In light of yet another surge of undocumented minors entering the U.S. borders from Central America through the southern Mexico borders, the Obama Administration has orchestrated an initial plan to respond to the growing number of unaccompanied children.
Thousands of driver's licenses were recently issued to immigrants in California amidst immigration raids happening since January after the Assembly Bill 60 (AB 60) was passed and took effect last year. A total of 605,000 immigrants received their driver's licenses according to reports.
Cholesterol and sodium may have a tough time shedding their bad rap, but they are among ingredients that feature less prominently in the eighth version of the federal Dietary Guidelines for Americans, which were released on Jan. 7.
A father is speaking out after he claims his 10-year-old daughter was subjected to an "uncomfortable" screening at a Transportation Security Administration (TSA) airport security checkpoint in North Carolina.
The Texas state trooper involved in Sandra Bland's confrontational arrest three days before she was found dead in a cell at the Waller County jail last summer has been indicted on a perjury charge.
Marco Rubio is emerging more and more as the GOP's "establishment candidate" in the 2016 White House race, as party elders are looking for alternatives to controversial front-runner Donald Trump and Tea Party favorite Ted Cruz.
Republican White House hopeful Ted Cruz is accusing President Barack Obama of misleading Americans when he claims that his executive actions on gun violence are not aimed at taking people's weapons away.
Florida Congressman Alan Grayson is planning to file suit challenging Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz’s legal eligibility to assume the Oval Office as president.
A Latino, son of Mexican immigrants, living in the influential state of Colorado is among the focus of the Republican National Committee’s (RNC) latest diversity advertising campaign.
Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz continue to fight over the undecided Republican voters across Iowa and even New Hampshire four weeks before voting is set to begin.
BMW maintains their stand on selling diesel engine cars across the U.S., saying that they have no reason to back down as U.S. consumers continue to patronize their brand.
This year doughnuts will now cost more than just calories. Williamsburg’s Manila Social Club presents The Golden Cristal Ube Donut, adorned with Cristal champagne icing, filled with ube mousse and champagne jelly, and sprinkled with 24K gold flakes for $100 each.
"Hamilton," the hit Broadway musical started its $10 ticket lottery for matinee shows. With people vying for the discounted tickets, lines for the daily draws have gone longer and of late, the people on queue already covered most of the Broadway area -- from 46th Street to Times Square.
After years since the well-known Benghazi attack in Benghazi, Libya klled a U.S. ambassador and three other Americans back in 2012, the events on that day will be relived in a new film, "13 Hours," directed by Michael Bay and written by former army rangers Kris Paronto, John Tiegen and Mark Geist, who were part of the encounter.
In light of the recent surge in Cuban immigrants trying to enter the U.S. borders in the midst of the news that U.S.-Cuban relations are on restoration, one man dies while on the Panama-Costa Rica border while waiting with hundreds of Cubans trying to reach the U.S.
The trial has started for the former New York Police District cop, Scott Greene, from Suffolk County after being charged for allegedly stealing money from Hispanic drivers between 2010 and 2014. Reports say that court resumed on Tuesday where Greene pleaded not guilty.