US News

U.S. Supreme Court to Hear Internet Freedom Of Speech Case

Is a death threat expressed on line in social media an actual threat or can it be protected speech under the First Amendment? The U.S. Supreme Court will hear testimony arguing for and against in the case Elonis v. United States about whether violent threats on social should be protected speech.

Girl Scouts to Begin Selling Cookies Online Via High Tech ‘Digital Cookie’ eCommerce Platform

The future of Girl Scout cookie sales is about to go digital. Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) unveiled on Monday a new program called “Digital Cookie,” the first national digital platform that was designed to expand and strengthen Girl Scouts’ approach to the program’s essential skill set.

Obama Job Approval Rating 2014: Support for Obama Low Among College-Educated, Non-College Educated Whites Than Latinos, Blacks

President Barack Obama and the Democratic Party's job approval ratings have overall been over 50 percent among Latinos, but percentage rate is significantly lower with whites.

Supreme Court to Hear Facebook Threats Case, Decide Whether Intimidating Posts Are Protected by the First Amendment

The Supreme Court will hear a case Monday on whether threats made on Facebook constitute a criminal act or are protected under the First Amendment.

Black Friday & Cyber Monday Sales Numbers: Holiday Weekend Shopping Drops by 11 Percent at Stores and Online

Due to longer and earlier promotions this year, fewer shoppers were seen in stores or online over the holiday weekend than last year, a trend that is expected to continue throughout Cyber Monday.

World AIDS Day 2014: Events, Themes Bring Awareness for HIV/AIDS

People around the world are coming together to support those living with the HIV and AIDS virus on Monday Dec. 1 for the 26th annual World AIDS Day.

Middle East News: US Embassy Worker in Yemen Accused of Giving Out Fake Visas With Fake Oil Company Name

The Feds are investigating a potential security breach that involved a U.S. embassy worker issuing at least 50 fake visas to Yemeni people entering the United States.

Officer Darren Wilson Decision, Testimony & Verdict: Cop Said He Felt Like a Child Against Michael Brown

Darren Wilson, the Ferguson, Missouri police officer who fatally shot 18-year-old Michael Brown, says he feared for his life the day of the incident.

Michael Brown Memorial Run: Two Men Run 540 Miles in Memory of Slain Teen

Two men ran 540 miles from Atlanta to Ferguson in memory of 18-year-old Michael Brown who was fatally shot by a police officer.

Presidential Medal of Freedom Winners 2014: President Barack Obama Awards Stevie Wonder, Meryl Streep and Diverse Group Award

President Barack Obama awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom to over 10 individuals last Monday including actress Meryl Streep and musician Stevie Wonder.

#fireElizabethLauten Trending After Tennesee Worker Says Barack Obama's Daughters Sasha and Malia Don't Have Class

Social media users have created the hashtag #fireElizabethLauten which has grown to become a trending topic on Twitter following Lauten’s Facebook attack about President Barack Obama’s daughters, Sasha and Malia.

California Couple's Passports Confiscated in Qatar Airport Despite Charges of Murdering Their Daughter Being Dropped

A California couple was blocked from exiting Qatar hours after being freed from jail there for the alleged January 2013 death of their adopted daughter.

Michael Brown Story and Tensions News: Officer Darren Wilson Hopes Resignation Will 'Heal' the Ferguson, Missouri Community

The police officer involved in the shooting of Michael Brown has resigned, according to a letter from his lawyer on Saturday night.

Family Dog Dies After Saving Owners From Road-Raging Gunman

Noah, a dog in Atlanta, died after taking a bullet from a road-raging gunman, saving his family's life Friday.

Missing Georgia Boy Reunited With Mother After 4 Years, Father Denied Bail After Hiding Him Behind Fake Wall

A 13-year-old boy missing for nearly four years reunited with his mother Saturday after being found in his father's Georgia home.

Supreme Court 2014: Justices to Hear First Amendment Case Based on Threatening Language on Internet

Supreme Court justices are set to hear a case Monday, which probes the limits of free speech over the Internet.

Ferguson Cop Resigns: Darren Wilson Quits After Police Department Receives Violent Threats

The Ferguson police officer, Darren Wilson, who was involved in the shooting death of unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown, has resigned from the police force.

Barack Obama Immigration Executive Order: President Talks Immigration With Mexico & Ireland Leaders

Last week, President Barack Obama announced the administration's decision to restrain deportations of up to 4.5 million undocumented immigrants in the country and make them eligible for work permits.

Cyber Monday Tech Deals: Apple iPad Mini, 60-Inch Samsung HDTV, PS4 & Other Hot-Ticket Items

Tech items are one of the most sought after, and with this Latin Post roundup, you're guaranteed to find the best deals.

President Obama Threatens to Veto Tax Deal That Would Help the Wealthy

President Barack Obama has threatened to veto a bipartisan tax deal that would create permanent tax perks for corporations without giving tax breaks to middle and working class Americans.
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