US News

Bear Attack in New Jersey: Boy Scout Leader Survives Mauling

A Boonton Boy Scoutmaster survived a bear attack by striking the animal with a rock hammer and playing dead for over an hour, after it mauled him in a cave on Sunday afternoon.

Jimmy Carter's 28-Year-Old Grandson Dies After Having Heart Attack

Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter announced on Sunday that his 28-year-old grandson died from a sudden heart attack.

Barack Obama Says Donald Trump is Taking Advantage of ‘Misdirected’ Working-Class Fears

President Barack Obama has made his first direct criticism of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump in a taped interview with the National Public Radio before his winter vacation in Hawaii. Obama said that Trump is taking advantage of working-class Americans' fears when he proposed a ban on all Muslims entering the United States.

New York State Gambling Regulators Award Licenses to 3 New Casinos After a Year of Waiting

Gambling will further expand in the New York State as gambling regulators recently awarded new licenses to three casinos under construction in different parts of the state. The three new casinos are expected to come with more job opportunities, tax revenues and tourist attractions.

Secretary of State John Kerry Slammed for Stating Iran Could Bypass new Visa Rules

Republicans reacted negatively toward the Secretary of the State John Kerry after stating that Iran could bypass new visa rules.

Senator Lindsey Graham Quits as Republican Candidate in 2016 US Presidential Race

Sen. Lindsey Graham, running as a Republican candidate for the 2016 US presidential race, has decided to quit his campaign.

Stunt Double Olivia Jackson to Lose Arm After Botched 'Resident Evil' Stunt Sequence

Olivia Jackson openly shared that she will be having one of her arms amputated after a stunt accident on the set of "Resident Evil."

Is Miss Universe Gaffe Something That Miss Colombia Should Be Thankful for?

Steve Harvey's announcement in Miss Universe can actually be a good thing for Miss Colombia. Saturday night's Miss Universe gained numerous bashes as the host Steve Harvey made a mistake in announcing the winners.

US President Barack Obama Reprimands Republicans for Lack of Alternative Strategy on the Islamic State

In a recent interview with Barack Obama, he revealed how the Republican presidential candidates failed to give some alternative solution on how to handle the Islamic State.

Latin-Influenced Craft Brewery Named as One of the Coolest new Businesses in America This 2015

This 2015 has been a good year for entrepreneurs to start a new business. As a matter of fact, there are several new trends that have popped up. And with social media, crowdfunding and alternative lending options, and the constant technological evolution, these inspired businessmen to capitalize on new entrepreneurial ideas.

Miss Universe 2015 Conspiracy Theories: Publicity Stunt, Donald Trump Involvement and Other Speculations Run Amuck Social Media

Days after the controversial Miss Universe 2015 finale on Sunday, many beauty pageant enthusiasts seem to be having somewhat of a coronation night hangover. Up until now, the results of the competition are still the talk-of-the-town which have spawned thousands of headlines. Several conspiracy theorists are also having a field day with claims and accusations regarding the pageant’s dramatic conclusion.

Donald Trump Attacks Hillary Clinton: ‘I Know Where She Went -- It’s Disgusting’

Donald Trump has some harsh words for his rival Hilary Clinton regarding why she was seconds late at the Democratic candidate.

Donald Trump Would Find It ‘Despicable’ Had Vladimir Putin Indeed Killed Journalists

Donald Trump took the stand in defending Vladimir Putin against "politically motivated" journalists killings.

Baltimore Police Apologize to Family for Killing Robbery Suspect Amid Holiday Season

A police officer killed a robbery suspect, Edel Moreland after being threatened with a toy gun. Just last week, news emerged that an off duty police officer fired his gun at a robbery suspect, killing the suspect in the process.

Milk Collected from ‘Sleepy Cows’ Reduces Anxiety, Induces Sleep Better, Says Study

Milk from sleepy cows provides better health benefits in terms of insomnia and anxiety. Drinking a glass of warm milk is known to induce sleep. But a report which was released by Fox News stated that milk collected from "sleepy cows" are better in terms of inducing sleepiness as it has calming effects.

New House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan Lays Down 2016 Plans

Following the discussion on the 2016 budget, newly elected House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan lays down plans for 2016.

California Donald Trump Supporter Arrested for Making Bombs, Planning to Harm Muslims

A California man, who appears to be a supporter of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, was arrested over the weekend after police found a bomb in his home that he was allegedly planning to use to hurt Muslims.

One Killed, Dozens Injured After Oregon Woman Intentionally Plows into Crowded Las Vegas Strip [Watch]

One woman was killed, and dozens of people injured on Sunday after a driver deliberately plowed her vehicle through the crowded Las Vegas strip.

2016 Presidential Candidate Lindsey Graham Drops Out of GOP Primary [Watch]

South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham announced on Monday that he is dropping out of the Republican presidential primary race.

US Marshals Offer $5,000 Reward for 'Affluenza Teen' Ethan Couch

U.S. Marshals are now offering a $5,000 reward for information leading to the whereabouts of “affluenza teen” Ethan Couch.
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