virus outbreak Wednesday, Feb. 3. The meeting was held in Montevideo, Uruguay, participated by 14 health officials including Brazilian Health Minister Marcelo Castro.
The 92-year-old Sumner M. Redstone has resigned as the chairman of CBS. The company's position for CEO and president will be replaced by Leslie Moonves while Redstone becomes the company's chairman emeritus. His resignation is effective immediately.
The American Red Cross and the National Health Service (NHS) recently announced a 28-day ban on blood donors coming from the Latin America region and the Caribbean.