US News

114th Congress Update: Rep. Ben Ray Luján Nominated as 1st Latino Chair for Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee

The Democratic leader in the House of Representatives has named a Latino representative from New Mexico to head the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC). If approved by the Democratic caucus, Rep. Ben Ray Luján will be the first Latino to hold the position.

Elderly Couple Refuses Medical Attention After Plane Crashes '8 Inches Away From Them' Into Their Chicago Home

An elderly couple walked away without any injuries after a small cargo plane crashed into their home in Chicago, only inches away from where they were sleeping. The pilot, however, died at the scene when his Aero Commander 500-B plane slammed into the Southwest Side house at around 2:40 a.m. Tuesday morning.

Florida Sinkholes Update: Holes Continue to Open in Residential Areas [PHOTO]

Three separate sinkholes have opened up in the last week all within a Tampa-Bay neighborhood, swallowing a car and causing issues amongst the residents.

Jodi Arias Trial Update News 2014: Judge Delays Death Penalty Retrial Without Giving a Reason

There has been yet another delay in the Jodi Arias sentencing retrial. There has been yet another delay in the Jodi Arias sentencing retrial. After returning from recess on Monday, Superior Court Judge Sherry Stephens announced that the trial will be postponed until Thursday because of an emergency situation, CBS 5 in Arizona reports.

Winter 2014 Forecast, Predictions and Weather: Great Lakes Give New York First Snow Fall of Season, Shut Down of Thruway

Three feet of lake-effect snow blanketed the Buffalo area Tuesday, forcing the closure of a 132-mile stretch of the state Thruway.

Brooklyn Bridge News 2014: French Tourist Arrested After Climbing New York City Bridge

Thrill-seeking Frenchman climbs the Brooklyn Bridge, becoming the third case of tourists climbing the iconic beams

Virginia Woman Charged for Lying About Promoting Islamic State and Trying to Bring Supporters to Syria via Facebook

A Virginia woman has been charged for promoting the Islamic State on social media and offering to help get an acquaintance into Syria to join the extremist group.

Asian Group Files Lawsuit Against Harvard University for Rejecting Them: Does the School Have Higher Admission Requirements for Asians?

A lawsuit filed Monday by Asian students rejected from Harvard University is attacking the school's affirmative action policies, stating that Asians often with higher grade-point averages and test scores than black and Hispanic students who get in are not accepted.

ISIS Killings and Beheading News: Man Shown in Terrorist Group Video Beheading US Aid Worker Reportedly an Islam Convert From France

Paris authorities said Monday that one of the Islamic State extremists involved in a video showing a beheaded U.S. aid worker and slaughtered Syrian soldiers is an Islamic convert Frenchman.

Immigration Reform & Law 2014: White House Cites Immigration Bills From Previous Presidents to Justify Executive Action

The White House on Monday cited a 1986 immigration legislation that granted amnesty to many undocumented immigrants without accounting for their spouses or children, to justify its own plans to issue an executive order on immigration.

Charles Manson Marriage: Wedding Could Come Soon as 26-Year-Old Star Wants Exclusive Information on Murder Case

Convicted mass murderer Charles Manson plans to marry a 26-year-old woman named Afton Elaine Burton, who runs several websites promoting his release and has spent the last nine years trying to help exonerate him.

Mega Millions Numbers & Results November 18, 2014: Live Stream of Drawing Time; $35M Jackpot

If you're feeling lucky, then you may want to purchase a ticket for the Mega Millions lottery jackpot, which currently stands at $35 million. The drawing will take place on Tuesday, Nov. 18, at 11 p.m. EST.

Michael Brown Cop Shooting: State of Emergency Called, National Guard Prepared in Preparation of Grand Jury Decision on Officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson, Missouri

On Monday dozens of demonstrators protested in Clayton, Missouri where a grand jury is set to decide whether to indict a white police officer Darren Wilson for killing unarmed black teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri back in August.

Immigration Executive Action Update: Obama 'Attempted' to Work With GOP, 116 House Democrats Write Support for Executive Action

According to one Democratic lawmaker in Washington, D.C., President Barack Obama has “attempted” to work with the Republican Party on comprehensive immigration reform.

New York Mayor Signs Law Limiting City Cooperation With Immigration

New York City has passed new laws to limit cooperation with Immigration and Customs Enforcement when it comes to arrests. Under the Secure Communities Program, people were being held for 48 hours without a warrant while ICE checked its records whether to deport or detain the person. Civil rights group complained the program violated constitutional rights and were beginning to mount lawsuits alleging police departments violated constitutional rights of those people held.

Immigration Reform News: Executive Action Delay Caused 'Loss' of Latino Vote at Midterm Elections, Says Bill Clinton

Former President Bill Clinton said the low Latino voter turnout for the midterm elections might have been connected to the immigration reform executive action delay.

Obama Executive Actions on Immigration: President Addresses Imminent Action, Government Shutdown, His Authorities at G20 Summit

Talks about President Barack Obama’s imminent immigration reform executive action followed him to the Group of 20 (G20) summit in Australia.

Chinese Immigrant Pushed In Front of Bronx Subway Train: Police Release Video of Suspect Smoking Cigarette After the Alleged Murder

Moments before 8:45 a.m. on Nov. 16, Wai Kuen Kwok, a 61-year-old Chinese immigrant, was standing with his wife and waiting for a downtown train at a Bronx subway station on E. 167 St. to board the train to Manhattan's Chinatown for breakfast and grocery shopping, according to New York Police Department. However, they never made it to their destination.

Oregon Voters Vote Against Law Giving Driver's Licenses To Undocumented Residents

Oregon voters were asked if they would support a measure that would have given undocumented residents driving licenses - 66 percent of voters voted against the measure despite a state law to approve the measure.

Report: Child Homelessness at Highest Point Ever; California, Mississippi and Alabama Given Worst Ratings

According to a comprehensive state-by-state report issued by the National Center on Family Homelessness, one in every 30 children living in the United States is homeless. This alarming statistic means a total of 2.5 million children -- an all time high.
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