US News

Pilots Makes Safe Landing in California After Plane's Landing Gear Fails to Open [VIDEO]

A pilot has been praised as a hero after he successfully made an emergency landing in a private jet in southern California even though the landing gear failed to open.

Obama Signs New Sweeping Education Bill to Rewrite No Child Left Behind

After more than a decade of national debate and public backlash over the No Child Left Behind law, President Barack Obama signed a bill on Thursday that drastically scales back the federal government's role in the U.S. public school system.

Chicago Latinos Disapprove Mayor Rahm Emanuel, But Approve of Police Department

A new study reveals that a mass majority of Latinos living in Chicago approve of the Chicago Police Department, but strongly disapprove of Mayor Rahm Emanuel in wake of public outrage over the police shooting Laquan McDonald.

Former Oklahoma Police Officer Found Gulity of Sexually Assualting Several African-American Women

A former Oklahoma police officer was found guilty Thursday of sexually assaulting and abusing several women from the low-income neighborhood he patrolled.

Laquan McDoanld News Update: Slain Teen's Family Calls for 'Federal Summit on Violence' in Chicago

The family of slain teen Laquan McDonald is calling for a “federal summit on violence” in their first public remarks since a Chicago police officer’s grisly killing of the youth.

Leaders Condemn Justice Scalia for Derogatory Race Comments in Affirmative Action Case

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia is under fire for suggesting that black students should go to "a slower-track school where they do well" rather than a highly selective college during the arguments of an Affirmative Action case.

Congressional Hispanic Caucus Chair Linda Sanchez Announces Bid for House Democratic Caucus Vice Chair

Congressional Hispanic Congress (CHC) Chairwoman Linda Sanchez, D-Calif., announced her bid for the second-highest rank within the House Democratic Caucus.

Muhammad Ali Defends Islam, Criticizes Donald Trump

One of the country's most renowned American Muslims, Muhammad Ali, spoke out Wednesday against a growing political anti-Islamic sentiment, particularly in respect to comments made by presidential candidate Donald Trump.

Chipotle CEO Makes Public Apology to Sick Customers

Chipotle founder and co-CEO Steve Ells said he is "deeply sorry" about the customers who became sick after eating at the chain over the last several weeks and announced that the restaurant is taking aggressive measures to avoid another situation.

Puerto Rico Debt Crisis: Senate Republicans Present Puerto Rico Relief Bill

U.S. Senate Republicans presented a bill that would allocate $3 billion in federal assistance to help dig Puerto Rico out of its massive $72 billion debt crisis.

President Obama, First Lady Reveal Favorite Books, Movies and Songs of 2015

Even though they are the most powerful couple in the world, President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama are firmly grounded in reality and indulge in pop culture just like anyone else. Now, they have revealed their favorite works of 2015 in the literary, visual and musical arts genres. See their selections here.

Evenwel v. Abbott: Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders Urge Supreme Court to Protect Equal Representation for Latinos

Following the U.S. Supreme Court oral arguments for the Evenwel v. Abbott case, which may affect non-eligible voters’ representation, the Democratic presidential candidates have called on the highest court to make the right call.

Senate Judicial Confirmation Vote for Judge Luis Felipe Restrepo Set for January 2016

After more than a year in limbo, the Senate judicial confirmation vote for Judge Luis Felipe Restrepo is officially set for early 2016.

Former Jared Foundation Director to Be Sentenced on Child Pornography Charges

The ex-director of the Jared Foundation, established by former Subway pitchman Jared Fogle, will be sentenced Thursday on charges of child pornography and child sexual exploitation.

Gun Rights Activists to Stage Mock Mass Killing on Texas Campus

The University of Texas at Austin will be the site of a mock mass killing on Saturday that gun rights activists say is aimed at protesting efforts to restrict the right to carry firearms on campus.

San Bernardino Shooting News: Attackers May Have Planned to Kill More People With Bomb

In addition to going on a shooting rampage, investigators say the San Bernardino shooters may have also planned to kill first responders with a self-detonating bomb.

Immigration Reform News: Government to Open More Detention Centers After Surge of Unaccompanied Children

The Obama administration is preparing to house over 5,000 undocumented children who crossed the U.S.-Mexico border last month, mainly in search of refuge from a spike of violence taking place in Central America.

Supreme Court Reviews Affirmative Action Case

The U.S. Supreme Court reviewed a case Wednesday that could deal a detrimental blow to college affirmative action practices.

Alligator Attacks, Eats 22-Year-Old Suspected Burglar in Florida

A suspected burglar was eaten alive by an alligator while he was allegedly hiding out from cops in a Florida lake last month.

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel Apologizes for Laquan McDonald Shooting

A growing stream of protestors took to the streets of downtown Chicago early Wednesday, blocking a main intersection near City Hall, and feverishly calling for the resignation of Mayor Rahm Emanuel.
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