US News

Michelle Obama State Dinner Dress Stuns Social Media

On Friday, Sept. 25, First Lady Michelle Obama and President Barack Obama attended the China State Dinner while donning ensembles that have received rave reviews from fashion critics and social media users.

Immigration News: Asians to Replace Latinos as Top Immigrant Group in US: Pew

Migrants from Asia are set to replace Latinos as the largest immigrant group in the United States over the next 40 years, and the nation's overall population will feel the impact of that shift, a large-scale survey of U.S. immigration trends predicts.

Donald Trump vs. Ben Carson Polls: Undisputed GOP Poll Leader in Virtual Tie With Former Brain Surgeon

Donald Trump is no longer the hands on Republican front-runner in his 2016 bid for the White House, and in fact is now locked in a virtual tie atop the polls with retired neurosurgeon and political neophyte Ben Carson.

Kim Davis Controversy News: Pope Francis Sides with Rowan County Clerk on Marriage License Battle?

Pope Francis on Monday seemed to weigh in on the controversy surrounding Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis' refusal to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, claiming that such defiance is a "human right."

New York Prison Escape: Employee Joyce Mitchell Sentenced for Aiding 2 Convicted Murderers Escape

Prison employee Joyce Mitchell was sentenced on Monday for aiding two convicted murders in their escape from a maximum security prison this past June.

Obama, Putin Speak at United Nations; Obama Criticizes Russian Action in Syria

Obama criticized Russian action in Syria at a speech before the United Nations this Monday morning. President Barack Obama and Russian president Vladimir Putin were scheduled to speak before the United Nations Monday, setting out plans to address a four-year Syrian civil war that has left the country devastated.

NASA to Announce Mars Has Seasonal Flowing Water: Is Life Possible on Red Planet?

NASA released a press statement on Thursday, Sept. 24 indicating that big news about Mars was to come on Monday.

Jeb Bush Controversy: GOP Candidate Stumbles with 'Free Stuff' Comment Aimed at Black Voters

The GOP could boost its appeal to black voters if it turned to a message of "hope and aspiration" instead of promises of "free stuff," White House hopeful Jeb Bush told a crowd on Thursday.

Poll: Donald Trump Now Neck-and-Neck With Ben Carson in 2016 Presidential Race

Republican presidential bets Donald Trump and Ben Carson enter an almost-tie ratings, according to the latest poll released Sunday by NBC/WSJ.

What Keeps The Pope Active at 79?

With over two dozen events crammed in to his five day U.S. visit the energetic pontiff seems to be making a very good case for expecting more out of the elderly

Clinton, Biden to Headline Gay Rights Group's Soirée

The headline speakers at a key event organized by the nation's largest gay rights group may well end up becoming rivals for the Democrats' 2016 nomination - if Joe Biden decides to launch his own White House bid, that is.

Survey: Latino Catholics More Conservative, Aligned With Church Teachings

Latinos in the Catholic Church make up more than a third of the denomination's flock in the United States, and they tend to be more conservative and more closely aligned with its teachings, a new poll suggests.

¿Qué Dices?: Latin Post Gets Reaction to Pope Francis' Historic First Visit to US

Latin Post Gets Reaction from Latino Catholic Millennials and teens from a Jesuit High School to Pope Francis' Historic First Visit to the U.S.

Democratic Presidential Debate 2016: Date, Time & Preview, Live Streaming & VR on CNN

CNN is planning to live-stream the first Democratic presidential debate of 2015 "in full 3D immersive virtual reality."

Immigration Reform News: Improved Immigrant Rights Bills Introduced After Pope Francis Congress' Visit

Following Pope Francis' message for cooperation and legislators to represent the people, Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard, D-Calif., announced the introduction of two bills providing improved treatment for immigrants.

Delano Grape Strike: 50th Anniversary of Historic Labor Rights Movement

Labor rights advocates are honoring the 50th anniversary of the Delano Grape Strike in California, where Latino and Filipino farm workers united and called for improved working environments.

Obama, Putin Meeting: Presidents to Meet at UNGA Meeting in New York Next Week

The Obama administration announced Thursday that President Barack Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin are set to meet in New York next week.

US GDP 2015: Economy Grew 3.9 Percent in Second Quarter

According to a statement from Jason Furman, “Real GDP growth in the second quarter was revised up for a second time, as consumers spent more and businesses invested more than previously estimated.”

Government Shutdown 2015: GOP Leaders Push Bill to Avert Shutdown

Republican leaders in the U.S. Congress on Thursday began advancing bills to prevent the right-wing sector of their Party from shutting down the government next week in effort to defund Planned Parenthood.

Marco Rubio on Donald Trump: Senator Calls Trump 'Touchy and Insincere Guy'

Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio took a few sharp shots at GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump on Thursday, calling the billionaire businessman a "touchy and insincere guy" who is not well-informed about key issues in the race.
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