Angry over a grand jury's decision not to indict Officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of an unarmed teenager, protesters peacefully shut down several shopping malls and stores in St. Louis on one of the most profitable days in the retail industry.
New York City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito defended Mayor Bill De Blasio in response to criticism from the National Institute of Latino Policy (NiLP) that the De Blasio Administration had a poor record of appointing Latinos for administration or agency positions. NiLP argued that in a city where the Latino population is 29 percent, the Latino hiring rate for city appointments is low and 30 city agencies lacked highly-placed Latinos.
A man was killed and a woman injured from a double shooting inside the Nordstrom department store on Chicago's Magnificent Mile during Black Friday shopping
A photograph of a police officer and protester in Portland, Oregon, sharing a moment of compassion during a Ferguson rally is spreading like wildfire online.
The excitement is growing for the Nov. 29 Powerball jackpot, which currently stands at $90 million. The drawing will take place Saturday night at 11 p.m. EDT.
A grassroots campaign, 'No Justice, No Profit, organized with celebrities and Hollywood stars called for a nationwide boycott of retail stores on Black Friday, under the Twitter hashtag #BlackOutBlackFriday and #BoycottBlackFriday, was created as a continuation of protests against the grand jury's decision not to indict the police officer who shot and killed Michael Brown in Ferguson, St. Louis on August 9.
President Barack Obama's immigration reform executive action has paved the way for undocumented immigrants to be eligible for Medicare and Social Security benefits, the White House has confirmed.
Bigfoot enthusiast will have to wait longer than expect to see the premiere of the "Finding Bigfoot" episode featuring comedian Bobcat Goldthwait that was filmed in New Jersey over the summer.
Christmas season has officially started at the White House. A 20-foot Christmas tree arrived Friday morning receiving a thumbs-up from First Lady Michelle Obama and daughters Malia and Sasha.
VGAs take place in Vegas Dec. 5 A big night for game creators and gamers alike takes place next Friday in Las Vegas with The Game Awards. There's plenty at stake on the big evening, so let's take a look at the awards and the nominees.
Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto in a speech from the National Palace on Thursday revealed his new security plan for the country in response to protests against the disappearance, and presumed murder, of 43 students two months ago. In his speech he announced a series of measures to check organized crime in municipal governments.
A woman from northeast Ohio is recovering from her sixth surgery related to injuries from a rock being dropped onto her vehicle from a Pennsylvania overpass. The middle school teacher's skull was crushed in the incident.
"Pregnant man" Thomas Beatie was arrested Thursday by Phoenix police for allegedly placing a GPS tracking device on his estranged wife's car to stalk her.